military intelligence operations in the modern-day fight against asymmetric threat Port, M. (2019). The joint intelligence center. An exploratory study of military intelligence operations in the modern-day fight against asymmetric threat, 1-61. Retrieved from In this journal, Port outlines the feasibility of the joint intelligence center incepted by the US intelligence community. He points out that the joint intelligence center brings together all the bodies within the United States concerned with espionage activities for the country. Through this, the available national security resources and assets related to military intelligence are adequately utilized to ensure maximum gains for the country. This is achieved through better coordination and integration between the united state’s intelligence community and the military intelligence via the processes of reach back intelligence and joint intelligence. However, Port noted that some points of weaknesses still hamper the efficiency and effectiveness of the joint intelligence center. These include some adopted doctrines and organization structure. Port has illustrated how far the United States intelligence operations have evolved over the years from independent intelligence bodies acting unilaterally to achieve their objectives…
Digital Media Design High school life influenced my interest in doing the Digital Media Design course at the university. I was motivated by one of the mentors who taught the value and prestige that originate from doing this course. I remember accompanying my cousin to his house to meet a practitioner in the field of Digital Media Design. The feeling was so exciting and made me love and cherish this career. I have since gained the interest of digital media designers. However, school life exposes us to different media personalities who shared their experiences with us concerning their success and hitches. I realized that the course is marketable though it needs a lot of commitment and seriousness. I began doing well in the subjects connected to this course after frequently consulting my teachers to help build my interests. Given a chance at the University of Pennsylvania, I will take up the course aggressively because I know it forms my interests. Consequently, the university has many international and national links with partners who might positively shape my career. These opportunities are…
Environmental Engineering Georgia Tech has become an international education center attracting many students from many continents. This useful profiling has enabled the institution to grow tremendously over the years. However, the facility has molded many professionals whom I desire to emulate. I believe Georgia Tech best offers environmental engineering due to the possession of the rightful materials. Reading from the institution’s website, I realized that it values competency and professionalism by adequately equipping all the departments with necessary tools. Watching students performing their assignments on their respective sites at the institution gives me much hope that the materials possessed by the institution. Therefore, I will be able to efficiently complete my training in a good time and engage in other activities of life. Georgia Tech has experienced tutors and facilitators who will hold my hand through my coursework. These experienced personnel will help nurture my interest in becoming an environmental engineer. Getting the information from the professionals I have watched on television and read from books shall boost my confidence in the performance of my roles and duties as an…
Neuroimaging and Number Processing The numerical perception of human beings has a significant stimulus that contributes to the daily livelihood. The incentive is the principal coordinator of all the information that controls social interactions because it guides the formation of the relevant emotional reactions and personality identification. According to neuroimaging studies, individuals rely much on the number process to make meaning in everything that meets the human eye. This information is the basis of body movements and brain functioning (Brooke & Harrison, 2016). The FMRI researchers have identified the existence of biases based on attention with variations on number identification associated with objects. They have suggested that there are different processing powers for numbers in comparison with another stimulus. However, it is notably important to outline that studies have marked increase interest in the clarifying the mechanism behind the number processing. Neuroimaging is had excellent contributions to the number processing function (Brodski-Guerniero et al., 2017). This paper discusses the contribution of neuroimaging research to our understanding of number processing. Brooke & Harrison (2016) recommended a core cognitive procedure of number…
Tell us about the areas of study you are excited to explore, and specifically why you wish to pursue them at Cornell University Am interested in studying science at the Cornell University because I feel the world-class institution would propel my ambition to greater heights. I believe science is the order of the day and most future projection about the world focus on scientific innovations and renovations. All our lives are shaped by science and thus I believe studying science at such high-prolific institution shall place my career on high demand. I have passion in science which if granted the opportunity at this institution would be highly valuable. My choice of studying at Cornell University was motivated by the institution’s philosophy of any person … any study” as expressed by the vision and mission statement. The philosophy encouraged me to believe that everyone has got the opportunity to take the career of interest and become any person or profession they would like to be. The statement provides light on the professionalism though encouraging all the students to have some hopes…
