Crime Analysis- Sexual Assault This part of your paper should consist of two to four pages (not including the title or reference pages) and should accomplish the following two tasks: Summarize the data related to your crime using official statistics sources. Some areas you may consider include: Who typically commits this crime? Who is normally the victim of this crime? What weapons are used (if applicable)? What is the average dollar value of the loss to the victim (if applicable)? What other relevant data exists? Keep in mind that you can compare various data sources as appropriate. Summarize important peer-reviewed academic research regarding your crime. You should use at least three (you may use more) separate peer-reviewed academic sources (you may use your textbook as one of the sources). Some questions to consider include (but are not required):[unique_solution] What academic research has been conducted on this crime? Have the types of offenders been studied in detail? Have the methods to commit this type of crime been examined? Have victims of this crime been studied in detail? What key findings have…

Same sex Families Violence may be defined as the intentional use of physical force, either by threatening or actual, against oneself, another person or a against a group whose end result is likely injury, death, psychological harm or maldevelopment. Violent media involves bloody video games, gun-glorifying gangster rap and generally any other form of creative violence (Reczek et al,2017). The main point of discussion in this paper is whether this type of media is useful or harmful to kids who are exposed to it. Points raised by Gerald Jones are criticized either positively or negatively in this paper (Cheng & Powell,2015). The manner in which Gerald was brought up might have greatly affected his perception towards violence. For example, being brought up with kids who thought violence was normal would have made him feel that maybe the whole world was wrong and that his parents were right or maybe his parents were wrong[2]. There seems to be a misunderstanding on the side of his parents[3]. They are providing comics due to their lofty messages of pacifism and tolerance but what…

Sexual harassment Sexual harassment is defined as any unwelcome sexual advances against a person which makes them feel uncomfortable. Over the past few years indeed, the ME-TOO campaign has revealed a lot about sexual harassment in the United States, and this is a global issue. As a result, organizations have to make sure that they protect their employees against sexual harassment as it can hinder employee performance. The first best way of deterring sexual harassment is through creating clear policies regarding sexual harassment. These policies should clearly be defined what is perceived as sexual harassment at work, clearly state to the employees that at no cost will sexual harassment be tolerated by the management. Also, the policy should explain various procedures that any employee can go by when filling for sexual harassment as well as defining the consequences that any employee will face is found guilty of sexually harassing other employee or employees. By doing so, all employees will clearly understand the need not to attempt such acts while at work. The second way in which the management can deal…

Sexual Violence in the Army One of the biggest challenges that are experienced in the army is sexual violence’s aimed at both men and women. However, women are the most prevalent victims of sexual harassment in the military, considering their underrepresentation. Despite these teaching, cases of sexual harassment involving military personnel continued to hit the headline in the past few years. The sharp program addresses how to stop sexual harassment instead of the cause of sexual harassment.  Therefore to prevent the increased cases of sexual harassment, the army educative programs should integrate the complete interactions between cultural, gender, and learning goals on equality. Most of the researches suggests that most of the behaviors are earned through experiences. Through the leaning theories, the most significant number of sexual perpetrators once experienced sexual harassment in their life.  Therefore we can say that the educational program that is trained ion the army does not address the behavior that is leaned by the students either through experience. For example, children who experience sexual violence at young ages from their guardians and mentors are likely…

Woman as an object and sex appeal. Thesis: Advertisers think women as an object. It is pretty clear in the way they have presented this advertisement. They have been using women for their bodies. In my perspective, they are doing this to get attention to their brand by using a beautiful woman to flaunt their product, by sexually objectifying parts of the body and constructing an idea that this product will bring you these women. Information: According to Fowle’s fifteen urgent appeals, I think this advertisement can fall under two groups. One is The need for sex, and the other one is The need for attention (Reichertand Jacqueline, 11).               The first ad where the fragrance is kept between women’s vagina is the fragrance for men and the second one where women are naked in the water that scent is for women which advertisement was later banned. This the brand Tom Ford which is selling the same product for both men and women and using women as an object for both. Men’s fragrance advertisement…

