Climate change and its threat to food production Climate change Climate change is a defining issue at the moment. These are because of the shifting weather pattern that brings a threat to food production, animals, and more so to human beings. Due to these changes increase of risks, impacts of climate change are global and need drastic action. Adapting to these impacts would be costly and more difficult. Temperature rise is the most concern change in most regions that appears in most areas worldwide. Scientist proves that global temperatures would continue to rise even for decades to come. These are due to man’s activities from the greenhouses gases. The amount of heat change would determine the ability to trap these gases. The world experts agree that the industrial revolution of the greenhouse effect brings a harsh environment that is born from agricultural, technological, demographic, thus creating a  model of production and consumption.also a new geological period of Anthropocene characterizes humans impacts that bring temperature rise. The global temperature change increase brings disastrous consequences that not only endangers humans but also…

Cognitive changes and physical changes Cognitive changes and physical changes are likely to occur during adulthood stage. So many years of the human life cycle are spent during the adulthood period. Cognitive changes affect the memory and reasoning of adults. Loss of skin elasticity and diminished muscle reaction are some frequent physical changes among adults. At the late life, social, spiritual, work, and family factors play a critical role. Physical and cognitive changes during adulthood vary from one person to another. At adulthood, senses tend to become less sensitive (Corder, 2019). The decline in hearing and vision is a common physical change at the late stage of human life. At the adolescent stage, human beings have very sharp eyesight and hearing capability. As human beings approach the adulthood age, hearing and vision capability decreases significantly. At adulthood stage, the immune system of human beings is weakened. During earlier years, human beings have a robust immune system. For instance, children recover quickly for any illness. However, for the adults, this is not the case. Adults are susceptible to diabetes and cancer…

Assessment of Drivers for Changes on Organisational Operations Social-cultural factors The retail sector is affected by population shifts and generation changes. Both M&S and the House of Fraser need to abide by these changes to develop products and services that met the diverse needs. Also, the companies required to establish sustainable businesses. Technology Technology in the e-commerce sector and the social networks influenced the firms’ change of strategies to enhance the customer experience. For instance, M&S needed to access the employees using internet-enabled devices to show the latest trends. iii. The need to maintain a strong brand Both M&S and the House of Fraser needed to restore their companies’ effectiveness and brand names. For the House of Fraser, there was a need to ensure it stayed in the market thus had to reduce the number of stores and establish new strategies. M&S also needed to maintain its competitive advantage, thus had to diversify in its approaches and products. The opportunity of online business and customers Both M&S and the House of Fraser were influenced by the need for increasing their…

Theories on physical and cognitive changes associated with early adulthood Instructions Your 25 year old nephew has been in a longstanding relationship with his high school sweetheart. His fiancée wants him to assume her last name. He is not comfortable with assuming her last name. You have been asked to counsel the couple. Develop a 5 question questionnaire for the couple based on this week’s reading assignment that focuses on key aspects of attraction, love, relationships, marriage, adult lifestyles, and the role of gender in relationships. Please explain why you created those questions. Discussion posts should be at least 300 words and include minimally (2) citations from this week’s reading. This assignment meets the following Module Learning Outcome MLO 8 – Summarize theories on physical and cognitive changes associated with early adulthood. (Aligns to CLO 2) Required Reading Santrock, J. W. (2016). Introduction. Lifespan development (pp. 450-479). New York: McGraw Hill-Companies. Taking his name[unique_solution] Instructions Your 25 year old nephew has been in a longstanding relationship with his high school sweetheart. His fiancée wants him to assume her last name.…

Social Change and Advocacy             Social change is defined as a transformation of the behavior of a community. Social change is characterized by changes in cultural symbols, rules, and mechanisms of society. Social change can be brought by the interaction of a particular community with another community where one community starts emulating the behaviors of another population hence bringing about social change. Advancement in technology and industrial revolution can also result in social change (Faleye, 2013:13). Social change can also evolve from economic and political movements. Social change can bring positive and negative impacts on society. Only social change with a positive influence on the nation should be accepted. Usually, social change destroys something old and replaces it with a new one. It is not necessarily that the new thing being introduced is better than the old one which was in existence, whenever a fundamental behavior in a community is destroyed by social change and not adequately replaced then the space left behind results in malpractices in the society such as drug trafficking and money laundering. Social change is simply…

