Stuck With Low-Self Esteem Part1 The theory and scientific research presented in the scientific paper of “The Development of Self Esteem” are rooted in people concerned with low self-esteem. The study is founded on the progress of self-esteem and its impact on someone’s life results. From the research, it is evident that self-esteem intensifies from teenage years to middle maturity, from which it drops at an acceleration speed into old age. In solidify the findings, there are no regiment differences in the trajectory of self-esteem concerning the gap between adolescence to timeworn age (Orth & Robins, 2014). The research suggests that self-esteem might be immutable, but it doesn’t mean it is comparatively stable. This is because a person who has high or little self-esteem has a high probability of having comparatively high or low self-esteem years later. When it comes to the effect that either high or low self-esteem has on an individual life, persons with great self-esteem do have a habit of having success and comfort in the domain of their lives. This is an indication of the substantial…

Response on Still Doing It: The Intimate Lives of Women Over 65 The video clips show some women aged 65 and above expressing their views about sexual feelings as far as their age is concerned as well as the societal stereotypes pertaining to their age bracket. For most of the people, presumably below the age bracket, including myself, tend to think that once an individual hits 65 and above, their bodies no longer feel any urge for sex. I have been able to learn from the video that the activity of the human body system, especially on matters about sex carries on as long as they live. However, when we are young, our beliefs are made to believe that as we age, our bodies become sexually less active. Now that the case is as presented by the victims falling within the age bracket, then I agree that the society should abandon lots of stereotypes and hold a debate on the matter. I know it may seem weird finding older people in an intimate relationship, especially with partners way too younger…

Last Night of the World and Rachel L. Bowen’s “The Persistence of Memory Introduction Ray Bradbury’s Last Night of the World and Rachel L. Bowen’s The Persistence of Memory explores the meaning of life by demonstrating the concept of creation, appreciation, and acceptance. The focal point is that human beings should learn to accept things that cannot be controlled. Through various authors, both Bowen and Bradbury uses characters to portray the unpredictable nature of life and how past memories based on friendship fosters healthy relationship and appreciation of life. Themes Acceptance The theme of acceptance of life has been explored in both Last Night of the World and The Persistence of Memory. Bradbury expresses life acceptance in a time where people were engulfed by the fear of death amidst a war which was characterized by hydrogen atom bomb. Characters were enchanted by the sense of acceptance that the world would eventually come to an end. In one instance, the husband confesses that he was frightened by the end of the world but he feels more peaceful than being afraid (Bradbury…

Schutte Self Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SSEIT) Using the emotional scale that ranges around one hundred and thirty-three with a standard deviation of either positive or negative thirteen, my total score was a hundred, which is an average intelligence quotient score. My score, however, is slightly below the mean with a little variance with the standard deviation range as well. The scale indicates a good intelligence quotient since the rating is average. This implies that I can use information and logic to answer questions or to make correct predictions since I have superior intelligence. In the general population, 68% of the score is within the standard deviation of the mean. This implies that nearly 70% of all the people score within plus or minus 15 of the average rating. However, on completion of the assessment involving a friend, family member, or even the loved ones to compile the self-report measure to determine the emotional intelligence, their responses vary from one another. Some do not understand the primary purpose of emotional intelligence, which is to enable one to understand and manage…

Saudi Labor Force: Challenges and Ambitions             Notably, Saudi Arabia has considerably changed its economic structure from nomadism to oil-based. Currently, the country is undergoing significant economic transformations, which are intended to address issues like overreliance on the oil sector and labor challenges. A fundamental problem facing Saudi Arabia is the low labor participation by its citizens. At the initial stages of oil discovery, the working population was largely composed of Saudi nationals. However, in the 1970s, reliance on foreign laborers surpassed that of locals (Al-Asmari, 2008). At the time, foreign labor was mainly from regional Arab countries, but later changed to incorporate workers from across the globe. The high number of expatriate workers is attributed to the expansion of the private sector, the small Saudi population, restriction of women, and the high number of young people. The percentage of women in the Saudi workforce is significantly low, in comparison with the rest of the world. Although Saudi Arabia experiences an increasing demand for labor, the country’s economic system has continuously restricted women’s participation. While males account for 54.4 percent…

