Critical thinking in nursing practice QUESTION 1 Assessment is a core component in nursing practice, required for planning, provision of quality and safer patient and family centred care. Patient assessment involves gathering information relating to a patient’s physiological, mental, physical and social status (Craven, & Hirnle, 2012). It helps identify patient current and future needs, and it is important in patient diagnosis, planning care, and exposing threats. The nurse should establish a professional and therapeutic mode of communication to ensure effective assessment through rapport building. Implementing critical thinking in patient assessment helps improve their outcomes by ensuring patient needs are met, and comprehensive patient-centred care is provided. The assessment processes used in daily nursing practice include comprehensive history taking, comprehensive nursing assessment, focused patient assessment and the use of acronyms. Detailed history taking helps in obtaining patient’s complaints about medical and surgical history, family and social history and also psychological and cultural history (Craven, & Hirnle, 2012). This helps identify risk factors and better planning of care. Physical examination involves employment of techniques such as inspection, palpation, auscultation and percussion, in…

What was Volkswagen thinking A communication process is useful when a respondent understands the message clearly. In any concept of communication, the answer is bound to how one understands the message. A message is deemed a success only if there is a concise understanding. Misunderstandings are common in any communication and can appear at any stage of the process. Therefore, proper considerations should be observed to ensure that the message is transmitted from the sender to the receiver without any glitches. In any organization, it is imperative that communication is appropriately conducted and the staff adhere to them.  The article ‘What was Volkswagen thinking,’ by Jerry Useem, highlights the importance of communication towards ensuring the persistence and shape of an organization. The report brings an excellent analysis of the company credos, talking about the positives aspects and the negative aspects of having it. A company credo or script is vital in maintaining good traits within the company and acts as a guide in a particular organization. The credo of any organization refers to the values or set of beliefs in…

Creative Thinking My initial expectations for this course were high. Being a part of creativity, innovation, and design course brought a lot of excitement and optimism, as I looked forward to putting my creative skills to use, work with my classmates as a team and learn how to best solve problems. I like coming up with new creative ideas to solve my everyday issues. So this course presented me with the opportunity to explore my innovative nature for the betterment of my problem-solving skills. However, as the class began, I realized it was not just about coming up with smart ways of solving problems, but dealing with issues from a  broader perspective like in an organization or in my community. I have learned to correctly define creativity, design, and innovation. Learning the factors that influence creativity from an individual perspective and from a team, has made me reflect on the things surrounding me that positively or negatively impact my creative process. As there are several external influences, I have learned to pick what is necessary and helpful, minding the ethical…

American Cultural Contexts for Critical thinking and writing Introduction America has two social structure namely patriarchy and matriarchy. However, we need to identify the structure that is the most effective; furthermore, the selected structure should be supported with evidence to prove that indeed it is the most effective. According to my point of view, patriarchy is the most effective structure. First of all, I will begin by defining this term patriarchy. What is patriarchy? It refers to a rule by fathers and not men. Nick B. Steves defines it as “ system designed to maximize paternal investment, in which rule by fathers as a key aspect” according to his definition, fathers can rule over children and wives as well. As a social equilibrium, patriarchy commits fathers to, and publicly held them responsible for providing and governing their respective households. Fathers therefore receive exclusive access to sex in exchange for this commitment to their wives ( This access therefore gives an assurance that all the children sired are his and authorize them to bear his name. The male effort in the key years,…

Social thinking The concept of social thinking profoundly affects the sociological understanding of social problems. Many theoretical perspectives provide further knowledge of social issues. People experience many different social issues on personal levels, while others involve more than one person. Some are poor, and others are unemployed, many are deficient in health, drink too much, or even family problems. When people hear about these problems, they tend to think that the problem belongs to the victims alone. However, social thinking stresses that such individual issues are rooted in problems that come from social aspects. To understand social psychology, it is crucial to distinguish public issues and personal issues. Personals issues are issues that affect an individual, and the society, as well as the individual himself, blame their own moral and personal failing. Examples include problems like unemployment, divorce, eating disorder as well as failing in examinations. On the other side, public issues refer to the issues that affect the public or a group of individuals. The problem is based on the social structure and culture of the society (Gazzola, 2019).…