The reason for an oil change The Energy Information Administrations’ (EIA) Crude Oil Inventories always measures the weekly change and records the number of barrels of the commercial crude oil kept by the US firm. The level of these inventories always affects the price of petroleum products that can be replicated and affect the inflation of a given economy. When there is an increase in crude inventories more than it is expected, this, therefore, portrays weaker demand, and there will be a bearish for crude prices. On the other hand, if there is a decline in the inventories is less than what is expected, then there will be a bullish price action on the crude prices. Oil prices shoot more than 2% after the media outline that the scientist has developed a drug against the coronavirus, which continues to affect heavily on the global economy. On the other hand, the oil news reported that the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and its allies are considering further output cuts to ensure that it counters the potential squeeze on the…

Models of organizational change Introduction The economic patterns are constantly shifting to meet various needs or respond to the flow of goods and services. An organization’s future depends on its ability to make changes as dictated by the economy. Petrou, Demerouti, & Schaufeli (2017, p. 1767) describes the organizational change as a combination of agents introduced by the management to introduce new behavior among employees in a manner that benefits the business. Despite the potential benefit or organizational change, most companies struggle to adapt to change, especially if it negatively affects some employees. Though there are many approaches to transformation, there is no ideal solution, and thus the selected plan must have an adaptation strategy (Appelbaum, 2017, p. 213). The paper attempts to explain the available models of organizational change and pick the most logical idea. Models of organizational change Lewin, a three-step model: The process of change considers the driving and opposing forces of change. Cameron & Green (2019, p. 104) states that for change to occur in Lewin’s model, the objecting elements must be lower than supporting one.…

Fiscal and Monetary Policies under the Fixed Exchange Rate in Saudi Arabia Introduction Fiscal and monetary policies are critical aspects in any economy. Fiscal policies deal with taxation and various forms of government spending. Government generates revenue through taxation and uses the revenue to develop projects that are supposed to serve the interests of the people. On the other hand, monetary policies deal with the amount of money supply that is present within the economy. It also deals with interest rates and often administered by the central bank of a country. Fiscal policies are administered by various government departments. When delving into fiscal and monetary policies, different exchange rate systems can be used. They include fixed and variable exchange rate. A country that employs a fixed exchange rate is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Monetary policy in the country is carried out by SAMA also known as the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency. The country has a fixed exchange rate meaning that the riyal is pegged against the US dollar. The exchange rate has been fixed since 1981 when the SDR/riyal…

to explain what the main charactures change over time trough out the story Literary Essay: Characterization Check-list Use the following checklist to help guide your revisions and edits. Copy and paste this document and include it at the bottom of your essay. Focus Desсrіptor Yes No Almost there! Overall I laid out an argument about a topic/text and made it clear why my particular argument is important and valid. Lead After hooking the reader with an interesting quotation or thought regarding “change,” I introduced the text, gave a short summary of the story and a clear thesis statement. [unique_solution]Transitions I used transitions to lead the reader across parts of the text (beginning, middle and end) and to help the reader note how parts of the text relate back to earlier parts. I used phrases such as as stated earlier, taken as a whole, in the middle, this is significant because, the evidence points to, as you can see, and by doing so,etc. Ending In the conclusion, I described the significance of my argument for stakeholders, and/or offered additional insights, implications,…

Evidence-Based Practice Change Process Discovery of the Practice Issue Advocating for a change in various nursing practices is sometimes met with opposition and may require a lot of assessments and planning efforts. The nursing officer who is driving for the change needs to be well known and involves a lot of evidence to support the change. Examples of evidence include getting information from recommended guidelines such as CDC. Therefore, the recommendation for the change described is based on the evidence summary. An Action Plan must be drafted to carry information and relays it to the staff, should take data worksheet, which coordinates ongoing weekly updates and educates the staff. One of the practice issues that affect the process of care delivery from the nurses is transitioning of care between different patients and also changing from one nursing officer to the other. Mitchell et al. (2018) acknowledge that the transition of care is likely to increase the risk of infection and also tends to interfere with the privacy of the patient, which is crucial in care provision. When providing nursing care…

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