Critical Thinking Exercises Evaluation of the website A website should depict transparency and honesty. There should be transparency of the information provider, and purpose of the website. The target audience should be identified. The website, which is subject to evaluation, has defined its target audience, who are the nurses. It has also defined its objective, which is to highlight ten ways through which nurses can avoid low back pains. The website also depicts authority while delivering information. The author uses clear statements and owns the content. He addresses the audience with authority, catching their attention. For instance, he states, “watch your weight” rather than “one should watch their weight.” The statement addresses the audience in a way that captures their attention. The author does not support his information with any credible sources. How I would revise my 10-minute lecture My 10-minute lecture is a presentation, which requires the presenter and the audience to be in the same room; it’s a one on one presentation. However, if I would be delivering the information over a distance, I would use a website.…

Science and Subjective Thinking Many scientists argue that all scientific discoveries ought to be objective to eliminate error, doubt, or failure. They additionally believe that subjectivity is erroneous, but scientific phenomena solve critical concepts that require a high level of accuracy. It is inarguable that many emotional factors control the human mind, hence it is subjective. The subjective perception discovers scientific theories due to curiosity. Furthermore, human beings assess and evaluate the problems the world faces. Therefore they turn to science to solve the issues. The solutions increase efficiency, thus providing happiness to other beings. Furthermore, human beings discover phenomena since they already exist in their minds. Scientific knowledge is proved false or true based on human intuition. It is uncertain to claim that scientific arguments rely solely on objective thinking since the human mind is created to be partly objective and subjective to provide a logical ground in problem-solving. Human beings ought to be subjective to solve global problems. Scientific knowledge is derived from human needs. Human needs are solely personal, that is, they will be happy if their…

Creative and Critical Thinking is Welcomed and Strongly Encouraged What specific symptoms are being portrayed by the character in the nursery rhyme? In the first nursery rhyme, Georgie Porgie could be suffering from Bipolar disorder. Her mood keeps on changing. She is depressed for having too many children and not knowing what to do. At one time, she is cheerful in that she kisses her girls then makes them cry, gives the boys food but at the end of the day; she beats them up before she takes them to bed. So she is at one time a caring and at the other time harsh to her kids. Humpty Dumpty, on the other side, suffers from Post Trauma Stress. She developed the problem after falling off the wall. Everyone tried to compose her but was in vain. They instead scare her. After falling, Dumpty had flashbacks on what happened which brought her much anxiety. Ding Dong Bell Jack Sprout and his wife have an eating disorder. They never ate because the Pussy was in the well. After they managed to…

Scientific Thinking and Metacognition Introduction Scientific thinking is the purposeful thinking about any scientific content, subject or problem whose objective is to enhance the thinker’s knowledge (Akerson, et al 2018). This means that scientific thinking is not something people have; it is something they do. Metacognition simply means what you know about your own thoughts and it includes the ability to think about your own thinking. Scientific thinking relates to intelligence testing in that the latter is used to determine the intelligence quotient of a scientist by assessing their achievements in intellectual developments. On the other hand, the concept of metacognition is linked with learning theories and is equated with the construction of self-regulated learning in terms of problem solving and learning evaluations (Kaufman A.S 2018). The evidence shows that there is a close relationship between scientific thinking and metacognition which helps to achieve the school goals for both middle and late childhood education. According to Harper (2018), the Tribrachic theory of intelligence classifies intelligence in to three; the analytic skills, the practical skill and the creativity. However, Sternberg asserted…

Evaluating Paul’s Thinking Several factors played a role in shaping Paul’s thinking patterns: Early traditions and Jesus; a revelation that he encountered; his Hellenistic background; his Jewish background; his Pharisaic background; and the experiences he had as an apostle. For instance, his theological expressions and thoughts reflect a Jewish background, and so does his anthropology.  The way he expressed his ideas also suggested that he was a diaspora Jew. His Gk rhetoric had a lot of influence and his articulation techniques. His Hellenistic background is brought out by his use of phrases such as “Lord”, “Son of God”, and “Flesh and Spirit”. His thought patterns were also shaped by the experience he had at Damascus and his belief that Jesus was God’s son. Most of his ideas were shaped by the experience he had at Damascus. His interaction with Jesus and the traditions of the early church also shaped his thought patterns. His skills as an apostle and missionary also influenced his thinking. Evaluating My Thinking I do respect the Christian religion, but this does not mean that I am…

