Late Adulthood: Physical and Cognitive Development Late Adulthood: Physical and Cognitive Development Chapter 17 Memory: Remembrance of Things Past and Future • Retrospective and prospective memories — memories of the past (“retro”) and memories of the things we plan to do in the future; can be divided into explicit and implicit memories – Explicit memories — specific information, such as things we did or things that happened to us and general knowledge, such as the author of Hamlet – Implicit memories are more automatic, of the performance of tasks — reciting the alphabet or multiplication tables, riding a bicycle Explicit versus Implicit Memories • Working memories of older adults hold less information simultaneously than the working memories of young adults – Naming ability of public figures and people they know ability may become compromised – Temporal memory of older adults — recall of the order in which events have occurred may become confused – Still able to distinguish actual events from illusory ones. • Tend to do nearly as well in tasks that assess implicit memory (overlearned) Late Adulthood: Social…

 sound waves impact on the development of plants Introduction Plants for long have been pursued as silent living organisms that were not producing any sound. However, research done on the plants has provided that plant at the time provide energy which could be detected and transmitted in to sound. Although the sound did not seem to have any relative sequence, it seems to have some impacts on them. Plants are described as multicellular organisms, which are the only preferred under various climatic conditions (Younesian, 2018). It has been proved that sound waves have a significant impact on the development of plants from germination and development. Studies have proven that in the presence of sound plant develops growth depending on the frequency of the sound. On the same note, plans have been noted to be producing what has been termed as plant singing. Studies done on the different varieties of plants have proven that plant uses ultrasonic singing in their own senses. When a plant is subjected to stress, for instance, touch, devoured by insects, cuts any other form of constraining…

SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT Case Study: Project Management at, a software engineering and systems development consulting firm, sells a wide assortment of Internet and computer-based solutions for resource planning, administrative, and accounting networks to organizations in health care delivery, financial services, and hotel management. Typically, a service provider approaches with a list of problems it has and some targets for organizational improvement. Because most of Dotcom’s clients are not themselves computer savvy, they tend to rely heavily on Dotcom to correctly diagnose their difficulties, propose solutions to correct these problems, and implement the new technologies. The industry in which Dotcom operates is extremely competitive, forcing successful organizations to make low bids to win consulting contracts.[unique_solution] In this environment, project management is vital for Dotcom’s success because poorly managed projects quickly “eat up” the profit margin for any job. Unfortunately, Dotcom’s senior management team has noticed a recent upsurge in project operating costs and a related drop-off in profitability. In particular, Dotcom’s executives are concerned because the last seven consulting contracts have resulted in almost no profit…

 Kohlberg’s moral understanding stage theory and Erik Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development Adulthood is a challenging stage for human beings. It is a time of responsibility and taking care of others. Independence is a common trait of adulthood and several persons tend to meet self-conflict at its onset. As an individual, it has been a time of self-reflection and having a vision of the future with focus. Adulthood has its set of privileges that lacks in childhood stages. The age of majority provides such persons with the ability to vote, marry, and engage in sexual pleasures of life and work to earn a living. The paper will focus on Kohlberg’s moral understanding stage theory and Erik Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development to explain the changes identified with adulthood within these theories. Lifespan Theories The stages identified with adulthood in Erik Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development include the stage six, seven and eight. Stage six in Erik Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development talks of intimacy and isolation that defines the very conflict in exploring personal relationships. Adulthood at early stages seeks…

PRENATAL DEVELOPMENT Prenatal development is a process that involves growth and development in the womb. The single-cell zygote, which is formed by a combination of sperm and egg, undergoes the stages of embryo zygote, then becomes a baby. This journal will discuss how this week’s learning has affected my view towards prenatal development, recommendations towards healthy growth, and theoretical framework that have influenced my decision and actions, among others. Introduction to prenatal development this week is evident that the parent-child and environment of the family are the foundation of the child’s well-being and healthy development. When a child is growing, nearly all their events are nurtured by their parents. Childs development starts first by acceptance by the family. Child outcomes are inter-connected within and across various domains of development. For expecting parents, this journal advises them to do the following to ensure the healthy growth of their children. First, focus on planning a healthy pregnancy. Take folic acid and avoid lousy stuff like alcoholic drinks. Go for clinical check-ups and get some immune vaccinations. Also, eat healthy food that helps…

