Criminal Violence In Cincinnati Cincinnati City in Ohio has the fifth-highest rate of violent crimes. These crimes include simple ones such as unintentional bar brawls to elaborate armed robbery and murder. Defending oneself in a court of law when faced by charges of a violent crime is therefore tedious based on the weight the offence is perceived within the community. Some of the common crimes that are put under the banner violent crimes include rape, manslaughter, Vehicular Homicide,  home invasion and bulgur, robbery, domestic violence and assault. The offenders are charged hefty fines and the prosecution effects last for a very long time. These crimes are punished very harshly as they are considered among the worst social vices one could have. The offenders are prosecuted to the full extent of the law and receive no mercy whatsoever from the perception. The penalties given on the offenders are classified according to the crime they are found guilty with. What To Do If Found On The Wrong Side Of The Law Gauging by the seriousness of the prosecution and the punishment faced…

The Bacchae                 Irony is the presentation of ideas in a way, opposite to the expectation of the audience. Literary motif on the other side is the use of repetitive narrative to reinforce the development of a particular theme. Irony and motif are used in The Bacchae to express the message of civilization and madness. Irony as a literary device involves the presentation of an idea in a way that is radically different from what would be expected under normal circumstances. The irony could either be dramatic, situational or in the form of similes. The dramatic and situational irony has a primary purpose of emphasis of truth that would otherwise not be conceived. The type of irony that uses similes like sarcasm involve deliberate use of language to state the opposite of the truth, understates facts, or even denies the truth. In The Bacchae, irony has been widely used to pass important truth by Euripides. A mother would always act to protect the kingdom of her son when a necessity arises. However, it is against the expectation of Pentheus, that…

Distinguish between the following offences under the penal Code taking note of any ambiguities or overlaps Infanticide Killing of an unborn child Abortion related offences   Introduction These are offences found under division IV of the Penal Code which entail crimes relating to trespass of the person[1]. These offences include; murder and manslaughter. Since infanticide, killing of an unborn child and abortion deal with killing, they are therefore murder related offences. Ambiguities and overlaps come up because they all deal with killing and attempts to kill children. The underlying principle, however, is that these killings are unlawful and therefore have penalties such as life imprisonment or a jail term of up to 14 years.   Infanticide Infanticide, on the other hand, is where “a woman by any willful act or omission causes the death of her child being a child under the age of 12 months, but at the time of the act or omission the balance of her mind was disturbed by reason of her not fully recovered from the effects of giving birth to the child or by…

Gerald Stanley Vs. Colton Boushie Case Analysis Introduction The case involves the shooting of Colton Boushie on 9th august 2016. The crime was said to have been committed by Stanley. Colton was an indigenous 22-year-old man. He was a member of Cree Red Pheasant First Nation (CRPFN) (Barrett-Mills 113) Jake. Although the story about the case was later convoluted, the fact is that the indigenous man, together with the other four men, experienced a flat tire. The situation forced them to go onto a property that belonged to Stanley. At this point, one among the five men tried to start an ATV. The ATV was stored on the property. In protection of the property, Stanley fired two shots to scare the group away. After the release of the warning bullets, Stanley went to the scene where the group had parked their vehicle (Barrett-Mills 115). He found Boushie sitting at the passenger’s seat, where he shot him to death. The case was taken to court, whereby Stanley was accused of the murder. The case has been in progress, and n 9th…

Is Controlling Guns an Effective Way to Control Crime in the US?  There is a rise in gun violence and related crimes in the USA, starting from the family level, the community, and the entire nation reaching internationally. Averagely, it is estimated that nearly thirteen kids below the age of nineteen are killed every day in the USA by gunfire. Many others are injured severely from gunfire. Homicides are committed using guns, and the African-American youths are the most affected by these crimes using handguns. There is a debate in the state concerning the regulation policies of firearms. Some urge that there is a need to regulate firearms, while others urge against the move. The manufacturers, people selling guns, and owners will obviously be against regulating guns as the move will result in losing significant profits, and an increase in insecurity. In this report, the focus is on whether restricting guns and other arms will reduce crime in the community and country as a whole. The possible recommendations will be addressed and what the future has for the state. Organizations…

