Alexander the Not so ‘Great’ Plutarch’s biography, Life of Alexander, portrays Alexander as a less than great King. Ancient history has outlined the true qualities a King should possess, and they include leadership, virtue, and even mercy. He earned the title Alexander the ‘Great’ due to his massive ownership of land far and wide. He owned the land from Macedonia to the borders of the Indus valley. By conquering Egypt, Persia, as well as the northern frontiers of India, he becomes one of the ultimate captors in less than a decade. Although Alexander is often regarded as one of the greatest conquerors in all of ancient history, his actions in combat completely tarnish his legacy as the King of Macedonia. Plutarch ineffectively discredits any possible challenges to Alexander’s character in order to ensure the narrative of his accomplishments remains unscathed. Plutarch does this by mentioning Alexander’s shortcomings as a King, but by following up by attempting to justify his actions in the case of the merciless slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people and his drinking problems in order to…

Cases of child and elderly abuse Introduction Child abuse refers to a set of complex behaviours that include emotional, physical, sexual abuse and neglect. Many people are conversant with the physical form, which is the most common and entails punching, kicking, burning, beating, biting, and any form of action that physically harms a child. However, the other forms are also prevalent only that they are not easy to detect. Although there exist various laws across the world that aim to prevent and possibly eliminate child abuse, the issue is still rampant with the United States also receiving a significant share of child abuse reported cases. Similarly, cases of elderly abuse are also on the rise globally, and the US still features among the most affected. Elderly abuse is defined as the financial, emotional, physical, or psychological mistreatment of an older person. Experts attribute the worsening situation to the increase in the life span of human beings that promotes dependency. As a result, most older adults are viewed as a burden to family and society in general. Cases of child and…

Minority Groups in the United States             Among the few first minority groups to enter into the United States included the Africans who came the country in the form of slaves. There were also the Latinos and the Chinese who served as a cheap source of labor for the Americans. The group which struggled significantly in their quest to attain full citizenship in terms of the natural rights were the African Americans. This group was subjected to a diverse form of segregation, which constituted the racial segregation. As a result of this, the discrimination prompted several civil protests and disobedience as the black Americans seek liberty and break off from the chains of discrimination and racial segregation. Up to the 1950s and the 1960s, civil unrest was actively experienced in the United States, specifically in the South. The movement advocated for the blacks to be granted some fundamental civil rights. Through these movements, some laws were amended, which included the fourteenth and the fifteenth amendments, which were incorporated in the United States constitution. The fourteenth amendment, for example, granted the…

1.3 slide assignment Dear ladies and gentlemen, good morning I am happy for this opportunity to share my insights on the critical topic of communication at the workplace. I am Jeremy, one of you from the public relations and have worked in this organization for the past three years. I joined this company immediately after completing my university education four years ago and have much enjoyed working here. ON this very day, I will take you through the topic communication and discuss the skills of an excellent communicator as well as a lousy communicator. The paper will go further to cover miscommunication and how it can be eliminated in the workplace. Skills on excellent communication have several benefits at the workplace, even though the size of the organization one is working for. This is because the capability allows the communicator to understand his/her audience, how to direct the message, and anticipate how the recipient may react to the news. Information is shared daily in organizations regardless of the channel of communication and thus should be done in a well-structured framework.…

Reel bad arabs film reflection For decades, American movies have tarnished the images of Arabs as terrorists and antiheroes. Now the new managers and directors have challenged the gender and racial stereotypes about Arabs. Jack has, therefore, analyzes how American films have degraded the image of Arabs. He states that these movies show Arabs acting like bandits, slaves, and their women performing shallow berry dance serving evils. However, the films try to explain the logistics they use these stereotypes. The stereotypes used in these movies have made Arabs be viewed in a degrading way by the Americans. This is because the films are taken seriously by western people. As a result, they believe that is how American is. This paper aims to reflect on the film and analyze the issues presented in it. As a result of these films, the western has developed a negative towards Arabs. This is one of the issues present in Jack’s documentary. At last, Hollywood films have a significant influence on western people. They, therefore, tend to believe that how the Arabs are portrayed in…

