RHETORICAL SPEECH ANALYSIS             Barrack Obama’s victory in presidential elections held in the year 2012 was celebrated in his backyard of Chicago by all his enthusiasts who celebrated in this history-molding moment. In a big, open-air gathering, Obama made a speech to thank his supporters, outlining the trial he anticipates to make as a president. Obama’s Rhetorical skill and his ability to enthrall and inspire audiences with this powerful speech, has led him being described as the greatest orator of this generation by many writers. This paper will try to analyze the Victory speech by Barack Obama (B. Obama). The audience comprised of both his supporters and political opponents as it is the case to any other political rally. This called for an ultimate choice of word usage to avoid provoking the opponents who bore the sense of defeat. President Obama thus addresses the audience generally without discriminating his opponents. As it can be seen in his phrase “I wish to thank every American who took part in this process of election. Whether you held an Obama sign or a Romney…

Rwanda Genocide Introduction The Rwanda genocide involved the slaughter of Tutsi and moderate Hutu people in Rwanda. The genocide took place in the year 1994. It was organized by political leaders from the Hutu people who needed to kill all the Tutsi people and other moderate people. Also, the genocide took around 100 days. The genocide claimed approximately 80000 people where many of them were Tutsi. Kigali, Rwanda’s capital, was the centre of the genocide, where the Hutu politicians initiated the genocide. The politicians influenced the local people who raised against their enemies. Since Hutu held the government, it took the chance to offend their rivals through and local people armies.  This research paper discusses the Rwanda genocide of 1994, its cause and organization, the international response, humanitarian relief effects, and the aftermath. Before the genocide, Rwanda’s economy had grown well. It was one of the strong economies in the region. Trade activities went on progressively in this agriculturally rich central African country. During the colonial period, the Tutsi were favoured over the Hutu. Belgians were happy with Tutsi because…

Progressivism and the New Deal             The Progressivism Era (1900 to 1920) involved social activism and changes in the political systems in the United States, where the main goal was to eliminate corruption in the administration. Corrupt officials and sectors were scrutinized as a way of establishing democracy in the country. Also, competition in businesses was to be established through the control of monopolies by enacting antitrust laws. On the contrary, the New Deal (1933 to 1941) involved multiple legislations, which were enacted to secure banks and industries and create employment opportunities for the jobless. President Franklin Roosevelt came up with the New Deal program immediately after his election to raise the economy levels, as the effects of the Great Depression were still evident across the United States. The Progressive Era and the New Deal were different periods of government intervention, as diverse motives were behind making laws and their implementation in which various individuals contributed to implementing the changes in American society. These American eras were different in that; the Progressive Era was a deliberate movement towards complementing the…

The Cast of Amontillado The story is narrated in the first person; hence, the reader doesn’t recognize the name of the narrator until at the end of the story. The narrator states that Fortunato has upset him. Consequently, he strives to get revenge. He meets Fortunato (dressed in comic clothes), he was very drunk by then. The narrator tells Fortunato that he has found Amontillado (a rare brandy), Fortunato becomes interested in seeing the drink. The narrator took Fortunato to the underground graveyard so that they can have the Amontillado. Ultimately, Fortunato gets into the man-sized shack, which was a part of a wall. The narrator cuffs him and then close Fortunato on the wall using bricks. He psychologically torments Fortunato until he begs for mercy; this is the point where Fortunato mentions the name of the narrator; he calls him “Montresor.” Montresor filled the hole with bricks where Fortunato died in. In the end, Montresor states that the act occurred fifty years ago, and there is nobody who has ever found out. The narrator does not explain further what…

Remarks by the First Lady at Bowie State University Commencement Ceremony 11:54 A.M. EDT MRS. OBAMA:  Well, thank you.  (Applause.)  Oh, my goodness.  Thank you so much.  (Applause.)  Oh, my goodness.  It is such a — you all, rest yourselves.  You’ve got a long day ahead.  It is beyond a pleasure and an honor for me to be here with all of you today. Of course, I want to start by thanking President Bernim for that very kind introduction, for this wonderful degree, and for his outstanding leadership here at Bowie State University.  I also want to recognize Chancellor Kirwan, Provost Jackson, Executive Vice President and General Counsel Karen Johnson Shaheed, Vice Chair Barry Gossett.  And of course, I want to thank the BSU Madrigal Singers — they did a great job — the university choir, and DeMarcus Franklin for their wonderful performances here today.  You all are amazing.  I just wish I could sing.  Can’t sing a lick. I also want to recognize today’s Presidential Medal of Excellence recipient, Professor Freeman Hrabowski, who’s a for-real brother as well.  (Applause.) …