Social Developmental Domain             The social aspect of development is an integral part of child development that affects their future social skills, depending on the kind of social environment in which they are brought up. Early social deprivation i.e., a situation in which a young developing child doesn’t get adequate parental care, has been identified to have adverse effects on the early developmental processes which in turn is likely to cause long term effects on the physical, mental and cognitive aspects of the child’s development. However, according to scientific research, it has been identified that using epigenetic reprogramming procedures, it may be possible to modulate the effects of early childhood social adversities. This work planned to explore the effect of early regulation the submersion in an exceptionally socially deprived condition in young children on the epigenome and versatile conduct of little youngsters as long as four years old. A directed cross-sectional investigation including two correlation gatherings: 29 children brought up in halfway houses, and 29 kids brought up in natural families. Genome-wide DNA methylation profiles of platelets were acquired utilizing…

Development Versus Sustainability Development and sustainability are essential elements in the progress of an economy since they contribute positively to the lives of people. While the two variables seem to hold a similar meaning, they differ in the time they take when enhancing lives. In this regard, development aims at improving the lives of people in the present generation. At the same time, sustainability focuses on improving the quality of life of people in both the current and generations to come. Sustainability also aims at raising the lives without affecting the natural endowment and environment adversely (Bebbington & Unerman, 2018). Although the two economic matrices need to work together to achieve balanced, sustainable development, they exhibit conflicts and trade-offs during their actualization. Some of the potential trade-offs emanate from issues such as food security, inequality, economic development, life on land and in water, and poverty. While various governments strive to balance these elements in the respective countries, development, and sustainability exhibit some conflicting interests. For instance, as a nation seeks to raise of its citizenry by mobilizing industrialization to create…

The Ultimate Secrets Of WEB DEVELOPMENT Web development is a broad concept, and currently, it plays a very crucial role in helping with web designing. After much discussion and planning, if you have decided to redesign the website, then you know you have signed up for a very long process. Here are some ultimate secrets of web development which might help you: Psychology plays a very crucial role, especially consumer psychology in today’s time is an art, where understanding it has become the need of the hour. Consumer psychology has become the heart of web designing. Human beings are different, yet detailed and specific responses to various things, such as: A: Colours B: Fonts C: Visual Elements D: Shapes E: Imagery The best of web developments guide all the users to go through a different stage of emotions by always keeping the core in mind that it is not aesthetic beauty for self, but it is the ability to influence the user’s action and reactions. It is essential to understand your website thoroughly and the goal of the users. Then…

Employee training and development Employees are a vital organ to any organization; they hold much intensity in molding or destroying the reputation of an organization. “Employees’ performance is determined by several factors and among them; their training and development, and satisfaction that comes with their job. This satisfaction is associated with rewards that come hand in hand with the job” (Khan et al., 2016). Employees grow in any organization when they rotate within departments, with the outstanding one in the departments they are in moving the hierarchy to managerial ranks. To promote employees’ morale in their duties recognition and rewarding for their excellent works motivates them and drive them to better performance in the future. Employee training and development Training is an organized attempt to furnish employees with skills for efficient performance in their activities. “Training and development of employees and their job satisfaction are crucial components for employee performance and the organizational progress” (Khan et al., 2016). At the entry-level to the organization, the majority of the employees are green on the operations of the organization. For entry-level employees…

Supplier Selection Report A well-versed Chief Executive Officer is imperative in any organization. A CEO should understand and know all areas of business and supply in their organization to develop strategies that are at per with the company’s goals. The case scenario indicates that the CEO’s task is in finding a competent supplier of muscles from turkey legs, hearts from pigs, alligator claws, corn leaves, and kelp from the Chesapeake Bay. The CEO must widely research on different suppliers as well as their pros and cons. The evaluation of suppliers is also essential to ascertain that they provide high-quality goods, are fast in delivery, and have relatively low prices. The CEO must assess the potential of the suppliers and determine whether their capabilities are in sync with the organization’s goals. It is also imperative for a CEO to decide whether the company requires multiple suppliers or having an agreement with a single, long-term supplier. In this essay, an in-depth analysis of supplier evaluation occurs. Supplier Location Due to globalization and an increase in economic competition, companies opt for international relationships.…

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