Shooting an Elephant” by George Orwell is a political paper that has pulled in a wide appreciation from critics. Shooting an Elephant” by George Orwell is a political paper that has pulled in a wide appreciation from critics. In this article, Orwell presents unforgiving reality amid pilgrim Burma in an aesthetic way. Acting as a divisional officer in the British state makes the creator disliked among the natives who are abused by the British colonialists. He holds power as the officer in the frontier government. However, he is still feeble since the Burmese individuals mishandle him as they see him the same as different colonialists. There is so much disdain towards the frontier government from local people because of the abuse they are confronting. This shooting occasion illuminates Orwell about the genuine way of colonialism, and he terms it as an “abhorrent thing.” He recommends that the authentic style of colonialism is continually debasing, to the general population has it led as well as for itself. The proposal is symbolized in the exposition by both the moderate demise of the…

The Impossible Victory The Impossible Victory covers the Vietnam War; the United States was involved in the Vietnam War between 1964- 1972. The Americans sent troops to Asia to fight the Indochina, a communist movement organized by Ho Chi Minh, mainly consisted of the peasants and farmers. The United States wanted to stop the spread of communism in Asia and spread capitalism. The United States lost the Vietnam War despite sending large troops, spending money, and advice funding the French Movement that had taken control in Asia. The war led to the destruction of property, the death of many soldiers, women, and children. The war was brutal since many Vietnamese lost their lives; American troops oppressed them. Additional sources such as Four Hours in My Lai show how the Vietnam War was brutal. Shows how the Americans troops engaged in war. The film also covers the victims of war soldiers who were hurt and are living with the traumatic scenes. Many women were raped before they were killed; American troops also used to bomb the Vietnam population, killing dozens of…

Understanding Canada’s Judicial system             The courts are often seen as the last resort when seeking Justice and having closure in certain circumstances. The law has is made to be followed, and it is the courts’ mandate to explain and prosecute offenders of the law. Often the Courts find itself having to solve many dilemmas and sometimes this calls for a strict interpretation of the law and constitution. Some situations are termed immoral, yet in court, they are constitutional while others can be moral but unconstitutional. It puzzles many at times how courts resolve certain cases and why the judgements may also differ yet to many such cases are similar. We review a particular situation which raised eyebrows and how they all differentiated in nature, yet they belong to the same criminal code. Some people may wonder, is there a lesser crime than others, or why do the penalties differ from time to time. It is argued that the judges are different, but still, they all adhere to the same laws and the same policies. We look at 3 cases…

REASONS I LOVE YOU, REASONS I CHOOSE TO LET GO You came into my life like an avalanche from the mountains. I was drawn to you, to your kisses and caresses. An unprecedented surge of love welled up within me as it had never welled up for another. To me, you were a conqueror, one who reigned over other lions in the jungle. One whose sonorous voice was a torch in my ears and whose wild eyes ignited my heart with nameless desire and longing. Why do I hold back from you! From inviting you into my mother’s chambers! Because your character scars the wits out of me. All this time, I thought I knew you to dominate your heart as its empress, I thought I was playing the cards of love wittily and sedulously to its tune. I thought I was strategic. I see and identify with a character in you my subdued person fails to trust. Within the impenetrable walls you built in your character, in the reserved character, I recognized you with that hovered in a mysterious…

US Intervention and Neglection in Global Conflicts Abstract The United States of America rarely sends its military troops to intervene in other nations’ conflicts. The reason for this precaution is because involving the military usually makes the situation more severe. Involving their military forces can also bring about reduced credibility in case the mission is unsuccessful, citizens becoming skeptical of military operations to be carried out in the future, and threatens the nations’ vital interests, which could either be humanitarian or security-related. US policymakers view global instability as a constant threat to US security. Despite the US being in the front line advocating for enforcement of humanitarian laws and democracy worldwide, it failed to intervene during the Armenian and the Rwandan genocides. The Armenian genocide took place during the rule of President Woodrow Wilson in 1915, whereas the Rwandan genocide occurred in the period when Bill Clinton was president of the United States. The Rwandan genocide occurred in 1994, whereby about 70% of Tutsi living in the country were slaughtered. The Armenian genocide was mainly along religious lines whereby the…