Mental Cases “Wading sloughs of flesh these helpless wander, Treading blood from lungs that had loved laughter.” Second stanza line 4 and 5 The speaker in the poem is the poet. The mental cases poem depicts the trauma as the subject and physical symptoms of psychological torture. The poem tries to tell the reader, the psychological trauma, and shocking moments that the soldiers who participated in the third war underwent. There is an emotional and mental breakdown for those who got the chance to go back to their families where the war resulted in psychological wounds. Wilfred Owen, as a soldier-poet, expresses her emotional aspects of the war encounters through a language limited by insensitive ideologies. The poet knows the veterans and seems to be their friend The poet uses biblical allusion, where there are words from the Bible and the works of Shakespeare. He, for instance, talks of breakdown and perpetual hell. Such indicates a lot of suffering. Words choosing are frightening and decisively disgusting. He does not spare the reader the kind of physical signs the shell-shocked men…

Armstrong’s Experiences of Racism Introduction Louis Armstrong, popularly known as Satchmo, is one of America’s significant musicians in America’s jazz music industry. The nickname, Satchmo, was a short form of “Satchel Mouth.” He was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, on 4th August 1901(Johnson 173). One of the most significant factors that make him one of the most memorable musicians in America’s history is his significantly great ability to play trumpets. Armstrong was born t a time when jazz was still in the process of gaining nation-wide recognition. There were significantly few musicians making jazz music at the time(Johnson 173). He was born and raised in a community where poverty was an order of the day. The economic constraints during his childhood, however, did not prevent him from pursuing his dreams. He employed various strategies that would see him overcome many odds. He tried to perform his music in front of his age-mate boys during his early stages of development. He was later sent to Colored Waifs Home as a juvenile delinquent in 1913. That was one of the significant events…

Lynching in the American States Lynching means killing of a defined group of people without a fair trial due to a suspected offense. After the end of the American civil war in the 19th century, Lynching started to rise in most of the southern states of America and expanded to other countries over time (Beck & Tolnay, 1990). The execution was spearheaded by the white Americans who targeted African Americans, Asian Americans, and Native Americans. The main aim of the Lynching was to impose the white supremacy on the blacks through racial segregation. African Americans were commonly charged with cases of murder, attempted killings, and rape cases. The accusations mainly resulted from the blacks’ economic competition with the whites and or those who disrespected the whites. The execution also was ordinary in other regions such as the old west and California, and the Latinos got executed. The main charge on accusation was hanging. The hanging was done publicly and served as a warning to the other blacks. There were other methods of punishment, such as removal of body parts, shooting,…

Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Worley, Yang, and Fisher (2017), in their research, designed a model to seek clarification on the exposure of water to serum PFOA concentration as a result of PFOA manufacture. The model was specific to humans, and it includes simulations by Monte Carlo to establish the variability on sensitive model parameters. The authors hypothesize that variability in human serum PFOA concentration as a result of historical exposure to non-drinking sources (Worley, Yang, and Fisher, 2017).  The importance of the model was to help in the determination of exposure and effectiveness of mitigation mechanisms. Cheng and NG (2017), in their student, adopt the use of a model limited to permeability in the analysis of toxic kinetics with a specific interest in masculine mice. The model focuses on cellular acceptance and buildup of PFOA through membrane facilitated transportation and passive diffusion. After a comparison of the prediction model with the experimental data, the researchers established the effectiveness of their method in predicting PFOA distribution in rats when the toxins got administered orally or intravenously. This framework got noted as…

GET SOMEONE UPSTANDING FOR YOUR STAND UP Everybody loves a good laugh. There’s something special about laughter that cheers up even the gloomiest soul. So, if you’re hosting an event, one of the best ways to put on a show is to book a comedian to liven things up. You’re familiar with stand up, and the truth is, not all comedians are what you’d term as “clean-cut,” so to speak. That begs the question, how should you go about hiring someone to tickle your guests’ funny bone? Well, here are a few tips on how to hire a clean comedian. Experience Matters Making people laugh takes a certain level of know-how, and hiring a comedian with a good repertoire is essential. A more experienced comedian knows how to read the crowd and deliver something funny without being offensive. So, look for a more seasoned stand-up guy or gal. Be Clear on Your Needs Before hiring a comedian, lay out what you hope from them. Let them know what type of jokes are within the bounds and what might not make…

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