Negative Effect of the Internet on Teenagers Introduction Technology has changed every aspect of our lives, including our behaviors. Teenagers are worst hit, with the majority of this age group spending considerable time on social platforms or playing computer games. Such behaviors in teenagers affect them negatively and can even come to haunt them in future. This essay discusses the harmful effects of technology on the teenage population. Impacts of Technology on Teenagers In today’s world, many people prefer to live in cities instead of towns or even rural areas. Kids are spending most of their time playing with their computers while others spend time on the internet using smartphones. Teenagers accessing the internet is the most recent change experienced in the last two decades (Soh at al., 225-236). The ease of people to access the internet is perhaps one of the greatest inventions which have impacted many people in society. The use of the internet, for instance, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have some negative impact on children and society at large. Young people don’t care about their privacy since…

Sexual Assault in the US Military The cases of sexual assaults have continued to increase in the United States military despite the vigorous campaigns to stop them. Sexual assault refers to any activity that involves a person engaging another person in sexual activity without the consent of the other person. Such actions involve touching, speech, or even body movements (Dworkin et al., 2017). The cases of sexual assaults in the US military are more active than ever. They have attracted intense media coverage in recent years. Approximately 32% of women in the military complain about sexual assaults. 80% percent of the complaints have been confirmed. This article discusses the question as to why cases of sexual assault continue to rise in the US military. Sexual assaults occur between familiar or close parties. One of the causes or motivations for such cases is the need to acquire power or control over the victim. In this case, the perpetrators of the crime want to develop a sense of control over the victims. Some people have quire sexual psychology that demands them to…

Same-sex estate planning There are some unique circumstances that same-sex couples face when estate planning. These often make most couples shy away from estate planning. However, it is still one of the best ways for you to ensure your assets are in the right hands in the event of your death. While same-sex marriages are legal, you will still have to face the patchwork of state laws that got implemented years before. You must, therefore, ensure that all past relationships remain in the past. This will guarantee that the assets flow to the other spouse after death. Couples who break up and do not dissolve their marriages often find themselves in a tough place. If you have kids, the will is crucial. It allows everyone to understand what you want. There is a lot of confusion in situations where there are kids out of wedlock, and there is no clear direction on how the assets should get divided. It is also a good idea for same-sex couples to give their spouses a power of attorney. It is a good idea…

Sexual assault and harassment Sexual assault and harassment is a demeaning and traumatizing experience. Its definition encompasses unsolicited sexual contact on the victim that results in embarrassment and fear. In the military, the occurrence of sexual harassment and assault is baffling, especially in the light of the training, code of conduct, and rules that military personnel is bound to. The effects of sexual harassment and assault are far-reaching, traumatizing the victims years after their service to the military ends. Despite numerous efforts to end sexual harassment, the vice still plagues the military. It is crucial to address the root causes to ensure that people enlisting in the military go through their service without having to contend with sexual malice. Why Does Sexual Assault Occur? Sexual offenses in the military are shrouded in complexity, which requires understanding to have a chance at addressing them. While I investigated the causes of sexual assault, it became evident that the root causes are not much different in the military from the cases occurring in the civilian world. Gender stereotypes are the most prevalent cause…

Response: Asexuality on Campus and Beyond Identification in the line of sexuality is getting to a point where it is almost becoming a liberal aspect where one can deny or accept to be referred to in that context. Sexuality or asexuality is nothing to worry about if one is left out of it nowadays. Asexuality, probably, a couple of years before this generation would appear as a social weakness and maybe to some degree a disability. The issue of rising independence is offering a platform for people to do what they find appealing to them alone and leaving out what that could mean to society. Notably, the interviewee responds satisfactorily to the trends currently evident in the rising asexuality. However, I’m afraid I have to disagree with the fact that some NGOs among other influential humanitarian organizations are out there promoting asexuality. This issue, I suggest, should be debated with a warning tone if possible. Otherwise, if the community lets it be free to discuss, then, definitely, people are going to adopt and fit into the new traditions that are…

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