Creativity and creative thinking What I learned about creativity that I didn’t know. What was new to me about creativity was the fact that it has to include some aspect of relevance. In this case, I thought that creativity does not have to solve the problem at hand. All I thought was that it should just be a unique way of thinking to a problem, which must not arrive at the solution. Apart from that, I also thought that creativity could be borrowed from old ideas and ways of doing things. This is unlike the manner in which it is indicated, whereby it is highlighted that creativity should revolve around what is not expected or what has never been in existence before. To this end, it is, therefore, evident that two lessons were learnt as far as the definition of creativity is concerned, and one of them is that it had to solve the problem at hand. The other thing is that it should be a new concept or phenomenon(Griffiths & Conti, 2019). The myth that most surprised me and…

Critical thinking argument The Supreme Court recently heard a case in which a baker refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple on religious grounds. How is this different from the Kim Davis case? Do you think he has the right to refuse? (The Supreme Court decided for the baker on narrow grounds, leaving the more significant question unanswered.)   The case a baker is slightly different from the case of Kim Davis even though they are both touching on the same-sex marriage, but we find that the baker was making his decision basing the argument on the culture of his private business. According to the baker, his religious beliefs, which might also have close ties to his private company, does not allow giving services to the same marriage. But in the case of Kim Davis, we find that she was holding public office, which does not provide room for discrimination. It is always out of law to base your decision on your religious beliefs, which is personal and private when working in the public office. “I am…

Strategic Information System The research and business findings in Information Technology (IT) demonstrate that the more a company can match the IT with its business goals, the more efficient it will be (Ibrahim & Naem, 2019).  Only a quarter of companies have achieved IT-based alignment with the business. Roughly half of the profits of a business organization can be associated with IT alignments. Successful organizations and management understand what IT can do and how it operates, thus, play an active part in influencing its usage and evaluating its effect. This paper addresses the challenges caused by strategic information systems and how to tackle them. Changes in business priorities, customer and supplier relationships, and business processes are necessary if strategic systems are to be implemented. Such social changes, which affect the social and technological elements of an organization, may be viewed as structural transformations. They result in conflicting external and internal organizational boundaries (Ibrahim & Naem, 2019). Suppliers and consumers must be closely connected and should share obligations amongst themselves. Managers also have to devise new business processes to organize their…

EXERCISES FOR CRITICAL THINKING Organizing the Body of the Speech Attached Files: File ORGANIZING THE BODY OF THE SPEECH.ppt (1.027 MB) Please, read Chapter 9 of your textbook on pp.158-174. In addition, you can watch my PowerPoints Presentation with overview of this topic. After you finish to read the chapter, complete exercises for Critical Thinking number 1 and number 3 on p.175 and submit them in the section Assignments. Assignment Exercises 1 and 3 on page 175 For exercise 1 copy four specific purpose statements and explain what organizational method might be used to arrange main points of each speech: chronological, spatial, causal, problem-solution, or topical. For exercise 3, in which you have to read three sets of main points, just answer the following questions: what organizational method used for set1, set2, and set 3. For exercise 1 copy four specific purpose statements and explain what organizational method might be used to arrange main points of each speech: chronological, spatial, causal, problem-solution, or topical. Organizing the Body of the Speech Attached Files: File ORGANIZING THE BODY OF THE SPEECH.ppt (1.027…

Fallacies in Critical Thinking Getting Personal In the getting personal fallacy, there is a focus on the perception of another hence hindering the consideration of their ideas. In this, a person perceives a thing based on their attitude rather than looking at the facts. For example, Eleanor is always the top student in science, and the class instructor likes her due to her contributions in class. Also, they went to college together with Eleanor’s father, who was well behaved and was one of the student leaders. However, Eleanor is one of the cheerleaders in the school, and she is also a bully. She is fond of harassing Emmie, who lately transferred from a school in Canada. She denied Emmie teases her due to her body size, and Emmie cries and has low self-esteem. Emmie reports the issue to the class instructor, who promises to take action. However, she asks Eleanor if she is harassing her classmate, but she denies it, and the instructor believes her. She believes that her father, who is highly disciplined, cannot bring up a child who…

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