Call for Action: Cell Phones on the Road  When a cell phone rings in a meeting or a class, it attracts significant attention and irritation yet it does not endanger the lives of people. However, on the road, irresponsible use of cell phone puts people life at grave danger. Most often, we have seen drivers being distracted while the chat and converse on the phone while driving in a manner resembling drunk drivers, they weave between lanes or running down near pedestrian crosswalks. Drivers are impaired by cell phones hence the need to enact laws that can deter the use of cell phones by drivers. Phone use while driving is a proven form of distraction responsible for many preventable accidents on our roads. The available set of laws for reckless driving are lenient and insufficient to punish offenders. Only a few states prohibit the use of a handheld phone while driving by allowing drivers to use a hands-free system like Bluetooth to talk on the phone. Several other states and D.C have laws prohibiting the use of the cellular phone…

Historicism and Historical Materialism There exist a perceptible difference between historicism and historical materialism. However, these differences have been explored exponentially by different scholars with several critiques and philosophical explorative proofs. Generally, historicism is defined as the idea of characterizing expressive connotation to both space and time. For example, the historical period of a given phenomenon, exploration of a local culture, and geographical space. Precisely, it is a well-documented official history. On the other hand, historical materialism is a methodological approach focusing on human and social societies and also their historical development trajectory, which postulates that history results from material conditions instead of ideas. However, Benjamin takes a different path to challenge the above postulate by Karl Max, by rejecting the truth that history is an act of automation. To well exemplify his hypothesis, Benjamin uses the example of The Turk, an 18th century famously known chess-playing device, as a perfect analogy of historical materialism. The device was a set automation that had the ability to defeat skilled human players. It was in the form of a human-allegedly dwarf who…

            Speech Analysis Persuasive Speech Retrieved from: Persuasive speech is a type of speech in which the speaker sets a goal of convincing the audience to accept their point of view. The speech delivered by the twelve-year-old girl named Severn Suzuki on the protection of the environment was purposeful and intentional. Suzuki’s speech was persuasive, and she had full knowledge about the topic she was presenting to the audience. She demonstrated this by mentioning in details the effects of human activities on the environment such as the extinction of some species of animals, deforestation and pollution of water sources. The speaker understood the impact of human activities on the environment. Suzuki was a knowledgeable speaker, and she was able to impart her knowledge to her audience. She persuaded the audience to abandon their greedy ways and be considerate of others. According to Suzuki, this was important as it would make the world better for the future generation. Suzuki maintained a serious and assertive tone, avoiding any use of humour throughout the speech. This speech had a well-organized structure, with…

Initial Response: The Niceties POSITIVES (+) The first positive moment can be located in act one, where Janine is conversing with Zoe and complements Zoe of having an excellent choice of words. Janine tells her that she had never had a student use the word “bedeviled.” It is her first time to see a student use the term. This statement of appreciation is a crucial positive moment for both the reader and Zoe, who responds by accepting the gratitude. The audience listening to the play can appreciate the change in tone and attitude in the play (Burgess, 2019). The second positive moment is realized when Zoe admits to Janine that her son is in the same junior class with her and that the son is brilliant. Janine accepts Zoe’s appreciation of her smart son, and she sounds happy in the next statement that she makes. This decisive moment in the Niceties is symbolic as the scriptwriter uses the decisive moments to depict a good relationship existing between Janine and her student Zoe (Burgess, 2019). The third positive moment is where…

The Role of the United Nations Forces in Congo, 1960 t0 1964 The United Nations operations in the Republic of Congo started in 1960 to 1964. These operations were initiated in response to a request by the Congolese Government to be offered military assistance to gain control of the rebellious army and restore order in the newly independent country. In response to this request, the United Nations Security Council authorized a peacekeeping force to address the civil unrest that followed after the Belgians gave the country its independence in 1960. The UN was originally mandated to help in removing Belgian troops and provide military support to the Government in Congo, and its actions were swiftly expanded. This is when the UN began fighting the Katanga troops who possed a threat to UN’s operations in the country. What ensued was a scuffled between the UN troops and Katanga forces which lasted until early 1963 when Katanga was fully reintegrated. By June 1964, all UN forces were withdrawn from Congo. This paper looks at the role of the United Nations in Congo…

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