Homosexual Identities             Ellen Lee DeGeneres is one of America’s most popular TV hosts famous for her TV show named The Ellen Lee DeGeneres Show. The 62-year-old American begun as a standup comedian and progressed to launch her daytime talk show. Today, over 15 years since her debut, her show has enjoyed remarkable success competing against other renowned TV shows such as The Oprah Winfrey Show for ratings and viewership. The Ellen Lee DeGeneres Show has been produced to comprise of celebrity and non-celebrity interviews, pranks, games, conversations with the audience and jokes, among others. Besides her professional life, Ellen has also been in the limelight since 1997 when she came out as a lesbian. Eleven years later, she married her girlfriend through a 2008 wedding ceremony. Ellen marks one of the key personalities in the United States who have identified as homosexuals and advocated for their rights. This essay compares the massive stigmatization of homosexuality as a sexual identity before the 21st century and the increased recognition of their rights and freedoms after the turn of the millennium in…

Sexual aggression Sexual aggression by men to women is a significant problem in many countries where most men claim women’s attitudes. A Roman Catholic priest jailed for sexually assaulting a teenage boy is an example of sex abuse scandals in the Catholic Church. The abuser justified his behavior on the facts. The allegations were wrong, and he did commit the act. Father Julio Cesar Grassi was convicted of having abused a teenage boy sexually. According to the court, the offender was found guilty of sexually abusing the boy and jailed for fifteen years. However, the offender claimed the case to be false allegations under the wrong evidence. The priest claimed that in his life, he remained to help children in need, and therefore he was wrongly accused of such a case. Upon the court ruling, his justification was that he was innocent, and consequently, he would believe God only. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-50549918?intlink_from_url=https://www.bbc.com/news/topics/c9z6w6n469et/catholic-church-sexual-abuse-cases&link_location=live-reporting-story    

Racism​ and Sexism in video games   Racism is whereby people are being discriminated against or treated unfairly due to the person’s color and background, whereas Sexism means stereotyping or discrimination against gender roles. Racism and Sexism in video games have been a threat not only to kids but society as a whole. The danger comes from the effects of playing these games as it leads to male and female developing beliefs about the roles and capabilities of men and women from their depictions. In the gaming world, there are male-dominated, while women get access to attention just for playing as well. Therefore, treatment between the two roles against the outside world is bound to be different. Generally speaking as a woman, our go-to superpower to fight against the evil of Sexism in this world is to be silent for men to undermine our integrity. Women usually feel restricted in executing their duties. They are mandated to follow instructions given by the men. It takes some percentage of women to actually speak up and stand for themselves to show it’s…

Sexual Harassment Attorney in Virginia Sexual harassment is intimidating somebody based on their gender. That may include making unacceptable sexual advances, asking for sexual favors, or any verbal or physical harassment that’s sexual. You should note that occasional offhand comments, while they might be unwelcome, can be legal. What’s illegal, however, is when the comments create a hostile work environment. To discuss the options that might be available to you, you should consult a Richmond VA Sexual Harassment Attorney today. The experienced lawyers at Pierce / McCoy can guide you through the legal matter and offer solid advice on your options. What You Should Do If You Experience Sexual Harassment at Work If you’ve experienced any form of sexual harassment at the workplace, here are the steps you should take: Clearly state that the conduct is offensive and inappropriate: If you face any type of harassment at work, make it known that the action was unwanted Document what happened: You should hold on to any evidence, e.g., emails and documents, and take note of each incident. Detailed documentation will prove…

Understanding the Experiences of Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans Survivors of Domestic Violence Introduction The article Understanding the Experiences of Lesbian, Bisexual, and Trans Survivors of Domestic Violence is basically a study carried out by the authors to assess the extent of domestic violence meted out at lesbians, bisexuals, and trans survivors (LBT). Consequently, the article has as its primary objective to investigate the societal position on domestic violence that is meted out on LBT and also an understanding or rather assess cultural appropriateness of domestic violence services to LBT survivors. In order to make the study successful, the researchers used qualitative methods and also carried out focus groups and semi-structured interviews with the affected communities. This piece of work will provide the summary, critique as well as an overview of the article. Summery Generally, the article provides essential contextual information on the experiences that LBT goes through and responds to domestic violence in the affected people.  Authors allege that based on political experience, these communities form a cultural group that has a history, family fabric, community institutions, and also cultural…