Samsung strategic management Question 1 Samsung is a multinational company that offers a wide range of electronics and IT solutions. The company was founded in 1969 in Suwon, South Korea, where they are headquartered to date. Samsung Electronics operates in more than sixty countries across the world. They have more than 300,000 employees. Initially, Samsung mainly produced electronics and electrical appliances like TVs, refrigerators, and washing machines. However, currently, they have diversified to include semiconductors, telecommunication solutions, random access memories, computers, and mobile phones. Over the years, Samsung has acquired several business entities such as the Rollei Watchmaker, Fokker aircraft, and FUBU cloth line. As it is, this company has overcome several challenges to achieve its current status, the world’s leading electronic and IT solutions provider. In 2009, Unit Sales, named Samsung, the leading mobile phone manufacturer after it thrashed its long time competitor, Nokia. Although Samsung has strategically positioned itself as the best electronic and IT solutions provider, it still faces competition from established firms such as Sony and Apple. The company has managed to remain profitable by regularly…

Crime and Deviance Introduction A theory provides a clear elaboration on the prevailing relationships between various phenomena. Accordingly, the theoretical view towards crime will help explain the influence of certain factors towards criminal and deviant acts. For instance, some theories assert that criminality is an innate characteristic of a human organism, that the fear for the consequences of breaking the law tempers. Moreover, other theories argue that attribute the emergence of criminal behavior among individuals should be to biological, sociological, psychological, and economic factors or an amalgamation of elements arising from the above-mentioned influences. In this paper, we will examine the theoretical perspectives that can explain the development of drug addiction, which is a form of deviance. Case The form of deviance that we will discuss in this paper is the problem of substance and drug abuse among adolescents and juveniles. Drug addiction in contemporary society is a major issue that plagues the psychological and physiological health of the youth around the world, in addition to influencing chronic addicts to engage in criminal activity to feed their habit (Krohn et…

Symbols in Death of Salesman Introduction The play ‘Death of a salesman’ by Arthur Miller presents the irony of the American dream. The play is about a typical American family that believe they are living the ideal American dream while in reality they are wallowing in a grand illusion and their major weakness is blindness to reality. The Loman family showcase self-deception in their pursuit for the commercial breakthrough in the tough American economy. The essay seeks to discuss the idea of various symbols utilized in the play as well as what they represent. The stockings The stockings in the play symbolize the affair Willy had. In one of his hallucinations, he has a vivid memory of the affair he had in Boston. Willy gives his mistress a pair of new stockings as a present (26). When he sees his wife mending a pair of old stockings, he gets angry and tells her not to mend them anymore. His wife, however, puts the stockings in her pocket probably with the intention of mending them later because as she puts it,…

COLLEGE ADMISSION After my high school graduation I didn’t join college immediately because I had a financial falls down. I had moved from India and I didn’t have enough money to support me in college. I therefore considered getting a job and lucky enough I got a full time job at Crabtree jewelry as sales associate, working 40 hours a week. Frankly, keeping up with the job responsibilities and tight work schedule hasn’t been easy especially since I’m a single parent as well and I had to bust out every effort I got at first to get my life balanced. But with time I started appreciating my work and being proud of the experience I was getting doing the sales work. And that’s how I got fascinated by the business field and decided I was definitely going to pursue business major in college. The reasons why I decided to pursue business major (business Administration) is because firstly, I love challenges. Business related courses expose you into solving real life dilemma situations or decisions and being able to think of a…

The Death of a Salesman             Charley’s secretary does not like the way Willy is lost in his memories. Jenny thinks that Willy should not be arguing with her boss about football. Jenny asks Bernard to deal with Willy because she was not able to deal with him at the time. Jenny disliked Willy because Charley used to be upset by Willy’s appearance and did not go well with Jenny. Inside Charley’s office, Willy asks Bernard about the life of Biff and wants to know what had happened to Biff’s life after the age of 17. Bernard replies that Biff had made a decision to go back to Boston to join a math’s class but had changed his mind later. Bernard is concerned that something wrong could have happened in Boston. The question asked by Willy reveals how Willy is concerned with the welfare of other people instead of minding his own business. Willy does not believe that accepting a job from Charley is a good idea. Charley and Willy stood for different ideologies throughout their lives. Willy is a…

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