episode of strategic change for an organisation TASK: Identify a specific episode of strategic change for an organisation of your choice. Outline why the strategic change was necessary, the reasons used to justify it, and how the strategic change was implemented. Analyse what you consider the lessons we can learn about strategy in general from this case.   There should be a balance of theory and practice, using reference to the key academic thinkers in the strategy field and reference to the strategic actions of companies or other organisations to illustrate good and/or bad strategy practice.[unique_solution]   The structure could be: 1.Introduction 2.Literature review: Theory A: general introduction, most important aspect of the theory: a,b,c Analysis of the case: brief information of the company (history, achievement…) Analysis according to the theory a,b,c 4.Discussion: how useful the theory in understanding the case? Limitation? 5 Conclusion   Theories include: Innovation strategy (Bill Byron) External environment: Industry analysis Internal environment: Resource-based analysis Strategies for competitive advantage: Positioning Strategy and organisation Sustainable strategy Strategy and leadership Strategy & Change   Company could be IBM,…

Cryptocurrency exchange Liquid Cryptocurrency exchange Liquid has announced about its decision to cancel the Gram token sale, and according to their official blog post, the return of funds is for those users who took part in the Gram token sale. The Exchange thinks it is beneficial to return all the money since the TON mainnet not launched till November 30 2019. The US Securities and Exchange Commission claimed that telegram sold Gram tokens after its initial coin offerings. As per the invoices under the custody of SEC, Telegram has either raised more than the $1.7 billion for which an exemption is inevitable, or it couldn’t raise $1.7 billion as of March 29, 2018, and then funds were secured through underwriters. The documents undermine telegram’s alleged affirmative defence the ICO was exempt as per the Regulation D. Regulation D states that the issuer make take cautious steps to facilitate buyers not to be subject to the statutory underwrites that does not make dealings for the issuer for commissions. But in here, the regulator has sufficient documents proving that invoiced telegram did…

The Korean Exchange giant, BitThumb The Korean Exchange giant, BitThumb, has filed a lawsuit with Tax Tribunal against the groundless tax application by the National Tax Service (NTS). BitThumb recently reported on this undertaking and shared with the community as Cryptocurrency and its derivatives are not legally controlled by any regulatory bodies and hence lacks any imposition of tax on it. The Tax Tribunal Body has taken 90 days to see into this complaint and conclude to a solution. The lawsuit is to retrieve the lost USD 69.1 Million, which BitThumb had paid previously when NTS had imposed the tax. A withholding fee, also known as a retention tax, is an income tax paid to the regulatory body by the payer of the income rather than by its receiver. This aims to say that the income tax has to be paid by the Exchange giant itself, that is, BitThumb should pay to NTS first rather than its Users. Agreeing to the rule and have spent the amount, BitThumb organization is now coming together with prepared proofs and regulations to win…

impact of organizational changes Environmental changes have a significant impact on the organization (Vorobyova, Vorobyov & Chernykh, 2019). Therefore, the business should put in place instant strategies to deal with such changes. When an environmental change is felt, one, the stability of the firms must be affected. For instance, when there are technological changes, the way of doing the thing is automatically affected. For example, if employees use the manual entry of data, here, computers should be applied. Therefore, it means they should be subjected to training induction to the technology world. Training here means managers of the organization should incur an extra cost. Such expenses might force some of the companies to close down and cease to exist. The complexity of the business is affected by environmental changes. Complexity is the number of elements in the organization’s environment and its connections. If the governmental rules are modified in such a way that the government changes the laws affecting the business, then the variables in the business environment are directly affected. For example, considering government intervention such as reducing the…

Annotated Bibliography: Social Change and Community Planning REFERENCE. Chen, F. F. (2007). The sensitivity of goodness of fit indexes to lack of measurement invariance. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 14(3), 464-504. Under this article, writers depicted, besides clarified, that the projects to stay progressively successful cutting-edge the network, it’s essential for individuals to partake a functioning job. The main objective of exploration learning was towards expanding the present information sordid of system arranging by captivating beginning, in addition to vital, strides on the way to construct official network sorting out training hypothesis, which is grounded in writing, while at the same time using the aptitude of exceptionally experienced network coordinators simultaneously. Getting a various investment of individuals during the time spent arranging plans intended for their locale, could prompt communal variations which could be significant cutting-edge the arranging besides execution of projects in addition to significance in their prosperity. The writers drew nearer then met up scheduled in what way the impacts of enabling network could prompt the aforementioned individuals participating in the communal variations aimed at their locale. Taking…

