Jack Ma’s Emotional Intelligence Introduction History of the company Jack Ma led 17 other investors in establishing the Alibaba Group in 1999. The initial goal of the tech-preneurs was to leverage the power of wholesale internet marketplace from the outset. To start an e-commerce business platform for Chinese companies, Jack Ma scrapped $80,000 from 80 investors (Glowik 98). The founders hammered a vision of establishing a Chinese-based e-commerce company that would deliver goods to 730 million Internet users in China. They believed Internet would enable small enterprises to compete both domestically and internationally by levering the playing field through innovation and technology. As of 2014, Alibaba Group is the largest business-to-business e-commerce marketplace for small businesses in the world (Glowik 96). The multinational conglomerate specializes in technology, Internet, retail, and commerce. The global online platform has three primary services: AliExpress.com, China 1688.com portal, and the Alibaba.com. Jack Ma’s Background Originally, Ma Yun, Jack Ma was born on September 10, 1964, in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, China at a time of communism. He worked as a tourist guide in Hangzhou in his…

A discussion on the negative implications of Artificial Intelligence- Causes and solutions AI or Artificial Intelligence is a form of technology that is shaping the modern world. It is changing the ways in which people work, interact, and communicate with each other. However, AI also has the potential of messing the lives of modern people. The negative consequences are tremendous. There is a necessity to comprehend the negative impacts of technology so that modern society can find ways to mitigate the issues. First of all, AI can create employment issues. People are losing jobs because machines are replacing the tasks of modern humans (Acemoglu & Restrepo, 2018). Without proper training, it would be impossible to prepare the workforce for the future. AI has the potential to exceed human capabilities, and therefore, the dangers are lurking in the periphery. Advancements in AI technology will create the need for new global regulations. There is a need for advanced regulations and laws. Governments are supposed to create an effective and safe environment for businesses. However, issues related to regulations exist because decisions and…

Coordination in counterintelligence in the article high levels Summary of the article The article is about how human intelligence in the United States simulates and works in different organs so that to achieve their objective of intelligence. The structure and roles of the counterintelligence are included in the intelligence service and determined by activities of the chief adversary more than other factors. Discussions of the United States counterintelligence should begin with the soviet services that are provided by the Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti and the GRU since they are state security services (Rositzke,2019). The Russian service work with nineteen intelligence services of the communist governments in Eastern Europe. The working of hand to hand with other governments is to ensure that there are standard controls of intelligence and security. They provided that they have proper mandates from their heads so that they execute their responsibilities in time and with effectiveness. In this article, defense against attack is classified in two ways that are: passive and active, resulting in the name counterespionage. Plus, they contain twin halves of counterintelligence. According to the…

Intelligence Report Evaluation Report Evaluation Gang-related murders and drug activities pose a challenge to law enforcement. The mandate of the law enforcement agency is to protect citizens by dealing with crime. Arresting criminals is one way of reducing crime. Arrests are not enough, and as such, lowering the crime rate through prevention is essential in law enforcement. Prevention, however, cannot take place without intelligence and investigative activities hence a need for law enforcement intelligence. Information is thus crucial since it assists in the prevention and resource allocation (“Understanding Contemporary Law Enforcement Intelligence: Concept and Definition”, n.d.). As a Commander of the Western District, it is thus essential to evaluate intelligence made available. There are different types of gangs, according to the National Gang Threat Assessment (Carter, 2009, p22). The two types of gangs involved in the report include prison gangs (TTG) and Regional Street gangs (Saints and Demons). Information Available for Decision Making The intelligence report indicates that drug-related murders occurring in 2018 were gang-related. The two gangs in question, namely the demons and saints, were responsible for the majority…

“Is Google Making Us Stupid” In choosing the topical issue for my final research paper, I considered the article “Is Google Making Us Stupid” by Nicholas Carr. Through some research, I found many articles addressed the issue of parents cautioning their children on the use of the internet. After reading a couple of these articles, I developed the research question: How have children’s mental and physical development been impacted by the use of internet browsing in their everyday activities and how these will affect their social skills and their learning abilities? I reached a working hypothesis with the information gathered from peer-reviewed articles and also books that discuss this issue. My hypothesis is that children exposed to internet browsing develop a social and learning disability and also encounter physical and self-esteem challenges. In this term paper, therefore, I will discuss why I chose the aforementioned topical issue, a summary of the factors on the topical issue, and how I will persuade the reader to agree with my argument by appealing to ethos, logos, and pathos. This article “Is Google Making…

