Changes to the Flextime Policy Summary The office of the manager, Oxford Engineering Company, brings to the attention of every employee that there will be changes to the flextime policy that is currently in place in the OCE. The proposed changes are a result of the decisions made by the national firm that has bought OCE. The national firm has decided that it is for the good of the company and to the advantage of every stakeholder that all employees work under similar conditions. Discussion As per the decision reached by the top management, the flextime policy currently in place will be removed. The administration has thought it wise to restore a 9-6 workday. Additionally, workers will every day have a one-hour lunch break. As is the norm in new firms, there is always the likelihood of a change of policy. As the manager, I believe that the decision to change the policy was made in good faith and for the benefit of everyone. An official announcement of the same is forthcoming from the human resource manager.   Recommendations As…

 how organizations implement changes Explanation of the issue While there are several theories regarding changes, the most common notion suggests that change takes place due to organizational problems. This type of change is motivated by new technologies that provide improvement for previous functions. This notion is widely challenged with the idea of progression as well. However, this position paper is organized to present a comprehensive analysis of the change management process by managers. The paper will also present arguments on how different factors motivate this change management process. However, the paper will also explain how organizations implement changes with different examples. The first analysis can be placed on the issue which motivates the change in different organization in the world. This mainly represents the issue of either cost, process, and different types of supply issues as well. This issue shows how various organizations indulge in changes that improve these issues. The change helps to eradicate the issue and increases organizational performance as well. This claim and argument are also backed by the research presented by (Kang, 2017)well. The issue shows…

What is an Exchange Wildcard Certificate, and how does it work. An Exchange wildcard certificate is a type SSL certificate that protects your primary domain, also known as a (Fully Qualified Domain Name), and an unlimited number of sub-domains on any first-level. It secures the main domain and its other first-level sub-domain; a few examples are,, and all these are covered by the exchange wildcard certificate. Microsoft Exchange server developed by Microsoft is a mail server which is used as a messaging and collaboration platform in enterprise IT environments. It can only be used on systems running under Windows operating systems. Before 2007 exchange servers didn’t mandate SSL certificates, this meant data transmitted was unencrypted. Microsoft made it mandatory for one to install Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/ Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates on future servers to ensure that data being transmitted remains encrypted over HTTP connection. An Exchange Wildcard is just a regular wildcard SSL certificate that you install on a Microsoft Exchange server. When installed, it should provide an Industry-standard 2048bit RSA signature key and 256bit…

changes in technology “In our day, in our culture, with the internet, pluralistic society… you can’t assume you have a common meaning for the words we use.” I agree…, changes in technology, as we understand every well, incline to provoke cultural and linguistic change, too. It is the reason why you cannot assume you have a common meaning for the words we use, some times a year; dictionaries proclaim the addition of new and typically very trendy words. The fast speed at which the internet has moved in and changed our lives has an impact on the language and terms we use. For instance, it is many years since the creation of website, and it has viewed back at the past to understand how the world wide web has generated further definitions to several commonly used words. It is the same thing happening the two terms; Religion and Christian. How words and our life histories affect the sharing and understanding of information Words and life histories when articulated and said in the right manner, can change our minds. They…

Climate Change essay Climate change is a natural phenomenon that I have not been in a position to explain correctly. Based on its name, I thought that climate change occurs due to changes in the earth’s natural processes.  I was also not able to distinguish between climate change and global warming since I thought it’s the same thing.  However, I have come to realize that global warming is just one aspect of climate change and that human activities such as emission of greenhouse gases into the air is the leading cause of climate change. It is a global challenge that has no borders because it can affect all countries.  I have read that climate change is a future problem, and thus, countries should devise mechanisms to prevent the occurrence of this natural phenomenon. This has brought me to the question; Can human activities in the African continent produce a climate change that can also affect the American continent? Human beings are responsible for climate change and are also responsible for taking care of the environment. Much debate is, however, needed…