install your dream swimming pool So you are now ready to install your dream swimming pool in your backyard. Yet, the puzzle is determining the best time to build a swimming pool. It is a common concern experienced by many swimming enthusiasts who want to find relief from the scorching summer heat. In most cases, the perfect timing depends on the duration of the construction, budget, and building schedules. With the necessary resources and a favorable weather condition, you can build your swimming pool anytime. For example, in Florida, the best time of the year to build a swimming pool is during the fall/winter. It is always advisable that you compare the pros and cons of each season so that you can determine what time is convenient. To help you make an informed decision, let’s discuss each season with regards to the advantages and disadvantage: Fall /Winter Season The cold months of the fall and winter are perfect for constructing a swimming pool of your dreams. You can never be wrong if you decide to build a swimming pool at…
Why Chess and Board Games are the best to play Are you tired of playing casual games such as play station among others? Are you now seeking for the best game in which you can engage? When it comes to games, you not only play for physical fitness but to build on your mental fitness and for entertainment as well. If you are looking for the best games with these qualities, then chess and board games should be your choice. Many people consider these games to be the best for various reasons. From this article, you will get to learn more about board games and reasons you should try them. A board game is like any other professional game that follows set rules. It comprises of a tabletop with a pre-marked surface and special pieces depending on the type of board game chess is an example of a board game. Winning in board games depends on the player’s skills, and you not only play it when bored but can also be a regular game for you. Despite being old-fashioned, board…
How death frees people Introduction With the many beautiful moments in life that people have and cherish, in the end, we all die. Knowing that the conclusion of our lives is death, what is the meaning of life? Are the decisions we make in life alter our lives, or are we supposed to go through life without purpose knowing we are going to die? This is some of the questions we ask ourselves when faced with the painful truth that we are going to die. Is life concise? Experiences have shown that life is not short as we are made to believe, at least for some. What should we do between birth and death? Does it even matter? In the short stories “Happy Endings” by Margaret Atwood, and “The story of an hour” by Kate Chopin, teaches us that death is the end of life and the beginning of another. Also, death liberates people and gives some people a new perspective about life. Death and life. In the two short stories “The story of an hour” and “Happy Endings” shows…
Word Length Effect on Memory Introduction A significant role gets played by word length effect in the development of memory theories that get currently seen as a “standard result. Also, present operational theories have to get tackled. The results of this finding get enhanced than lists of long words such as the gorilla, hovercraft, banana etc. The basic result is one of the key phenomena that directly led to the development of the phonological loop. Also, the portion of working memory is called the “best remaining solid proof” and focuses on a variety of computational models for these temporary memory systems. In 1975, Baddeley, Thomson and Buchanan reported the first systemic analysis of the word length effect, although the theoretical results were known before. Two ways that word length can affect memory performance that gets found during a series of experiments. The moment-based influence of words measure gets seen in words equated to all measurements. Besides, the test gets along with the frequency of syllables and phonemes, which differ only in a systematic way when the words need to understand…
How to Achieve Economic Equality between Men and Women Abstract Economic policies are defined in a way that women are not favored, and the only jobs available for them are unpaying domestic jobs. The full potential of women’s capabilities is not realized as a benefit of their contributions are not documented either are their income and details of employment. Therefore banks find it challenging to advance women loans so that they can pursue their dreams of financial independence. Also, women earn far much less than their male counterparts. All of these cases have devastating effects on society as well as the economy of a country. In fact societies with gender inequalities suffer financial loses unknowingly. Fortunately, the economic empowerment of women can be achieved when they have access to credit as men, when the pay gap is addressed and when people realize that for gender equity, there needs be financial empowerment of women. Despite the presence of social-economic classes, there are systematic gender differences in material wellbeing between men and women in varying degrees across countries. As a…