Can Intelligence Be Altered? The intelligence of any individual is dependent on factors incorporating genetics, education, and the environment. The nurturing by the parent determines the child’s intelligence, depending on the parents’ approach in raising their children. Parents can foster the development of particular talents in the children, thus influencing their preferences, religious beliefs, and knowledge acquisition that ultimately determines their future careers. Social control regulates how a person responds to different situations by conforming to societal norms that define one’s reasoning. It is, therefore, true that intelligence is not dependent on the genes but the ability to learn from experiences and adapt to changing environments. Consequently, adapting to the evolving environments relies on the nurturing of the child.

Business Intelligence Question 1 The principal objective of business intelligence is to aid in the process of decision making. A proper BI system within the corporate will assist managers and business owners to get data with the right format on time. BI assists in the process of decision making as a result of the many powerful elements that it has (Trieu, 2017). The elements include data visualization, interactivity, predictive analytics, application integration, and database connection. Through these elements, the business is able to take a more structured view of the information to give deep interpretations. Business Intelligence offers the organization a competitive advantage as it brings an increased understanding of the forces that shape businesses and markets while helping the organization act on that knowledge (Trieu, 2017). In comparison, the traditional approaches did not get into details, and therefore there was no deep understanding of the acquisition of knowledge to help in creating a competitive advantage. Nevertheless, unlike traditional approaches that were less complicated, business intelligence carries a lot of convolutions in data implementation. The planning phase is a necessary…

Artificial Intelligence Introduction Artificial intelligence is concerned with the theory and actual development of computer systems that can carry out tasks that require human intelligence.  Machines that use artificial intelligence are therefore needed to think and learn. Some of the human functions that involve rational cognitive thinking which artificial intelligence seeks to achieve include but not limited to speech recognition and decision making. Although the1950s saw intensified effort geared towards developing machines with cognitive abilities, the idea began long ago with the likes of Vannevar Bush authoring seminal works that proposed for the development of intelligent machines. As much as the concept seemed deceptive and one that was not achievable, the current century can bear witness to how artificial intelligence is currently changing the routine life of humans with its intelligent applications that seek to make life easier. Using proper programming skills, computer scientists have worked to design a wide range of intelligent machines that serve a wide range of services from simple ones like wake-up alarms to more complex ones like those tailored to perform dangerous scientific experiments in…

  How Big Data & Artificial Intelligence Work Together?   When we talk about one of the revolutionary technologies, then AI and Big Data are the names which come into our mind. AI has a decade long history while Big Data has been there in existence for a long time. While we are talking about Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, both have one feature in common, and that is data. Both of these technologies rely on data. It aptly said data is the king and the way companies are relying on and using data stamps this fact. It also becomes important to mention here that both AI and Bid Data rely on data.   AI and Big Data Both of these technologies are widely used across the industry. These companies make use of IT hardware to access the data and later use the AI tools to collect data from deriving results. Here is how companies are using AI and Big Data:   ¥ Detecting Anomalies- AI can be used to analyze Big Data to find out if there is an…

military intelligence operations in the modern-day fight against asymmetric threat Port, M. (2019). The joint intelligence center. An exploratory study of military intelligence operations in the modern-day fight against asymmetric threat, 1-61. Retrieved from In this journal, Port outlines the feasibility of the joint intelligence center incepted by the US intelligence community. He points out that the joint intelligence center brings together all the bodies within the United States concerned with espionage activities for the country. Through this, the available national security resources and assets related to military intelligence are adequately utilized to ensure maximum gains for the country. This is achieved through better coordination and integration between the united state’s intelligence community and the military intelligence via the processes of reach back intelligence and joint intelligence. However, Port noted that some points of weaknesses still hamper the efficiency and effectiveness of the joint intelligence center. These include some adopted doctrines and organization structure. Port has illustrated how far the United States intelligence operations have evolved over the years from independent intelligence bodies acting unilaterally to achieve their objectives…