The Negative Effects of Artificial Intelligence AI (Artificial Intelligence) is changing the nature of nearly all that pertains to human life, for example, economy, employment, privacy, economy, warfare, healthcare, ethics, and communication among others. Nonetheless, the world is yet to realize its advancement in the long-run, whether it is directing humankind towards making the world a better place to live or a place full of tragedy. All technologies have their advantages and inconveniences. However, benefits at all times prevail over the disadvantages for a tech to survive in a market. However, for AI, the world is not yet convinced whether in the long-run the positive impacts will always keep overshadowing adverse effects, and this appears not the case then the world is in a severe crisis. Analyzing the current situation, on one side, the planet appears to embrace the transformations brought about by technology, be it smart healthcare, autonomous automobiles. On the other hand, people in most cases find objecting against the government in the context of taxes, redundancy, and privacy, among others. As the advancement of AI speeds up,…

Concept of Mental Age Mental age is the age level of the mental ability of an individual (Benjamin, 2009). It bases on the period in which it takes an average individual to reach that same level of mental attainment — mental age measured by standardized intelligence tests (Benjamin, 2009). For example, early versions of the Standford-Binet Intelligence Scales calculated a mental age based on how well a child performed on the test. The concept of mental age has been debatable over the years. The supporters of the idea believe intellectual development is the same for every child. Those who do not agree with this concept believe intellectual development is not a straight path as it depends on the individual, which is true because every child is different in their way (David, 2019). In the context of persons with intellectual disability, the concept of mental age is also debatable. According to (Brown, McDonnell, and Snell, 2016), the idea of psychological maturity is just a way of denying equal rights to people with disabilities. They claim that people use this concept to…

Dark Web- Concept, access, positive and negative implications Definition of Dark Web In the World Wide Web, one of the components is the Dark Web that refers to the content of the darknets. It is regarded as one of the parts of Deep Web. However, the nature of the content remains unencrypted. Ways of accessing Dark Web Dark Web cannot be accessed by every user. Special software and configurations are required to gain access to Dark Web (Spalevic & Ilic, 2017). Using regular search engines, it cannot be accessed. The website operators, as well as the users, remain untraceable. Hence, normal activities on the browser do not give access to the content. Usage by criminals Criminals use the Dark Web to scam reputed organizations and individuals. The cybercriminals can remain anonymous and targets the email addresses of the organizations and individuals. The purpose is to get involved in phishing activities and hack accounts of those email users (Berton, 2015). After tracking down the email address, cybercriminals can get personal and sensitive financial data about their target. They can steal passwords…

 intelligence question This is not your ordinary ″essay″ midterm. For the midterm project you will deliver two intelligence collection plans (a tactical and a separate strategic collection plan). You are expected to deliver in .ppt or .xls format a table that is a matrix of potential intelligence targets and collection methods (feel free to break down major methods of collection, like SIGINT, into their components: ELINT, COMINT, MASINT, TELINT, etc.). You are asked to submit two matrices: one that deals with tactical intelligence and one that deals with strategic intelligence. You are required to identify and describe an intelligence question (of your choice) that drives each of these matrices. Remember what you learned early on in this class: clarity in the intelligence question is the most important element of collection planning. Your grade will be based on the following rubric and I recommend you make a check list to be sure you have: 1) the primary intelligence question or requirement identified (in two separate strategic and tactical matrices), 2) you′ve listed your sub-questions or component information requirements(PIRs/EEIs), 3) listing of…

how artificial intelligence can be combined with a human brain The human history has shaped human identity throughout with the improvement of the new technology as well as the cultivations of new human-technological relationships in the society plus life. Digital technology and human enhancements Technogym has suggestion unique opportunities for improving the human condition through augmenting human ability as well as practices in life. Singularity is the moment when changed very much that its rules, as well as technologies, are beyond the understanding of the prior generations. That is described as appointing in history with no return. This paper, therefore, talks over the singularity, giving in detail how artificial intelligence can be combined with a human brain, the advantages, and disadvantages, why it is supported, by who and why. Literature review. Makridakis and Spyros (46-60), in their article “The forthcoming Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution: Its impact on society and firms,” states that the digital and industrial revolutions have positively most aspects of our life, society, firms as well as employment. In their study, they conclude that the significant competitive will…

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