Being an Undocumented Child Immigrant Benuto, Larraine, et al. “Being an Undocumented Child Immigrant.” Children and Youth                  Services Review, vol.89, June 2018, pg. 198-204, In the article “Being an Undocumented Child Immigrant,” Benuto talks about how kids that are under the age of 18 migrate to The United States; being an undocmented child would make it harder to live in the states, 11.4 million kids are undocumented. Being undocumented can cause them to get trouble with getting or having any kind of healthcare not just the kids but eve families. Many kids won’t be able to have a “normal” life as other american kids, undocumented kids are afraid of being taken away from their families or just go back to the horrable life they used to live in their country. It also tells you about the process they had to avoid getting caught by the immigration police or well known as ICE. It’s helpful because it can bring out more information on the paper.   Rhodes, Scott D., et al. “The Impact of Local Immigration Enforcement Policies on the Health…

 best health facilities that would be used to ensure that then women’s health is well catered for The author claims that everyone claims that they a]love mothers. However, they have not developed on the best health facilities that would be used to ensure that then women’s health is well catered for. The author states that in Texas, women die from when giving birth, and yet no measures have been put up to reduce the number of such death. Some of the clinics that would have helped have been closed down. The author states that the women who die in casual occasions. American women are likely to die more than babies who are born due to the unclear conditions in hospitals. Everyone claims to be loving the mothers, yet most of the pregnant mothers are left unattended, and most of the Americans teenagers become pregnant when they are still at their teens’ age. The author pleads with the society to be on their lookout of our women in the community and take care of them as required. We all claim to…

Fears/phobias that are roadblocks to your life-work journey Trypanophobia is one of my major fears, which refers to an extreme fear of procedures involving injections. This condition appeared when I was a teenager and has not stopped yet. I did not undergo procedures involving needles in my childhood, and therefore, I do fear them a lot. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would give it 9. It is the highest level of fear that I have. My sisters and my mother have this fear; I, therefore, think it’s a genetically inherited phobia (Starinova et al. 2016). The symptoms associated include panic attacks, anxiety, running away from medical care, and feeling physically and emotionally violent. The way to manage this fear that I am using is creating confidence and mastery over my thoughts and feelings. This phobia is interfering with my life and work because I cannot be able to accept to go to the hospital when sick easily. The second phobia is entomophobia, which refers to an extreme fear of insects. This condition appeared to me during my…

A Basic guide on How to Become a Teenage Entrepreneur In this technology era, teenagers have access to all kinds of information. You choose to consume what will benefit you. As a teen, you should research on how to become a teenage entrepreneur. There is so much information online that will help you run a successful venture as a teenager. There are many businesses you can start as a teenager. They require minimal to no capital. You can raise money to buy your favorite books, pizzas or go on adventures with your friends. Most of the world’s renowned entrepreneurs started as teenagers. Learning the skills and habits of entrepreneurs as a teenager will give you time to make mistakes, learn, and improve. This guide will equip you with the skills required to run a successful business as a teenager. We will also give you a few examples you may run as a teenager.. Habits of an Entrepreneur There are habits you should develop to be a successful entrepreneur. Thehabits cut across all ages. Learning them at a tender age will…

Satire on the Victorian Emphasis on “Proper” and “Moral” Values The Victorians are famous for their emphasis on social and moral values. These factors made its members assume that they were the rightful societal leaders. The impact of public learning institutions on Victorian culture was pervasive and deceptively powerful. In this case, Victorians hoped to create a compelling character through the conditioning of the schools. Queen Victoria had a significant impact on the moral tone and communal pride of her society. Most literary works focus on criticizing the emphasis on the “proper” and “moral” by the Victorians. The primary objective was to shows the insignificant of the leadership strategies in transforming humanity to behave in a specific way. Although the Victorians emphasized on “proper” way of living and superior “morals,” Wilde uses satire to shows that the impact was insignificant. Wilde uses satire to show the Victorian emphasis on the “proper” way of life as not significant in influencing people to change their way of living. The statement “I never saw a woman so altered; she looks quite twenty years…

