Human Sexuality The Community AIDS Resource and Education Services (CARES) is a community-based organization in Southwest Michigan. The organization was formed to help in the prevention of HIV/AIDs spread among the people in the community. The purpose of the group which also couples as the mission is to reduce the rate of HIV transmission in the community as well as enhance the quality of life of the individuals infected by the HIV health problem. Persons suffering from HIV face increased stigmatization in society. Therefore, they require individuals who will care for them regardless of their health status. CARES provides counselling services to the people already infected and those seeking the testing services. Besides, it is a complex issue to manage life with HIV. CARES allows the people to deal with the challenge by having case managers assist their clients on ways to enrol for insurance that would cater their medical expenses, housing assistance, referral to the necessary areas they can get the required assistance and also help in medical scheduling and transportation of the patients. They also offer testing programs…


The Sexy Lie

The Sexy Lie The Sexy Lie is a talk by Ted about sexual objectification and beauty standards. According to (“Heldman: The Sexy Lie”), Ted explains that sex encompassment entails treating an individual like a sex object. She gives examples of sexual exploitation of women, especially in the media. Often, women expose their bodies in public magazines and media platforms thinking that by so doing, their standards rise. Unfortunately, Ted says that the act is degrading, and women must object to the idea by all means. Besides, Ted contends that unlike many people think, makeup does not raise individuals’ self-esteem. Instead, makeup conceals a person’s real look, acting like a big sexy lie, and at the end of the talk, Ted takes off her make up. In my opinion, contemporary beauty standards are often contrary to those people praised in the past. Nowadays, among things, people focus more are the beautiful face, tiny waist, big booty, and flat tummy. Unfortunately, most of these goals are naturally unworkable.  As a result, most women seek techniques that are sometimes overpriced and unsafe and…

sexual liberation In this week’s discussion, it was noted that sexual liberation entails women’s freedom to satisfy or conduct and behave in the way they like to satisfy their sexual desires. Of interest in the definition was that women are allowed to satisfy their sexual desires without shame or fear. Sexual liberation implies that women have no obligation or rules to adhere to when it comes to sex. They have no guilt and cannot be judged about their sexual life. In my opinion, I believe that sexual liberation is no form of equity for women but a way of challenging traditional rules and codes of conduct that controls and keep in check sexual behaviours in society. With sexual liberation in mind, sexuality will take a different direction, and most interpersonal relationships may not last. Despite the negative side of the idea, sexual liberation is suitable for women to control male dominance. I think that women should have some freedom to decide and control their sexual life. If women can professionally manage the concept, then it can be used to give…

Battle of Sexes The battle of sexes was the chosen game in this case. The game is a two-player coordinated game, with a column player and a row player. For a better understanding of the game, one could use a couple named Jack and Jill. Jack plays basketball while Jill loves opera. While deciding on data, they can either choose to go to opera or the basketball event. Both players prefer to go to the same place. Assuming that the players would not communicate, where would they go? The dilemma presents the basics of the game, in which the two players want the same results. The following payoff matrix represents the battle of sexes. The game makes the assumption that the couple does not have any form of communication with each other. They know that there are two options that they are meant to decide on, but they cannot directly talk to each other. In that regard, it is a challenge for either of them to decisively make their way to a certain destination since they face the risk of…

        Sexual Assault on College Campus The problem Sexual assault on campus is a common phenomenon in institutions of higher education in the United States. A study examining the prevalence of sexual assault in campuses reveals that female students bear the greatest burden of sexual assault victimization (Winerman, 2018). The author revealed that the percentage of women who become victims of sexual assault vary between 19 and 27 per cent while the data on male victims vary between 6 and 8 per cent. The phenomenon of sexual assault has invited federal, state, and local responses. In 2015, 27 per cent of female students revealed that they had encountered sexual assault (Withers, 2019). The phenomenon manifests in unwanted contact. Sexual assault on campus has attracted significant attention from the media and the federal government. Historically, university administrators had the exclusive jurisdiction of adjudicating on cases of sexual assault and rape in universities, away from the criminal justice system. Victims of sexual assault encounter devastating consequences which can affect their learning and normal life (Withers, 2019). Due to the increased focus on sexual…

