Overview of Growth and Development Journal Entry (Due day 7 Sun of week 1 ) Explain what most excites and/or concerns you about pediatric clinical experiences   Describe your strengths and weaknesses in terms of working with children and how the strengths and weaknesses might impact your practicum experience.   Discuss your personal definition of family and family roles and how it may might impact the assessment of a child and his or her family. Then, explain how culture (both the culture of the provider and that of the child and his or her family) may furtherinfluence the assessment.[unique_solution]   Select and explain a nursing theory to guide your practice with pediatric patients.   Based on your strengths, weaknesses, and theory of nursing practice, develop at least 4 goals and objectives for the practicum experience in this course. Be sure to consider the NAPNAP Position Statement on Age Parameters for Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Practice from this week’s Learning Resources.   Create a timeline of Practicum activities based on your Practicum requirements.       You are required to use APA…

Development plan Create a 700- to 1,050-word development plan that includes the following: Assess the legalities of training. Determine whether the plan could offend any of the protected classes. Evaluate whether you will use the plan as the sole weighting for promoting and determining the eligibility of employees for the opportunity to move forward at work. Conduct a cultural assessment of your terminology. Consider the various aspects of EEOC. Cite any sources according to APA formatting guidelines. Create a 700- to 1,050-word development plan that includes the following: Assess the legalities of training. Determine whether the plan could offend any of the protected classes. Evaluate whether you will use the plan as the sole weighting for promoting and determining the eligibility of employees for the opportunity to move forward at work. [unique_solution]Conduct a cultural assessment of your terminology. Consider the various aspects of EEOC. Cite any sources according to APA formatting guidelines. Create a 700- to 1,050-word development plan that includes the following: Assess the legalities of training. Determine whether the plan could offend any of the protected classes. Evaluate…

Bruce Tuckman’s Group Development Model essay Bruce Tuckman’s group development model has made a tremendous contribution to understanding team dynamics. The model recognizes five main stages of group foundation, which include forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning (Stein). However, Stein argues that team development might not follow a linear process depicted in Tuckman’s group development but can help teams understand behavioral changes and maximize their performance. The development model has shaped my leadership approach to the challenges facing a group; Supporting for Homeless Veterans (SHV) in Los Angeles. Insights on the specific attributes of every development stage help teams to evaluate their performance and take appropriate actions. SHV has gone through forming and storming phases and is currently at the norming stage of group development. The preliminary phases were smooth due to the excitement and interest to serve the community, coupled with high expectations about the future. However, our plans and expectations have proved to be over-ambitious, and we are currently working to harmonize them with reality. During the forming phase of team development, we set our goals to include…

Part I: Development Theories: Examination of Different Perspectives Throughout the course, I have learned that modernization theories emphasize more on the importance of industrialization process in economic development and growth. In this case, social, political, and cultural consequences of economic growth, including other significant factors that drive industrialization must come into play. Economic Development and Modernization Theory In the topic “Economic development and modernization theories,” it shows that sociologist has an essential role in promoting modernization. At the beginning of the topic, I thought modernization and positive change in the standards of living of people are solely depended on the authorities. However, at the end of the topic, I realize that sociologists have an essential role in transforming society. For example, holding that many leaders in the developing world have diverging and dissecting views on modernization and the influence of political, economic, and cultural consequences on social development, sociologists have the role of emphasizing on the importance of essential matters not being considered in the modernization of the society. In this regard, since most of the underdeveloped communities do not…

 manpower development Background: The need for manpower development and the benefits of education has led Kenya to invest heavily in Education. By 2002, only 25.6% of the students who qualified for admission were admitted to the public universities and colleges. To increase access to university and college education, Sessional paper number I of 2005 de-linked management of students’ accommodation and catering from the academic programmes. In line with the government policy, the admission offer at the Kenya Medical Training College does not guarantee accommodation of students in the college hostels. Students interested to be accommodated in the college halls of residence must apply for consideration for the few available spaces for rental in the college hostels. It is on this basis that this research investigated on how the withdrawal of accommodation has impacted on the academic performance of students. Methods: The study used a descriptive survey design and a sample size of 306 was used calculated using Fisher et al, (1998) formula. The study targeted KMTC students in 8 campuses chosen randomly from the 71 KMTC campuses. A self-administered questionnaire…

