proposed change in the market strategy of Starbucks Introduction Organizations in the present day rely on operational strategies to help improve their competence and performance in their respective markets. The difference in the Effectiveness of these strategies has created a significant difference between these organizations in the sense that organizations with effective operational strategies tend to perform better as compared to those with non-superior strategies. Top performing companies such as Google, Amazon, McDonalds, and Walmart are all known to be performing well in their respective industries due to the strategies that they have employed. This paper, therefore, outlines a proposed change in the market strategy of Starbucks, a popular coffee retailing company. From this change, it is expected that the company will be able to overcome competition from rival companies and therefore cement itself as a leading coffee retailing outlet.   Process of implementing the change. Currently, Starbucks employs a widely diverse marketing strategy, which has proven to be effective in the operations of the company. However, due to the growing competition in the industry, continued use of this strategy…

Describe how the current welfare system works (cite your work) and whether or not you believe changes should be made. List your suggested changes             Saez and Zucman (2016) content that the current welfare system is mandated with the primary objective of providing financial as well as material assistance to families and individuals through programs such as food stamps, healthcare, childcare aid, housing aid, and unemployed compensation. In the opinion of these scholars, each state is allocated this assistance differently depending on its ability and also economic status of the country. Furthermore, the amount of help accorded to an individual depends on their financial ability and its relation to the required minimum levels within that state. The main factors surrounding the amount of assistance accorded to any individual circulates within their level of current income, number of members in the family and the type of disability of the recipient of the services is suffering from any form of disability. The modern welfare systems in different states vary on naming but they serve the same purpose. Additionally, the poverty state in…

Capstone Change Project Evaluation Plan2             In every nursing research, there should be effective dissemination of the information gained by the research. The main objective of the research should be the sharing of the findings and ensuring the overreach of the information to the required audiences.One requiresan evidence-based change proposal, which is a formal proposal to change the level of services, funding, or scope of work in the nursing field to disseminate research information. Both internal and externalmethods should be used for effective dissemination. Posters can accomplish the presentation of research findings as an internal method considering the audience targeted. Posting posters on hospital boards not only share the information but also brings knowledge and answers to some life questions. In addition, interaction and clarification of the research are permitted between people of the same interest since a lot of knowledge needs to be shared to comprehend research (Edwards, 2015). Posters might contain less formality to some researchers, yet they provide a relaxed exchange of information. Conversely, holding conferences and workshops should be an enhanced external method to share information.…

 Climate Change and global warming Climate Change There has been a heated debate on the issue of climate change with scientists from different locations of the world thrusting into the debate to give their epic opinions on the best course of action that the whole world should adopt on an issue they consider central to the survival of human beings. Climate change generally occurs when there are sporadic and spontaneous changes in the climate system of the world, leading to new weather patterns that often remain in place for a longer period of time. The changing climatic patterns have resulted in situations like global warming, whose adverse effects are already plaguing some parts of the world. The union of concerned scientists states that 97% of its members unanimously agree that climate change can be attributed to human activities, and hence there should be a mechanism of regulating some of the human activities. However, there are figures of authority that still term human involvement in climate change as mere speculations hence jeopardizing the mitigation of the effects of climate on the…

Leading Innovation and Change The company has come up with a sense of urgency according to Kotter’s stages, whereby the company has concentrated innovation of different commodities and new products such as light bulb envelops, Tv tubes, and optical waveguides. Innovation is the essential programs in the company because it is not only a hindrance to the traditional way of thinking but also it is a drive for change Bhatt, R. (2017). the company was initially aware of new commodities would not bring enough profits to sustain the company in the future. The company ensured that they had gone through the previous discoveries, success, and failure that came with each and comparing their appropriate practices and lessons acquired. Change comes with having the appropriate leaders. The company came up with an organizational roadmap considering the consumers, market, competitors, strengths and weaknesses, and resources. The innovation program included the task force created by the innovators, the company history, and the advantages and resources (Goh et al., 2019). They also had a two-and-half-day innovation meeting attended by 200 company leaders. Also, the…