Interagency Intelligence Assessment For the Director of National intelligence to address the shootings that occur in Detroit, Los Angeles, and New York City, he is supposed to include other partners who would provide more information regarding any possible attacks from air, sea, or ground. As an official of the FBI, I would require input from various sources, as discussed below. Army Cyber Command The increasing use of technology has been used as an opportunity by terrorists to undertake their activities. To acquire adequate information regarding any likely attack that can be instigated through the internet, I would require the input of Army Cyber Command. The US Army Cyber Command conducts and integrates various cyberspace operations. The command uses electronic warfare and ensures freedom of action besides establishing friendly forces within the cyber domain. The Army Cyber Command will need to provide any information that comes from sources that may be associated with terrorism, or that is threatening to the US public. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) The shootings may also take place through the collaboration of air and ground attackers.…

Business Intelligence Application Development #Q.1 Business Intelligence refers to many technologies and strategies that have been laid down by the entity in the analysis of data relating to the business. They are the practices that relate to integration, analysis, collection, and presentation of data (Audzeyeva & Hudson, 2016). For instance, BI implementation in Amazon helped the company to increase its marketing and sales. As well, it helps to keep track of information relating to clients, which helps to look at customer issues. #Q.2 The factors that should be implemented in the cost-benefit analysis are payback period and anticipated benefits (Mousa et al., 2018). Amazon should consider BI to bring forth massive benefits to the entity and identify the time that it will take to pay back the amount invested. #Q.3 The level of granularity in the design is high because there is a coherence and sufficient flow of information. The advantage of granularity is that it aids in examining brand performance by making various adjustments to the discrete variables (Audzeyeva & Hudson, 2016). The disadvantage is that granularity does not…

Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence is the capability of identifying and managing your emotions and those of the other people (Petrides at el., 2016). Emotional intelligence v-can be naturally inherited in some people, while in others, especially the leaders, it is a skill that should be developed and practiced. The manager can use self-awareness in recognizing their own emotions, their strengths, and understanding how those characteristics affect others in the workplace. Self-regulation assists managers in wisely managing their emotions at the workplace, and they should show or restrain the emotions based on what is necessary at the situation. Being empathetic will mean that the managers will have the ability to identify and still understanding the emotions of others, and that can be done through the managing imagining that they are in the position of others. The managers should always be motivated, meaning that they should be enjoying what they do, working hard to ensuring that they achieve the goal of the organization and not being driven by monetary things.     References Petrides, K. V., Mikolajczak, M., Mavroveli, S., Sanchez-Ruiz, M.…

Vulnerability Assessment of the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) Introduction Almost all systems or facilities are faced with some forms of threats. Some threats cannot be realized easily without conducting a thorough assessment. Vulnerability assessment involves the process of identifying and quantifying risks facing a system or a facility (Sage, 2005). Threats to a system can be of different forms, for example, persons, terrorism acts, or natural disasters. With the advancement in technology, threats have become more complicated because the facility and its components can be invaded from the remote place through cyber-attack. By conducting a vulnerability assessment, an organization would be able to identify potential threats and put measures in place before such threats or weaknesses are used by people with ill motives. This paper provides a vulnerability assessment of the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) located in Washington, DC. The first section of the paper introduces the concept of vulnerability assessment and provides the purpose of the assignment. The paper shall also describe the site selection providing reasons why it was selected, components of vulnerability in the selected facility, and recommendations…

Artificial Intelligence evolution Artificial Intelligence has evolved greatly over time, and many industries are incorporating AI into their functions. The government has not been left behind as it has adopted the technology in different sectors where Artificial Intelligence is used for repetitive tasks and uses algorithms to sort out information when large data is involved. Incorporating AI into the judiciary system, especially to replace judges, would mean leaving the robots to decide the fate of human beings. It is important to establish the different factors affecting the legitimacy of AI replacing judges. Several countries have adopted the use of artificial intelligence in the judiciary system. The US is already using AI in the police force. Through predictive algorithms, they can establish situations where the use of force is needed (Alarie et al. 106). They also use facial recognition technology, which is part of AI and assessment algorithms. The assessment algorithms are used for post-arrest cases where technology assesses the likelihood of a person to re-offend from details of their profile. The information is used by judges to aid in their…

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