In-house versus outsourced development team Choosing between an outsourcing and in-house development team may seem to be a daunting task. This is because it involves a lot of considerations among which you need to focus on the vital ones. It includes scope of the project into consideration, deadline, budget and the like factors that help for an informed decision. Before you choose the sources of the team, it is better to know about the benefits and the risk factors involved. Details about benefits of the in-house team Working with an in-house designing team is easy to as there is scope to boost the team members. Managing and attaining the IT team can be daunting but you can develop the right size of the team that you wish to deploy in development work. Advantages of the in-house team Offers fast team feedback, better coordination and control along with suitable guidance Enables better project engagement along with direct communication among team members It helps to get complete dedication of the team on a single project without the burden of work deadline Ability…

Market development Market development refers to a growth strategy that finds and develops new markets. It usually targets non-buying customers and new customers in a market segment. Market development involves expanding the potential market. Most organizations apply product development strategy when a market is saturated, and whenever revenues or profits remain stagnant. In such a market, there is little or no opportunity for any form of growth. Product development requires companies to go outside their comfort zone and come with a new product for the market. There are factors that organizations put into consideration when coming up with product and market development strategies, and they include: Marketing A good marketing and product strategy can help cement the company as a significant industry player. Marketing helps the customers understand the company’s product and why they need to consider the product over the others. Establishing a brand as an industry player enhances other marketing efforts. Customers base Product and market development strategy majorly relies on input from the existing customers. A company can use past customer experiences to try out their new…

Using the Walden Library Article: Guilé, J. M., Boissel, L., Alaux-Cantin, S., & de La Rivière, S. G. (2018). Borderline personality disorder in adolescents: prevalence, diagnosis, and treatment strategies. Adolescent health, medicine and therapeutics, 9, 199. Database: MEDLINE Topic of Interest Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a mental health condition characterized by persistent challenges in emotional regulation. People with the condition experience emotional intensity for a longer extended period and is even harder for them to resume the baseline situation after experiencing an emotionally disturbing event. The related difficulties can contribute to impulsivity, stormy relationships, poor self-image, as well as intense emotional response s when facing stressing conditions. I chose this topic because according to statistics, approximately 1.5% of Americans suffer from the condition, with over 75% of the victims diagnosed being women. Besides, most diagnostic tests tend to misdiagnose BPD as depression or Post Trauma Stress Disorder. Explain any difficulties you experienced while searching for this article. Searching for articles within the MEDLINE database was not easy. First of all, initially, my research problem was to establish an article about the…

Discussion on Development             Development is a sensitive process in human life, and that begins from the moment one is conceived and extends throughout their life. It is interesting that human development is not an independent process but is affected by various forces that shape the outcome of an individual in their different stages of life and even how they relate to the ideas at their disposal. This discussion post will examine the various biological and environmental influences on development, experiences that shaped my development, and the four stages of Piaget’s Theory. Influences on Development Biological factors play an important role in influencing the development and outcome of an individual. One of the biological factors that influence one’s development is the genetic influence, and this addresses the fact that there are certain traits inherited from parents that affect the way a person develops. The other biological factor that influences how a person develops is the brain chemistry. The brain chemistry refers to the ways the chemical makes up of the brain function based on how the child is brought up…

Development theory The sole aim of child development theories is to explain the changes and growth of children in the course of their childhood. Such approaches focus mainly on various development backgrounds incorporating emotional, social, and cognitive growth. The study of human development is extensive, based on several vast subjects. In real essence, we all have experience with development. However, it is sometimes tricky to understand the reason behind the growth, learning, and actions of individuals. These theories try to explain the reason why children behave in specific ways, whether their behaviors are related to their age, family relationships, or individual temperaments. The Development psychologists strive to give an insight into such questions such that we may understand, explain, and predict the individuals’ behaviors that are experienced throughout their lifespan. This report points out several child development theories developed by respective theorists in explaining different aspects of social growth and learning. Among a vast number of development theories, there exist five significant approaches, including Erik Ericson, Jean Piaget, Uri Bronfenbrenner, and Lev Vygotsky (week 1). This report will focus on…

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