Sexism, Heterosexism and Trans Oppression Catalano et al. work enlighten on the historical spotlighting and contemporary sexual violence and harassment in many American institutions. Catalano further talks of the individuals that have been complicitly silent, willfully ignorant, or unengaged as systems of patriarchy, misogyny, and those that dominate over the rights of women and the queer. There have been multiple movements on the subject and complicated conversations about gay, lesbian, queerness, and overlapping cases, but since the issues do not affect us at personal levels, there has been a lack of empathy on those marginalized. Therefore. Catalano’s statements force one to self-reflect on which side he lies in this conflict and reevaluates the perspectives on heterosexism, sexism, transgender, and their oppression by the existing systems. In the initial argument on heterosexism, Catalano, in a way, diverts the blame to those regarded as “normal.” The society has privileged heterosexuals setting them as the dominant group, and thus making the bisexual, lesbian, gay, intersex, and rest feel invisible. Catalanomakes a valid argument that makes one evaluate his effect as a heterosexual to…

healthcare-related assaults and sexual abuse by medical professionals Introduction Sexual abuse and assault cause immense harm to patients; therefore, it’s imperative to discipline any physicians caught committing any sexually-related violation to their patients or clients. Every patient’s intention is to be treated with respect and care when they visit their doctors, hospitals, or even physical therapists. Sexual-related assault is a severe trust violation, violation of medical ethics, and breaking the law. Every patient should know that they have the right to order a medical professional to stop an examination right away if it makes them feel uncomfortable. If, at one given point, the patients are nervous, they can always ask for a nurse of a family member to accompany them in the treatment or the examination room. Despite sexually related offenses increasing over time and being relatively severe, fewer medical professional perpetrators are getting disciplined. The following paper will focus on healthcare-related assaults and sexual abuse by medical professionals giving a brief synopsis of these cases and their outcomes. The article will provide an analysis of the current state of…


Sexual Meaning

Sexual Meaning Changes in the youth’s physical and cognitive development influence their relations with family and friends. According to (Carroll 2018), a youth focus usually shifts during puberty to social interactions and friendships, and they include; boy/girl groups of friends, same-sex friends. Moreover, sexual maturity generally triggers interest more so in dating and sexual relationships. During this period, youths tend to change in peer relationships, male-female relationships, and family relationships (Carroll, 2018). These changes tend to influence their independence, self-esteem, identity, and feeling of self-importance. According to (Carroll, 2018), “an intimate relationship is an interpersonal relationship that involves physical or emotional attachment and is commonly a sexual relationship.” The emotional relationship involves the feeling of liking or loving. Physical intimacy tends to be romantic love, sexual activity, and plays a vital role in the human experience (Carroll, 2018). Humans desire to belong and be loved, which is usually satisfied within an intimate relationship. Personal identity forms after a person become an adult and identify with a social role which they consequently perceive as defining them (Carroll, 2018). An intimate relationship…

Sexuality in Older Adults Just like an exercise program or any routine activity, it is never too late for any person to start being sexually active. Having sex regularly is the most effective strategy to sustain sexual capacity. Older individuals who have remained celibate for decades can realize sexual satisfaction in new intimate relationships. There are several considerations, however, that can be employed to make the process more effective, for example, prolonged foreplay and direct contact with the sexual organs of the individuals. There are therefore no health risks known of the elderly engaging in sexual behavior if the various health regulations are observed for example engaging in moderate alcohol drinking, following the abstinence duration as advised by the doctor, in the case of individuals with hypertension, and the avoidance of certain medication that reduce an individual’s sex drive(National Institute on Aging, n.d.). In this case, for example, it is possible that the wife began cheating in the relationship after getting new sexual experience with another sexual partner that restored her sexual desires. She kept her sexual life active by…

Pain Competency Self-Assessment   Competency outcome 1: The student appropriately performs and documents pain screenings, assessments, and reassessments. Competency outcome2: The student teaches the patient and family about pain control. Competency outcome3: The student collaborates with the patient, the family, and the healthcare team to develop a pain management plan and define pain relief goals.   Competencies 1–3 Competent Y or N Asks all patients, in initial evaluation and routinely as part of a health assessment, about the presence of pain   Y If pain is present, assesses critical characteristics, including location, quality, intensity, temporal characteristics, alleviating and aggravating factors, impact of pain, past interventions, and responses   Y Utilizes simple and reliable pain intensity scales appropriate to age and cognitive status   Y Teaches patients how and when to report pain, including side effects or adverse effects of pain treatment, roles in helping to manage pain, realistic pain relief goals, and how to utilize pain interventions   Y Discusses realistic goals with patients   Y Communicates and collaborates appropriately with physician, team members, unit pain resource nurse, inpatient pain…