“Effects of neighborhood and family stressors on African American male adolescents’ self-worth and propensity for violent behavior.” Most citizens of the world live in an urban environment. By 2030, only one-third of the world population will be residing in rural areas as the majority of the people move to towns and cities. Sociologists have tried to use numerous methods to explain this trend, but are now using urban sociology to explain. The sociologists have been attempting for long to explore the social changes that take place in society as citizens move from rural to urban areas. As a result, the earliest attempt to develop urban sociology borrowed ideas from the model of biological ecology. However, it did not consider class, ethnic, and racial conflict that would characterize 21st-century societies. Modern scholars such as Max Weber, Karl Marx, and Friedrich Engel laid the foundation for contemporary sociological theories, including urban sociology. According to Gottdiener, Hohle, and King (2019), the three scholars used historical analysis to explain their ideas about social development. The three understand that social organization considers other factors such…

Sexual Behavior of Americans. This survey was conducted In America purposely to collect various information on the sexual experiences and other social, attitudinal, demographic and other health-related behaviors of adults in America. The survey gathered information on sexual practice with the couples and other sexual partners and cohabitants and collected a background information about the partners. The mainly investigated areas included sexual experiences, for example, the number of sexual partners over a given period, the frequency of the sexual practice and timing of various sexual events. Other areas in question included marriage, sexual victimization, cohabitation, and fertility (Janus 2013). The respondents were also asked about their history of sexually transmitted infections, their attitude towards premarital sex, appeal for particular sexual practices like the oral sex, the level of satisfaction with their sexual partners. The sample persons were between ages 17 to 58 years drawn from various households tallying to about 5, 0000 individuals. According to the study, 1 of 3 acts of vaginal intercourse among the couples of age between 17 to 29 years are protected using condoms in America.…

Sexism in Adverts             Sexism is a popular social problem in the advertisement sector. The main aim of many advertisers has been to make a positive impression using sexist adverts, but most of the cases have gone in the wrong direction. Often, adverts on several media platforms are targeted to a specific audience, a factor that creates a discriminatory kind of perception towards a certain group. For example, the use of young girls in the advertisement of toys has created a feeling of discrimination towards young boys and has caused alienation towards what toys should be used by what gender and much generally has caused gender crises. The 2017 advert by Mr. Clean on the importance of men who could sweep has not gone well with several viewers who feel that the advert has employed a wide range of sexism in passing information that could be adopted in a much better way. The portrayal of cleaning duties to belong to ladies and the fact that ladies can only pay using sex are sexist actions that should not be promoted on…

Same Sex Marriage in Canada Same-sex marriage is a common and growing trend across the globe, and Canada is no exception. The aspect of same-sex marriage in Canada has been on the increase following an emerging trend that has seen the family structure evolve. This comes amidst the backdrop of factors such as change in social norms, economic issues and immigration. The current survey of 2016 by Environics Analytics indicate that there has been an increase in the rate at which Canadians are bent to form same-sex marriages. It is worth noting that despite the fact that, this group forms a small percentage compared to other forms of marriage, the segment is experiencing a growing trend. In the last decade, there has been a 60 percent rise in same-sex marriages compared to 9 percent increases registered in the opposite sex marriages (Campion-Smith, 2017). The trend is seen to take toll of the largest cities in the country such as Ottawa-Gatineau, Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto. The Canadian law allows for the same-sex marriages as per the dictates of sociological perspectives which…

Heterosexuality Heterosexuality refers to the characteristic where people are attracted sexually to people of the opposite sex. The first time I realized that heterosexuality was the norm in society was when I was in my earlier stages of school. I remember very well I was about eight years old we were having lunch with the other pupils in our school. One of the girls who was bigger than the rest of us asked us to confess which boy we loved in class. It was interesting that all the girls were attracted to a different boy in class, and others were their desk mates. A certain boy in class also kept coming where I was, and he liked spending time with me. I also recall one time my neighbor, who was a boy coming to request me to join him play a game. This went on for a long time, even from other of my boy neighbors and church mates. I don’t deny the fact that I was also enjoying their company and even went to call them during weekends so…

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