how dangerous red meat is for both the planet’s prosperity and our own We all in all get some answers concerning how dangerous red meat is for both the planet’s prosperity and our own. The badly arranged effects of nursery gasses from domesticated animals’ creation of the world’s atmosphere cannot be dismissed. Like this, for the long extension of October, people from the Popular Science staff are staying away from a wide range of red meat for the earth, and, by extension, for our own incredible. We have to live here, everything considered. The prosperity implications of consuming red meat are to some degree more nuanced (McNeill 455). From one viewpoint, various examinations throughout decades have demonstrated that an overutilization of red flesh is not the best for human health. The meat is regularly wealthy in fat and cholesterol, and expansion in the two has always been related to various wellbeing conditions like coronary illness and diabetes. Different investigations have likewise discovered that its utilization represents an expanded hazard for colorectal malignancy, alongside numerous other ways of life and hereditary components.…

Poultry pollution Introduction Poultry farming has been in an increase to meet the high demand for poultry products. The farming has been accompanied by the poultry structures for housing and rearing. Intensification of poultry operations has been evident by the concentration of farming centers. This shifting technology towards poultry farming is driven by the market demand, economies of scale which, are necessitated by innovation. The high demand for both poultry meat and eggs means increased production to meet the demand. Therefore, the intensified poultry farming which is in large scale has an impact on the environment. This requires a thorough assessment of the environmental impacts from the production of the poultry feed, marketing, and waste disposal. For a clean environment to be attained, there are guidelines in locating poultry structures which should be followed. To site a new poultry farm, it is located 500M away from other poultry farms and other livestock structures. It should also be located 100M away from water course and natural water bodies and 10M from public roads. The structures should be well ventilated to allow…

Ring Composition: The start of Greece Men Characters Achilles as the Hero, Adonis as the God of Love, Caesar as the haired one and Alesandro as the protector of Mankind Women Characters Athena as the goddess of wisdom and war,  Cailey as the musical one, Calista as the beautiful one and Aphrodite as the goddess of love. Achilles kicks off the conversation saying: Achilles: I will be the protector of Greece. Let all be happy in my existence. We can marshal Athens to great height. Adonis- Through marriage and love of women, i will see that Greece has very many residents. We can make Greece the most populous nation on earth. Alesandro- I will protect all. Together with my brother, Achilles, we will make Greece the conqueror of mankind. The women join in with Athena the goddess of war and wisdom contributing to the conversation: Athena- Even as we grow Greece, let us tread carefully. We need the entire world to prosper. Let us win the war through wisdom, my people. I will lead the women folk in all this…

Avanindra’s mercy petition Avanindra’s mercy petition slightly calms Shukracharya’s anger. ‘The slaughter of Mihir is necessary, or else Mihir will help mars in the war, ‘Avanindra. ‘Avanindra is looking in today’s perspective, but Shukracharya is looking at the path to Dev and his approach to Brahmastra closer. ‘In which Shukracharya sees the benefit of asuras as Brahmastra is the best weapon for protecting the Asuras from the gods. ‘With Mihir alive, Dev completed the 10-days journey in a few moments without any crisis and hindrance, for millions of years, this opportunity was in view, and it seems that the rule of Demons and vampires will come, to get something has to sacrifice something, ‘Shukracharya. ‘What is the order ahead Gurudev Avnindra has understood the plan of Shukracharya. ‘Dev has now entered Yamlok, keep your eyes on him even further, ‘let the Syamantaka Man then receive Brahmastra, once our plan is successful and Dev reaches Vish Pur, ‘as soon as his contact breaks from mars, out Demons army will destroy the planet mars, ‘Shukracharya, ha ha ha…, ‘Listening to Shukracharya, Avanindra’s…



ODES POEM MAMA The best woman, the Queen of every man’s heart. I call her my Jolly beam, two meaning, one description. She’s the happiness of my heart and the beam of light in my darkest part of my world Laughter is the music of the soul, and every day I yearn to make her whole. Though I am a grown-up am always excited when I spend time with her, you can describe my purse with a racing car, because every time am with her, I have a fever dip in my gut. I don’t know if you feel the same, but as for me, like the clouds in the sky, she will always be on top, floating. More so, like the heavy clouds when it rains, I know pure blessing it’s pouring from her to me every day. The greatest joy in the entire, am a fully grown person, but I still hold her hands, Corona maybe today’s subject, but little did the virus know that more time spent with my Mama quarantined in the same house is worth…

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