Summary analysis of Colombo Stock Exchange companies The Colombo stock exchange is comprises of many companies. Analyzed below is the performance of the ten of the companies in terms of total sales made, income interest and un-ethical earnings. In RADIANT GEMS INTERNATIONAL PLC Company they make high revenue from sales, high income from earned interests and also a high income from un-ethical earnings. This shows that the company has standardized its activities; it invests high on risk activities due to high un-ethical earnings and has also invested highly on their capital due to the high interest from the income. Investing on risk activities can lead to high losses when not taken care of. INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENT PEOPLES MERCHANT on the hand has a higher revenue returns from sales, low income interest and low earnings from un-ethical activities. This shows that the company makes greater efforts to increase sales, has invested low on capital due to low interest earnings and invests less on risk activities due to low un-ethical earnings. This indicates safe investment due to the low risk investment. RENUKA…

Development and growth are often used interchangeably in the field of CED Select any three of the following questions and prepare a one-two page answer for each one of the questions. 1. Development and growth are often used interchangeably in the field of CED. How are they similar or different concepts? Some suggest that community economic development is just about jobs and income. Is this sufficient? Please explain. 2. In simple terms describe how Adam Smith’s notion of the Invisible Hand functions in vulnerable communities. In this idealized world, what is the role of public policy as it relates to community economic development? 3. As an economy grows will incomes tend to converge (grow together) or diverge (move apart)? Please explain. 4. What are agglomeration economies and how does it affect (1) growth and (2) location of economic activity on an economic plane? How does it relate to economic clustering? 5. How does economic growth affect land values in regions adjacent to rapidly growing communities? Can “sprawl” be[unique_solution] Select any three of the following questions and prepare a one-two page…

Resilience and adaptation policies on climate change             Adaptive governance is understood as an emerging research framework meant for analyzing social and ecological foundations, which are recommended in resilience building for the negative effects imposed by global change and complex socio-ecological systems (Pisano, 2012). In other words, adaptive governance is an approach that unites related environmental and natural resource management approaches. On the other hand, resilience involves appreciating and defining the social ecological systems as complex adaptive systems. Most of the strategies laid on climate change adaptation are accompanied by the risks of reducing systems resilience. However, this is caused by lack of careful implementation of the strategies and how they are conceived. Its effects are trade-offs between the policy objectives focused and the strategies which seek to retain resilience. Poor implementation of the set strategies on climate change cause a lot of disruptions and shocks (Pisano, 2012). To counteract the imposed challenges, it calls for adaptive capacity which require social- ecological sources of resilience to correct the challenges, recombine experiences and create innovation. Ways on how to appreciate study…

How did the end of the Civil War change cotton production? Type (double-spaced, 1 – inch margins) a one-page answer to the question. But a bibliographic entry at the top of the page with the source(s) you are using and use parenthetical citations in the text as needed (#). Please use The Fragile Fabric of Union: Cotton, Federal Politics and emancipation by Schoen Brian. Use a quote from the book to answer the question but the essay is opinion not specifically about the book. How did the end of the Civil War change cotton production? Type (double-spaced, 1 – inch margins) a one-page answer to the question. But a bibliographic entry at the top of the page with the source(s) you are using and use parenthetical citations in the text as needed (#). Please use The Fragile Fabric of Union: Cotton, Federal Politics and emancipation by Schoen Brian. Use a quote from the book to answer the question but the essay is opinion not specifically about the book. How did the end of the Civil War change cotton production? Type…

causes effects and solutions for 1 or 2 aspect of climate change Paper Instructions   Format: MLA format Font: Times new roman 12point double space everything. Paragraphs start with 1 TAB indent to offset them from the rest of the paragraph NO cover page in MLA format First page at the top right put your name, the teacher’s name, the name of the class, and the date. Title in the center of the page just before you start your essay Page number in the top left corner of the page   Topic:   Discuss the causes effects and solutions for 1 or 2 aspect of climate change[unique_solution]     What I want your essay to contain:   Hook Background information Thesis Introduction Body paragraphs Conclusion Footnote Topic sentence Introductory phrase Quote Citation Explanation of quote Bibliography   My personal opinions that would like to tell you:   Please try to use the articles from website that I can easily look for. I know books are great, but please try to google them up or research some articles so I can…

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