Sexual Orientation As A Diverse Need And Its Impact On Family  Modern society is learning to adjust and accept the differences that exist in humans. One significant difference in human beings is sexual orientation. People show different levels of sexual orientation, but for a long time, society has only been forced to align itself to a single sexual orientation (Savin-Williams, 2001). The variation in sexual needs has had an impact on families and society as a whole. Some scientists believe that sexual orientation is not a choice; instead, it is a need that is driven by different factors. The focus of the paper is to evaluate the concept of sexual orientation as a diverse need in modern families. Prevalence Of Different Sexual Orientation Needs People have always exhibited different sexual orientations throughout history. However, in most societies, heterosexuality has always been accepted, while other patters of sexual orientation like homosexuality, bisexuality, and asexuality are not generally accepted (D’Augelli, 1994). Each of these states represents a wide variety of sexual orientation needs. A sexual or romantic attraction that exhibited between persons…

Social Problems:Sexual Defiance Sexual deviance is any sexual behavior that is different from the standards established by culture. This means that sexual deviance is defined culturally and historically, where a culture accepts and relates to a certain way or sexual behavior (Laws, 2008). Sexual deviance, therefore, is described differently by people who belong to different communities. However, many people take sexual defiance, which may make them react in a stigmatizing way to the deviant sex people.  Sex behavior is described as deviant if a person uses an odd or disallowed way by the community to get sexual satisfaction. Sex deviant behaviors may include bestiality, necrophilia, fetishism, and even exhibitionism. Problems that prostitutes face Prostitution is the selling of sexual services by the prostitutes, both men, and women. Prostitution exposes the prostitutes to several issues, both health and social problems. Prostitutes face health risks. This is because prostitution only takes into account the agreement on both parties about the price. This exposes them to the risk of infection of HIV since there is no measure in prostitution to guard them against…

Same-Sex Marriages One of the most controversial topics in the social world today includes the debate about intimacies. Scientists and religious groups have always argued and championed for intimacies of opposite sex intimacies. Religious groups say that ‘their God’ created man and woman and intended that intimacy would only involve people of the opposite sex. Any contrary affection is regarded as ‘sinful’ and heavily reprimanded. The society has, in many instances, branded those who get intimate with persons of the same sex as immoral or inhuman. The individuals become objects of insult and badmouthing (Conkle 100). The attraction to the same sex, especially for men is a significant source of psychological torture and disrespect. Such individuals end up being isolated in some societies and suffer dire psychological problems. However, the world has witnessed increasing incidences of homosexuality intimacies that culminate into marriages. The sole purpose of intimacy is emotional satisfaction and psychological support from one’s spouse. The support and pleasure do not necessarily come from people of the opposite sex. Notably, different-sex relationships have been rocked with infidelity (Conkle 99).…

International law on same-sex couples International law through human rights law protects the right of intimate relations. This kind of protection is usually essential because it assures one of the rights to marriage, and at the same time, it gives one the right to private life as it prohibits discrimination of any form. If a person is not bisexual, then in many cases, the wish that one has to have an intimate relationship and live with it means that the person either wishes to live with a person of the same sex or to live with a person of the opposite sex. Nowadays, intimate relationships happen between people of the same sex i.e., same-sex couples and between different-sex couples. However, same-sex couples find it hard to get protection for their relationships since, over time, human rights treaties are usually interpreted, such that they only protect the rights of different-sex couples. In the recent past, different states have embraced the idea of same-sex relationships and legalized marriages between such coupled in the national domestic law. Nevertheless, LGBT individuals have not yet…

 concept of sexuality in sociology Part 1 – Brief summary of the Chapter Chapter six discusses the concept of sexuality in sociology. It includes sexual identity and orientation. Sexual orientation is explained as the pattern of sexual or romantic attraction to other individuals, especially in relation to the gender identity of an individual. Stigma is also discussed in the chapter as a factor in the concept of sexuality. The attitudes regarding sexual orientation are presented in the chapter, including homophobia, stigma, compulsory heterosexuality and the coming out attitude (Joanna, 2018). the biology of human sexuality is discussed, including evolution as well as the sexual behaviour that focuses on modern intimacy and sex and marriage. In sexual behaviour, sex before marriage includes where sex happens before individuals are married. Men are presented as having more partners compared to women. Having numerous partners is presented as relatively uncommon, and that sex in the absence of consent between the parties is relatively common. The concept of teen sex is also included in the discussion where adolescence is defined as the development period between…

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