Data presentation on How the United States Convinced Ukraine to Denuclearize Russia’s annexation and invasion of Ukraine poses an uncomfortable focus on the number of security guarantees pledged by the nuclear powers in exchange for its disarmament.  The threat comes after Ukraine inherited the third world’s most massive atomic weapons before the fall of Russia in 1991 (Ford, 2007 389-409). Russia left behind most of the nuclear arsenals in Ukraine, which were not operational because the launch codes remained in Russia. Additionally, Ukraine lacked appropriate technology to operate its inherited rockets and other weapons. Therefore, nuclear warheads remained non-deployable. Theoretically, Ukraine could have reprogrammed the nuclear control systems and acquire essential surplus technology to make its atomic weapons partly operative. According to United States Resources and Defense Council, at the point of attainment of independence in 1991, Ukraine had far more nuclear arsenal than France, China, and the U.K. combined (Kiernan, 2008 17-31. So, if Ukraine had reserved or made functional only a small fraction of the nuclear armaments, today it would be among the most feared atomic nations. The…

LES MISERABLE The story is about a peasant by the name Jean Valjean who was condemned to nineteen years imprisonment for stealing a loaf of bread to feed his nephew, who was starving. Valjean later commits a property crime against a priest who had sheltered him for a night immediately after getting off prison because he was degraded and embittered by his experience in prison. The priest refused to accuse Valjean hence saving him from reimprisonment. The latter leads Valjean into committing his life to that of service and virtue. Valjean concludes that the only way he can follow the path is by going underground and breaking his parole. The rest of the story shows the success and efforts of Valjean in helping others shadowed by Javert, a police officer obsessed with re-imprisoning and tracking down him down. The battle ensuing between the two protagonists Valjean and Javert, is set against the poor French suffering in the years after Napoleon was defeated and the revolutionary sentiments that stirred in Paris at the moment. However, the moral of the drama comes…

The Role of the Lighthouse in the Novel, “To The Lighthouse” Abstract Mr. Ramsay’s and other visitors go back to their summer cottage a decade after the Part I scenes in the book, “To the Lighthouse.” Mr. Ramsay eventually plans to take the lengthy-delayed journey with children Cam(illa) and James to the lighthouse. The trip almost did not take place, as the kids were not prepared, but finally, they set forth. In the book, Both James Ramsey and Lily Briscoe are consciously searching for something.  The essay critically analyzes the role of the house of light in the novel. The lighthouse serves as a strong indication of unattainability. This is also a sign of the supremacy of family and how the authority of going to the lighthouse had a great deal to do with family authority. Main body Generally, a lighthouse is a tall construction filled by a powerful light that is used as a signal or beacon to assist maritime mapping.” It’s something folks can look for when lost for direction.  It is a “high structure”-a large, stable, non-moving…

Best Gadgets for Web Designers to Use in 2020 There are different great designing tools around the world these days. For any problem that may that arise on your website, there is a likelihood that someone has designed a tool to solve it. It may be a standalone utility or a feature within the more extensive app. Although the web design has changed over time, there is still that spirit of sharing your work with different tools. Just like in other professionals, website designers have got a set of tools that helps to lessen or slightly improve their work. There are several applications available that steps in for designers in their work, but some stand out.  In this article, I have outlined the most outstanding designing gadget that designers should consider incorporating into their work. Flow map It is an excellent tool for creating sitemaps and graphs to be followed by the user. It is one of your best devices due to its simplicity. With it, you can easily map out your website’s site. Besides, it provides an excellent idea…

 modernization theories and third world development Isbister (2014), when addressing the modernization theories and third world development, argues that “Capitalism is a system of decentralized power with many different people controlling the wealth of the country.” (p. 38). I disagree entirely with his postulation that ” Poverty and backwardness of the third world can be understood as the failure of such societies to kindle some sparks of creativity as first world countries.” (p. 38). When you consider levels of poverty and backwardness to a lack of creativity, then you take away the social and political aspects of the developing nations. Most third world nations have dealt with numerous challenges like wars, prolonged droughts, diseases, poor infrastructure, amongst others. To then compare them to first-world countries that are way advanced in technology and have huge budgets is not a fair evaluation, and lack of creativity is not the reason for slowed development in third world nations. Poverty, I feel, is the major contributing factor for the modern-day imperialism. Most underdeveloped nations have signed large scale projects with the developed countries in…

Jonathan Swift on fate of the poverty-stricken Irish In his modest proposal, Jonathan Swift addressed the sad fate of the poverty-stricken Irish who have to spend their entire time begging in the streets trying to feed their children. Considering the hard-edge economic situations and self-righteous moral stance, Swift advocates that these street families should fatten up their kids and sell them to wealthy British. He argues that children could be sold at the mere age of one, giving low-income families some income, while sparing them the cost of bringing up children. But why would he suggest something as outlandish as this? Swift used satire to make his point. He employed the concept of humor, irony, and exaggeration to ridicule others` ideas. He didn’t support the idea of selling kids as food, but he used the bizarre concept to deliver a moral point that I am going to talk about in this essay. Swift used shockingly literal ways to illustrate the nation’s self-degradation. His idea of feeding children to the wealthy casts a dismal condemnation on the nature relations in the…

“The Communist Manifesto” The Communist Manifesto” is one of the most influential political documents that was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The political pamphlet was written on February 21, 1848 and its contents have continued to reverberate with increasing force into the 20th and 21st centuries. The pamphlet reflects an attempt by the authors to explain the main goals of Communism. Organized into four sections, it attempts to explain the class relationships and the flaws that exist in these relationships. Eventually, Karl Max and Engel argue that the class struggles and the exploitation of some classes by others are the main motivations behind all historical developments. These exploitations exist within the class relationships. However, the relationships may eventually stop to be compatible with the arising forces of production, thus leading to a revolution and an emergence of a new class that becomes the ruling one. This is a process that is known as the ‘march of history’ that is driven by more significant economic forces. The authors apply several critical approaches to underscore this argument. “The Communist Manifesto”…

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