How the demographic composition of the Democratic and Republican parties has changed Since 1992, the number of non-white voters has increased by 18%. The share of voters from the Democratic Party with a college degree has increased by 16% since 1992 while in the Republican Party the number has increased by 3%. The share of voters in the Republican Party who are unaffiliated to any religion has increased by 6% since 1996 and in the Democratic party, the number increased by 19%. The number of voters with 50 years and above have increased by 20% in the Republican Party compared to 6% in the Democratic Party. How have these demographic changes influenced the political views of both parties These changes have reshaped the Democratic and Republican parties but in different ways. The number of non-white voters has been increasing, and this increase has been very dramatic in the Democrats more than the Republicans have. On most measures, the democratic changes that have transformed the nation have been having a more profound effect on the Democrats than the Republicans, and the…

Demographic Changes Demography is the process of counting individuals and also finding out the forces that are making the population change over time and their impact on an individual’s way of life. A good example is an immigration and how it affects the population of a country. Unlike the traditional years, this is an era where all the parents both the mother and the father work, so are the parents okay with their children staying at home with house helps or is it the nature of the situation, how the rise of most millennial young adults is bringing up a generation with no specific religion. The Population Association of America always holds an annual meeting and discusses issues related to demography growth of the year and how the United States of America and the world at large are changing. The demographic report of America shows that the largest part of the population is based on races and ethnic backgrounds compared to the past and are even expected to become more diverse in the coming year. Statistics show that in the…

 alternative energy and climate change debate between leading Canadian scientists and climate change activist David Suzuki The document is a transcript of the alternative energy and climate change debate between leading Canadian scientists and climate change activist David Suzuki. It was recorded from a public forum meeting that saw the meeting of several stakeholders in the energy sector. Scientist: we do understand your enthusiasm as well as your vigor when it comes to addressing the topic of Canada’s energy future. But what we have right in front of us is a science-based discussion about the future of energy considering the welfare of the nation. Research that we have conducted reveals that close to 80% of crude oil is consumed by the transportation sector while the remaining percentage goes into feedstock. Suzuki: the problem that is facing Canadians is simply fear and insecurity. Canadians feel insecure and scared about letting go of oil, which they consider a big driver of the economy as well as natural gas. In the near or even midterm future, we have to abandon oil and take…

 Nursing Area I Would like to Change Medical interventions, including nursing practice, ought to be wholesome and not focus only on the physical well-being of the patient but also other aspects of their being. The aspect of nursing that I would like to change is the way nurses take care of patients’ spiritual needs. My PICOT question is, can short causes improve patient spiritual care by nurses in the future? Recent studies have revealed that incorporating the spiritual dimension in health care can help patients face the disease more confidently than when treatment focuses only on the physical aspect of sickness. A study by Ratshikana-Moloko et al. (2020) showed that cancer patients who received spiritual care suffered less pain (2.82± 1.23 vs. 1.93± 1.69) and consequently used less morphine. Moreover, at least 88% of patients admitted in hospitals consider religion important to them (O’Brien, 2017). In their time of need, most people including those who previously are generally unspiritual turn to religion as source of comfort and strength. Out of the total number of survived, Cullen (2016), found out that…

Discussing Naomi Klein’s, “This Changes Everything” Naomi Klein mentions the Marshall plan for earth as a viable solution to address climate change and global warming. By the Marshall plan, she refers to pulling all resources together and systems to avert the climate crisis.  According to Klein, a mass climate movement stands as the strongest probable solution to saving the environment and is a historic opportunity for the current generation. Klein feels that the majority of individuals are still ignorant of the climate change issue, which only worsens the situation as little is done in formulating and following through with concrete policies. With the Marshall plan, environmental crisis becomes a pressing cause similar to politics and economics, and societies will hence be forced to act in ways and implement practices that are in line with minimizing environmental degradation (Klein). Not only will the Marshall plan lead to far-reaching changes in the environment, but will also minimize the gap between the rich and poor and massively improve lives. New jobs will be created that ensure the local economies run in coherence with the…

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