Safeguarding Children from Child Sexual Exploitation Power Relations and Child Sexual Exploitation Child sexual exploitation may occur under the relationship of power where there is a close relationship between the victim and the offender. In most cases, the offender holds positions of authority through a family relationship such as a parent, sibling, or adult family member. It may also include contact with an institution such as a clergy member, sports coach, and a teacher and a psychological relationship where the partner has higher psychological power over their spouse (Hill, P. 2016, 158).  The dynamic relationship between children and adults, such as parents, is based on social power, psychological development, and age differences. The concept of power relations causes harm stretching beyond emotional, psychological, and physical. The breach of this power dynamic bestows upon it a heavier emotional and psychological force, giving it more gravity. Depending on the relationship between the perpetrator and the child, it mostly results in sexual assault; however, there is a sexual assault level that is not deemed to be sexual abuse. Power relations occur from a…

 Depression in teenagers The two clients were diagnosed with depressive disorders as per the presenting symptoms. DSM-5 has specific criteria for qualifying depressive disorders based on symptoms reported. It outlines the requirement to record at least five symptoms reported by the client for the last 14 days. The clients reported depressive symptoms, including depressive mood almost every day for the last two weeks, loss of interest in activities, sleep problems, loss of energy, and feelings of hopelessness (American Psychiatric Association. 2013). Depression in teenagers has been associated with issues such as academic performances and family problems. The presence of the symptoms informed for group therapy as an important plan for the clients. Plan of care The first client was prescribed with sertraline 50 mg once daily for three weeks as the first-line treatment due to his previous use of the medication as he can tolerate appropriately. The second client received Prozac 30 mg once daily for two weeks. The two clients were also scheduled for group cognitive behavioral therapy sessions to help them in coping with depressive symptoms. Group cognitive-behavioral…

 sexism in the video gaming world A majority would argue for the longest time that the male has dominated video games, having guns and car games.  However, as the real world is encouraging gender equality, the gaming world has not been left behind as the representation of women in the gaming world has increased over the past few years.  For example, in Great Britain, they have discovered that 40% of the game players are female across all platforms. Also, in the developing world, the numbers are skyrocketing, recording a total of 22% of the game’s developers in the world being women.  However, sexism is still alive in the video gaming world. Stereotypes and clichés involving female characters. Most often, video games depict females characters are often being sexualized, which are portrayed with exaggerated figures and who are always wearing minimal clothing. In other games, women are still victims who are ever requiring someone to save them from the violation of games such as GTA.  The non-human characters are also hit with “female “sexism in the gaming world. A redesign of…

The Impact of Curfew on Minors as it Relates to Premarital Sex and Juvenile Delinquency Literature review Curfews are meant to restrict youth from visiting public places at odd hours. Most states regulate youth of seventeen to eighteen years and below from visiting public sites from 10 pm to 5.a.m during the weekdays and as from midnight to dawn on weekends.  For instance, in Prince George County in Maryland, the curfew is applied to the youth of seventeen years and below. They are restricted from public places during night times (Wilson et al., 2016).  Failure to adhere to the curfew laws attracts a fine, which is applied according to the offense, community service, and youth driver’s license restrictions. This has helped keep then in their homes to avoid being engaged in crime or be victims of crime. Besides, the huge fines, together with sanctions, prevent the youth from visiting public places at night. Curfew laws have helped, to a vast extent, to reduce crimes and victimization among the youth. According to Wilson et al., 2016, as per the quantitate evaluations…

Sexual assault policy Introduction “Sexual assault” is a common term in modern Campus life. The rates at which the vice continues to increase in contemporary campus life reflect the lapses in socio-psychological education on campus and the significant relationship between sexual victimization and socio-psychological factors. In reality, campus life has very substantial social consequences that are likely to increase the chances of a student facing sexual victimization. This has led to the [prevailing sentiments of “she or he asked for it” when investigations into the issue of sexual assault emerge. Although this is not a preferred direction for a campus to take, we dealing with issues of sexual assault, it underlines the problems associated with sexual victimization in college life. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss the impact of different harmful social activities on increasing the likeliness of becoming victims of social victimization. It is the view of this article that understanding these coherent social factors that increase the chances of sexual victimization can help researchers in developing functional sexual assault policies for colleges. Traditional social lifestyle in college education…

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