Aeneid Response Paper Reflection After Troy’s destruction, the Prince of Aeneas-Trojan leads a small group of survivors in searching of a new home within Italy. Unluckily, when they are sailing on their way, the band is spotted by the Juno, who is the goddess. The goddess hates the Prince with passion. This is simply because of the old resentment. They are destined towards becoming Romans who shall ravage Carthage-the most favorite city of Juno. She conspires with the gods of wind to rattle off a storm, compelling Trojans in taking asylum within Carthage.  Fortunately, Aeneas has links. Ideally, his mother, Venus, who is the goddess of connections, introduces him to Dido.  Dido is a widow from the Carthage. She is a beautiful queen (Baym, Nina, and Robert 977). Eventually, Dido attempts to get Amor-love personification to make Dido love Aeneas madly. During that night, in honor of banquet, Dido receives all the information from Aeneas on the capturing events of Troy. Aeneas narrates as well as how he escaped with his father-Anchises -carrying him at the back. During the period,…

What are the main challenges to Canada democracy especially when it comes to voting in free and fair elections? The Canadian voting system can is said to be the heart of what is an example of a representative democracy. Free and fair elections acts as a tool that a citizen can use in creating a democratic administration. Through the democratic voting system each citizen finds that their vote has equal value to any other and the elected members are reflections of the political will of the voters. It is an expression of unity among the voters at all levels of government, currently Canada has a voting system where those in power are elected by the citizens, it can therefore be a big challenge to free and fair elections .Political belief is among challenges affecting the ones democracy as they can be affected by their political stand when choosing their leaders. Moreover it can argue that an individual can be influence by the places they live to vote and elect leaders at the expense of the voters. Although the voters have…

My hometown Shenzhen, China My hometown is Shenzhen, China. It has been the best place in my whole life because I have spent the larger part of my life there. The only reason for me leaving my hometown is education, which happened in the year 2013 when I migrated to San Francisco, California, in the United States to finish my high school education. Since then, I have spent all the years in the United States as completion of high school has been followed by college education in De Anza. This change of geographical location has remarkably enhanced my geography skills because through it; I have explored a lot of things both in my home country and the United States of America. I, however, go back to my hometown during the holidays to spend time with my family and friends. This reflects the life I have for my hometown. I am also hopeful that I will get a job in my home country and possibly around my hometown, Shenzhen, to help in its growth and development as an economic zone in…

How to Set Healthy Fitness and Diet Goals That Work Are you looking forward to changing how your body feels? We all sometimes do. However, setting fitness goals that you can actually stick with can be a pain. If you’re tired procrastinating, then setting up goals will do you good. You need something to hold you accountable, encourage you to fight hard, and enlarge your definition of possibilities. You just need to figure out how and what is going to work for you and make it long term. Commit To Each Goal At Ago The biggest mistake you’ll ever make when starting is to deal with all of your goals at the same time. Maybe you plan to cut out sugar, hit the gym daily, sleep for eight hours, drink eight glasses of water every day. If you start incorporating all this at the same time, you might feel overwhelmed and maybe give up along the way. Instead, pick one goal that you know you will commit to, make it a habit then move onto the next. Do this until…

A Study Key on the Dynamic Forces Affecting the Success of SMEs Services Sector in Hong Kong Introduction The importance of small and medium enterprises to the economy has grown steadily. They are not usually challenging to establish, and different governments tend to promote their growth. At the global stage, studies have shown that SMEs form the bulk of business entities.They are primarily the largest employers in the private sector. The majority of the countries worldwide have developed laws and policies that seem to favor the operations of SMEs. Their formation and establishment are not subject to extremely tough and stringent rules and regulations. The environment has to be accommodative to prevent any possibilities of financial suffocation of small and medium enterprises. To achieve sustainable growth in the SME sector, governments offer financial incentives,advisory, and policy support. The World Bank also extends monetary assistance to these entities to ensure that this sector realizes its full potential. The institution’s involvement in the operationalization and functioning of the industry is proof that the international stage acknowledges the centrality of SMEs to global…