Critical Thinking: The Establishment Clause. In 2004 the Supreme Court dismissed on technical grounds a case challenging the inclusion of the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance as a violation of the establishment clause of the First Amendment. (Newdow v. United States Congress, Elk Grove Unified School District, et al., 542 U.S. 1 (2004)).  (The words “under God” were Inserted into the Pledge of Allegiance by Congressional act in the 1950’s as part of a propaganda war against “godless communism”.) Whilst dismissing this suit, the Court acknowledged that this question would probably return. (When a case is dismissed there is no ruling either way on the issue at hand.) Carefully study Patterson’s discussion of the Establishment Clause (pp.114-116 11th.Ed., pp.104-106 12th.Ed.), paying particular attention to all the precedent rulings described and to the guidelines which the court has developed. Based on this information, how would you expect the Court to rule on the issue of the continued inclusion of the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance if the issue were to be brought before it again?[unique_solution] The…

Critical and Analytical Thinking             Human beings are always faced with situations that need informed decisions before going for solutions. However, the decision-making process involves several techniques, and different people take different approaches to address their issues. The thinking process is an essential requirement for the solution to every situation. Analytical and critical thinking are standard techniques of thinking that are essential in the provision of solutions. I have always been finding explanations and experiences that will help in understanding both analytical and critical thinking. After going through various experiences around people solving problems, I have come to understand that critical thinking involves a structured and logical way of viewing an issue from different perspectives and coming up with a feasible solution. Analytical thinking, on the other hand, involves breaking down an issue to understand the patterns involved in the process before making a decision. I have encountered situations that have required me to employ both critical and analytical thinking skills, depending on the situation at hand and the required outcomes at the end of the process. Analytical thinking involves…

Senge on system thinking Peter Senge is a world-famous strategist and a proponent of decentralizing leadership. He has explored the system thinking method. According to Senge, system thinking indicates the way to deal with the problems systematically. It helps to recognize which issues are more challenging and uncompromising. It also gives us some perspectives on those challenges and problems. System thinking is a deep commitment to ‘real learning.’ It enforces the changing of mental models and enhances the thinking ability towards a problem. To accomplish this task, one must include different people from different thinking prospects. It may help to make the right decisions after analyzing several points of view. The high-risk healthcare system is now bending towards the implementation of system thinking. It works as a holistic approach to solve all the care-related problems in the healthcare sector. The system thinking process ensures the collaboration of different stakeholders to work together in innovative strategy making for offering less problematic care facilities. It also defines approaches to understand the effects of the system evaluation process. Without the system framework, healthcare…

BBVA comes up with its all-new design thinking strategy Design Thinking is a type of method that helps in developing creativity and promoting innovation for solving problems and meets the needs of people in the most viable ways. Design Thinking has reached various social enterprises that are using it to improve their results as well as increase their impact. Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, better known as BBVA, is a financial services company. Their social entrepreneurship support program called BBVA Momentum has added face-to-face workshops based on design thinking. It is included in the training procedure that it offers to its participants, where the creativity of the professionals is maximized for finding effective as well as innovative solutions to the problems that they face. As the methodology of design thinking is based on specific values like equality, creativity, and empathy, it works perfectly with these social enterprises. Rob Brown, the head of Responsible Business, Design, and Marketing at BBVA, explained how design thinking had played a significant and relevant role in various large global organizations like BBVA. Their design thinking process…

rationality in thinking, the Stanford experiment, and the social effects on behavior Psychology The three take-away elements that I considered highly relevant included rationality in thinking, the Stanford experiment, and the social effects on behavior.  Rationality in thinking affects human behavior as it provides the basis through which we attempt to the way through which the mind understand and relay experiences.  It develops into the thought process that has the ultimate role in shaping human worldview. Through the Stanford experiment, it is possible to understand the ease of the manipulation of the brain concerning the self-perceived functions in which individuals are involved. Individuals are likely to assume the roles to which they are convinced to belong. For instance, in the case that an individual gets the constant impression that they are superior in comparison to others, they automatically, subconsciously, place themselves at a position superior to others.  The factor of social effects on human behavior is necessary as they determine the elements involved in the human decision-making process.  It is additionally vital in the determination of the ways through which…

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