John was combating the view of Jesus When John says that the Word became flesh, he is expressing the human nature of Jesus Christ, who is ‘the word’ in this context. The word is symbolic of Jesus, the son of God, who has been introduced in the first verse of the same chapter as having existed in the beginning. He shows that Jesus has the nature of the human as opposed to divine nature as well as material nature instead of the spiritual one. Flesh presents Jesus as a living and breathing being who is real. I think it was necessary to John that the Word became flesh so that he could testify of a fellow human being, who had experienced what other mortal people do experience. It would also be more comfortable for John to accomplish his mission through his fellow human-the word. John was combating the view of Jesus as a supernatural being who understood nothing to do with humanity.   To say that Jesus is the light of the world, it means that Jesus illuminates the dark…

Events Leading to The Formation of the United States November 20, 1620. The Mayflower Compacts  The English settlers set a compact of rules that would be used for self-governance. The settlers knew that a world that is not governed by rules would be catastrophic, and therefore they agreed to set a body rules that would control their way of life ( Editors). I chose this event since it was vital in laying the foundation for self-governance, the democracy that the United States enjoys today. It played a significant role in making the colonialists seeking freedom from the British and was also vital in shaping the countries that would eventually become the United States. This was the beginning of the rules that would be set to govern the welfare of the people of the United States, including their bill of rights.  It is through the progressive coding of these rules that helped the residents of America to come up with their own constitution. May 28. 1628 The Petition Right This was a petition that was sent to the English parliament to…

Religion: Shibboleth shibboleth is a term commonly found in biblical scripturesof judges denoting a way of the use of particular expression or pronunciation used by a specific group of people to identify a person as either a member or a non-member of a particular group.  The group responsible for making the identification sets out the standards for membership to their group. Shibboleth is thus a part of the universal use of language used to distinguish social groups. Shibboleth originated in the 17th century from Hebrew dialects meaning ‘ear of corn.’ The deep ravine and the deep rivers alienated the eastern tribes of Jordan from the western, leading to the innovative adoption of peculiar customs. The narrative began during the spell of conflict between Ephraimites and Gileadites Semitic tribes.Upon the Gileadite triumphing over the Ephraimites, they set up a blockade along liver Jordan to catch the Emphramites who were fleeing back to their territory.At the barrier, they asked every person to pronounce the word Shibboleth. Due to the lack of ‘sh’ sound in Ephraimites linguistic, they pronounced it with an ‘s,’making…

NEGATIVE ILLUSTRATIONS AS SEEN IN FAIRY TALES Fairy tales are stories that bring out love and fantasy situations in light. Because of the romanticized and unrealistic ending in most versions of popular fairy tales, audiences fall to recognize the way violence, injustice, or revenge influence the storylines and characters’ development in these long-loved tales.  There are several fairy tales where the romantic scenes and episodes overshadow violence. In this instance, we are going to review how violence and injustice have been brought up in the movie Maleficent and Red Riding hood. According to research by scholars about other fairy tales, especially those written in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, they meant to teach young girls to be submissive to men when in marriage and accord them maximum respect despite injustices that they may be going through in their lives. Girls were taught not to voice their concerns nor complain to anyone but to bottle their problems and act tough for the sake of their marriages. It affects them negatively as they forcefully endure complicated lives as rape, assaults, and other…

Why Chess and Board Games are the best to play Are you tired of playing casual games such as play station among others? Are you now seeking for the best game in which you can engage? When it comes to games, you not only play for physical fitness but to build on your mental fitness and for entertainment as well. If you are looking for the best games with these qualities, then chess and board games should be your choice. Many people consider these games to be the best for various reasons. From this article, you will get to learn more about board games and reasons you should try them. A board game is like any other professional game that follows set rules. It comprises of a tabletop with a pre-marked surface and special pieces depending on the type of board game chess is an example of a board game. Winning in board games depends on the player’s skills, and you not only play it when bored but can also be a regular game for you. Despite being old-fashioned, board…

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