Top Ten Car Insurance in NY Due to mishaps that can happen when on the road, choosing an insurance company to cover your vehicle is a decision that should made after careful consideration. Apart from  being a compulsory legal document to have once you own a car  getting one that will take care of you and your car in a timely and professional manner is essential. If you are living or have plans to relocate to Ny but you don’t have   a clue on which one to settle for don’t worry because we have got you covered. Below are some of the best car insurance companies in Ny. Progressive This is an insurance company which has garnered a lot of  great reviews from it clientele. This company   sets itself apart from the rest due to the discounts they usually give. It prides itself in rewarding their clients when they drive safely, or pay their premiums in full. Once you are a client at progressive you are sure to get a discount. The company covers both vehicles and motorcycles.  There has…

Research the range of contemporary issues teenagers face today Research the range of contemporary issues teenagers face today. In a 500-750-word paper, choose one issue (besides teen pregnancy) and discuss its effect on adolesence and overall well-being. Include the following in your submission: Describe the contemporary issue and explain what external stressors are associated with this issue. Outline assessment strategies to screen for this issue and external stressors during an assessment for an adolescent patient. Describe what additional assessment questions you would need to ask and define the ethical parameters regarding what you can and cannot share with the parent or guardian. Discuss support options for adolescents encountering external stressors. Include specific support options for the contemporary issue you presented. Research the range of contemporary issues teenagers face today. [unique_solution]In a 500-750-word paper, choose one issue (besides teen pregnancy) and discuss its effect on adolescent behavior and overall well-being. Include the following in your submission: Describe the contemporary issue and explain what external stressors are associated with this issue. Outline assessment strategies to screen for this issue and external stressors…

MT: Quality Informative topics Learners Can Select MD: The process of selecting quality topics for your essay can be very challenging. If you have no idea of a place you can get informative speech topics, our experts will be ready to help. H1: Informative speech topics – Meaning and examples If you are a student, probably you may be asking what the price of your informative assignment is. You should not worry since our service provides an affordable price, no matter how complex the assignment maybe. When writing an informative speech, you will have a chance of being close to your audience hence linking knowledge regarding certain subjects. Focusing on this, someone can shed some light on important and fascinating topics and various issues. Due to this, you should carry out thorough research regarding your question. Your suggestions are also essential when you intend to writing speeches that are informatively centered on precise subject issues. Your emotions will be the primary connection that will help you reach out to your audience. Giving out a speech without accurate knowledge may hurt…

Parenting Styles and development outcomes Introduction Adolescent state is an imperative period which requires parents and teenagers to renegotiate their interactions. Parenting style predicts the wellbeing of a child in a number of ways such as performance, social skills and their behavior  (Shute, Maud, & Mclachlan, 2019). Study has shown that parenting styles are closely related to the various qualities that a parent possesses. Parenting styles are vital family context aspects which leads to aren’t adolescent relationship. Therefore, parenting style is defined a way in which parents’ attitude and behaviors are expressed towards the children. In Baumrind’s approach, parenting styles are classified into four categories based on demanding ness and responsiveness. Using naturalistic observation and interviewing parents, Baumrind suggested that most parents displayed the following parenting styles; authoritarian, authoritative, permissive and uninvolved parenting. Consequently, the main of this paper will be to investigate the how various parenting styles affects the growth and development of children and adolescents. The authoritarian parents are controlling and very strict. The parents believe that it is mandatory for the kids to follow their rules without…

 Mitchel’s attorney Question 1 As Mitchel’s attorney, first, I need to understand that I am dealing with a case that involves a minor since Mitchel is below 18 years old. I will handle Mitchel as a juvenile because of her age. According to Youth, Rights & Justice, Attorneys at Law (n.d.), Mitchel has committed a violation since it is a traffic offense. I will, therefore, inform my client about the things I will tell the court about her school and her home situation that will help her to be released from detention. I will review the police reports to determine whether there is anything that I will use as an argument to show that there is no probable cause that guarantees the detention of my client. I will ensure that I advise my client to remain polite when questioned by the juvenile court counsellor. I will also encourage my client to give positive information about her home situation, school attendance and behavior, and how he is good at her workplace if he is employed. Pre-trial aspects help the attorney to…

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