Frida Kahlo Self-Portrait Painting             Frida Kahlo was a Mexican painter with a critical concentration on self-portraits. She was an active painter between 1925 and 1954. Her painting had a great theme that is associated with her struggle, especially when she started painting after a bus accident. Kahlo survived a troubled marriage life that she began doing her paintings. Her paintings were based on indigenous Mexican cultural themes that show how women are struggling to make ends meet due to some cultures that are associated with them. For instance, one of Kahlo’s paintings, self-portrait with thorn necklace and hummingbird, is has a Mexican cultural theme that talks of struggles for women (Alicia 63). The picture shows her self-portrait that has a thorn necklace. The thorn necklace portrays indigenous Mexican culture, and it also shows some of the struggles that she was going through. She had had a bus accident that left her bedridden and troubled marriage, but the Mexican culture sees it as usual. There is also a hummingbird on the thorn necklace that shows that after all the struggles…

Top 5 Emerging Online Gaming Markets in 2020 Emerging economies are impacting online gaming tremendously, from South Korea and South Africa to India and Brazil. In some countries, gaming has become such a massive industry that it’s employing a significant portion of the population. Of course, it isn’t just emerging economies with growing gaming communities. Some established nations also have ballooning gaming communities. Below is an outline of the top seven countries where gaming is a budding industry.    India Home to some of the best mobile PUBG pro-gamers, India is attracting immense attention in the gaming world. First off, ESL, Overwatch, and PUBG all have events scheduled to take place in the country this then. Then there’s the iGaming industry that’s fast establishing itself in the sub-continent. In fact, gaming at online casinos is mushrooming rapidly, even though India has strict anti-gambling laws. But there’s a valid explanation for it. India’s gambling laws were created years before online gambling became a thing. As a result, they do not prohibit gaming at offshore casinos, which is what’s happening in the…

Hodophobia What is hodophobia? Hodophobia seems like a scary name I have to admit. In case you are wondering what it is, it translates to your dog’s fear of traveling.  Simply put, hodophobia is an irrational fear of traveling that your dog could be suffering from. Wikipedia refers to Hodophobia as an irrational fear, or phobia, of travel. For most dog owners, you may have spotted your dog looking anxious when riding with you in the car. In case you are wondering why, your dog might be battling hodophobia. Remember also that your dog’s anxiety might cause you to be anxious too, which usually arises when you have no idea of how to keep him still while you are driving. Have in mind that such anxiety predisposes you to the risk of causing an accident. You, therefore, need to be careful and first ascertain the state of your dog before riding with it in your car since Dog Anxiety is a real thing. Let me tell you about my personal experience. When traveling, my dog never wants to leave my…

How best to manage pain using CBD oil Pain is a common aspect of our daily life. Regardless of whether one is cautious or not, we all succumb to injuries at some point in our lives. For some people, this may happen more frequently due to the nature of their occupation or activities they engage in daily. Thus the need to come up with various coping mechanisms to aid in recovery. People deal with pain differently. Other people may let pain run its course and are likely to adopt rest or other primary means to ease their situation. A majority, however, go for drugs such as Aspirin and Xanax which are found in almost all households nowadays. However, new studies have led to increased use of CBD oil for pain management as opposed to commonly used drugs. What is CBD oil? The origin of CBD oil dates far back to the post-modern world; where influential people at that time used marijuana and hemp for different reasons, mostly therapeutic. The use of such drugs was limited owing to the restrictions posed…

Biblical Foundation of Conflict Management Professor’s Notes: Conflict. Most of us deal with conflict on a daily basis. Whether it’s navigating a tense situation with a child or spouse, dealing with a tough boss or colleague, or even managing our emotions after we’ve been cut off on a highway, all of us need strategies to deal with the dailyness of life. Porter (1996) has this to say about conflict: “When a person is faced with a situation that threatens their sense of self-worth or value, deep-set assumptions, values, and motivations are usually at the core of conflict and that is why it is important to look deeper underneath the appearance of conflict to see what’s really going on.” For this reason, I believe that perspective taking is so important when dealing with conflict. Many conflict situations can be alleviated, or at least toned down, if we step back and take perspective of the situation. In their book, Leadership Without Easy Answers, Heifitz and Linsky talk about the metaphor of the dance floor and the balcony. It is so important for leaders…

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