top changes in 2019 on the personal taxation front Personal taxation experienced many changes in 2019. Salaried individuals and pensioners benefited and saved more on income tax while the cream layer of the rich took a major hit. Let’s take a look at the top changes in 2019 on the personal taxation front. No tax liability if your taxable income does not exceed Rs 5 lakh This announcement was huge when it was made in the Interim Budget in February 2019 as it affects a large part of the new working class and first-time taxpayers. The announcement said that if your net taxable income does not exceed Rs 5 lakh, then there will be no tax liability because you can claim tax relief under section 87A. The relief had been hiked from Rs 2,500 to Rs 12,500. Taxpayers still had to file income tax return to avail this tax benefit. Withdrawal from NPS becomes tax-free This was really good news for citizens that invest in the National Pension Scheme (NPS) because the lump-sum amount that was withdrawn at the time…

changes that can be done to constitution of Texas to serve a better purpose The constitution of Texas is a very paramount document that keeps the nation to carry its duties smoothly. This constitution has a long historical trail. Even the current law has got many weaknesses and strengths. It limits the government in getting involved in problems that arise in Texas. Thus there need to be some changes that will allow the government to work better in serving the nation. This paper will discuss three changes that can be done to this document to serve a better purpose. Firstly, I would propose the change in the legislature, to provide an exemption that is temporally from the taxation on ad varolem of a piece of the value appraised for the properties that are damaged by a disaster. Disaster can cause a lot of damage to the [property, so the owners are left to wrestle with other valuations.. thus, the legislature should provide temporary relief for ad valorem taxes on the features a when a disaster occurs. A secondly, I would…

Electronic health records, nursing change, interventions and difficulties The use of electronic health records has been transformational in the delivery of care and enhanced patient outcomes. The connection between data gathered from health records and how I care for patients is that the data from EHR eases the delivery of care through easy management, reduced errors, and improved coordination. As a nursing provider, my work is made easier through the availability of patients’ medical history and the streamlining of healthcare delivery. (McKeeby & Coffey, 2018). Electronic health records have been adopted in most healthcare facilities to enhance the quality of patient care. Notably, the EHR was used at the clinical site to coordinate care for a cardiac disorder patient. The use of HER enhanced patient participation and also reduces medical errors. However, the use of electronic health records is accompanied by several downsides. First of all, there may be cases of data privacy as the patients’ medical information is accessible. Besides, the patient data may get distorted, which may affect the delivery of care and risk patients’ outcomes. Nurses are…

matter of Barclays PLC and the Security Exchange Commission The paper will discuss the matter of Barclays PLC and the Security Exchange Commission. In September 2019, SEC made an announcement that stated that Barclays PLC was supposed to pay approximately $5.9 million. The amount was settling charges due to a violation of the FCPA. The company went ahead to hire families and relatives connected to foreign government officials. The exercise aimed to influence the family member concerning their investment and banking business. Based on the order released by SEC, Barclays PLC, located in the Pacific Region of Asia, provided a tangible employment to most of its friends, associates, and relatives in government position to retain and obtain specific business benefits. The report has also indicated that most of the employment practices were conducted in unofficial wrong intern program. Half of the workers in the bank obtained legal hiring through the official Barclays program designed by the organization. SEC determined that Barclays PLC was unable to maintain and devise a program of accounting internally in connection with the hiring process. It…

How A Currency Trader Works in The Foreign Exchange Market The most actively traded market in the world is the foreign exchange market. On average, over $5 billion is sold daily. Foreign exchange/Forex is mostly an over- the- counter market, which means trading happens on electric trading platforms and through telephones between banks and different market payers. Only 3% of Forex is traded on exchanges as futures and options. Currencies from each country worldwide form the foreign exchange market, but most of the volumes are made up of a few currencies. These are the most traded and are also known as the major currencies. These include: USD: United States / Dollar EUR: Euro Zone / Euro JPY: Japan / Yen GBP: the United Kingdom / Pound What do Currency Traders Do? The role of currency traders is to move currencies around the world from one currency to the other for different reasons and several other functions. Identification Currency traders simply trade one currency for another. Government, corporations, and various financial institutions move colossal amounts of money from one country to…

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