Set up your development environment   Introduction This course introduces students to blockchain development for enterprise environments. Before you can develop software applications, you need to ensue your development environment is in place. That means you’ll need all the tools and infrastructure installed and configured to support enterprise blockchain software development projects. In this lab you’ll set up your own Hyperledger Fabric development environment and install the course software from the textbook. When you finish this lab, you’ll have a working development environment and will be ready to start running and modifying blockchain applications. The instructions in your textbook are for Mac and Linux computers. However, there is no guarantee that your installation of MacOS or Linux is completely compatible with the environment in which the commands from the textbook work properly. For that reason, I STRONGLY SUGGEST that you acquire an Ubuntu 16.04 Virtual Machine (VM) for your labs. Using an Ubuntu 16.04 VM will make the labs far easier to complete. The instructions in this course’s labs assume that your computer runs the Windows operating system. If you…

An Analysis of the Growth and Development of Korean Buddhists in East Asia Topic Summary The growth of Buddhism in Korea is adduced by the fact that Buddhists travel a lot; hence, they were able to find themselves in Korea, after traversing the different lands. In their pursuit to travel, it is indicative of pointing out that they sought to spread religion to new communities as well as to study with other teachers. The influence of Buddhism in Korean culture can be seen in a myriad of ways. For instance, in the 6th and 7th century, respectively, Buddhists from places such as the kingdom of Paekche took part in what was identified as the broader dissemination of culture from Korea to Japan. This issue included aspects as Buddhist texts and practices, Confucian texts, mathematics as well as the technical skills. Research evidence further suggests that the Japanese Pure Land traditions are also closely connected with what would be described as the Korean Buddhist theories. Korean monks traveled to China and engaged in the development of Buddhist sects. Also, the texts…

Group Development: Forming Stage from Therapist Perspective             Group development stages exist in different forms. The essential steps include; forming, norming, adjourning, storming, and performing. Primary overlaps might exist between the stated groups. The time subjected to each stage might vary (Pinto et al., 56). However, a group will be forced to remain in a particular group until central concepts and critical issues are resolved. Various researches have proved that group therapy bears efficiency the same as individual therapy. Focusing on group therapy, all participants have the power to cause effective change and make the group have a straightforward approach to other members. The ease created in these group therapy makes it efficient to hold communication between members and their therapists. Similarly, every therapist must be in a position to understand processes in the formed group. These therapists must also understand every stage of group formation. The understanding of group formation stages makes it easier for therapists to practice proper group development skills and determine an individual’s practical appropriateness to the group. Therefore, a therapist’s perspective, based on the first…

Diversity Training Development Methods Used to Offer Diversity Training Development The article,Organizational diversity learning framework: Going beyond diversity training programs by Fujimoto and Hertel (2017), highlights how to overwhelm the challenges of multiplicity preparation programs. The authors write the publication to help conceptualize the basis of diversity knowledge, which, according to them, skins on managerial intervention for mutual decision making courses of employees. The report also explains how new organizational diversity knowledge is generated for behavioral learning, cognitive learning, and attitudinal learning. Fujimoto and Hertel, present in detail the challenges of diversity training, principles of diversity generated knowledge together with integration and perspectives of learning. In the article, Law Enforcement in the Cyber Domain: Organizational Recommendations,Lamar (2019) explains the importance of law enforcement across the United States. In this article, the author describes how enforcing the law is significant in creating a vital cultural diversity program with an effort to facilitate community policing notion. Further, according to Lamar, law enforcement is essential in building a trustworthy relationship, and also helps in building transparency between the civilians and the law enforcers.…

Advanced Role of Development NSG-504- INC.   Question One Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) is a system in healthcare characterized by members who have an idea of how they are faring on, improvement of their operations (Continuous Quality improvement, 2013). Effectivenessin their operations, ability to meet deadlines, or any increase in their speed. CQI involves continuous improvement in the quality of services within the organization. Question Two Several challenges are resulting from the implementation of CQIin any organization. First, fostering partnershipsamongst various stakeholders may be very challenging. Another problem is difficulty in identifying the improvement to begin with. Some of the tools of management process are ill-suited and, lastly, achieving the obligation to comply. Question Three Advancementin technology led to the digitization of health data. The use of electronic healthcare records replaced the previous outdated sheets of paper. EHR has enhanced patient care through the improvement of diagnosis (Pestonik, 2019). The systems avail valuable data to researchers, thus improving treatment and medical knowledge. The adoption of computers has eased the flow of work and reduced the errors in details of finance and data…

The Effects of Alcohol on Child Development There exists no harmless amount or time of drinking alcohol throughout pregnancy. Also, there is no type of alcohol that is safe for use by pregnant women. However, the use of alcohol while one is expectant poses critical threats to the health and development of the baby. Notably, alcohol can pass from the mother’s blood to the growing baby via the umbilical cord (Healthwise, 2018). Once it enters the system of the growing baby, alcohol interferes with cell development and overall wellbeing. Probable risks can occur either during pregnancy or after birth. Primarily, prenatal hazards include stillbirth or miscarriage (CDC, 2018). On the other hand, after-birth-dangers involve lifetime intellectual, behavioral, and physical disabilities generally referred to as FASDs (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders). FASDs are characterized by and not limited to underweight, poor memory, the small size of head and body, low IQ, constrained vision and hearing, learning problems, delayed speech and language development, poor reasoning, and heart problems (Nilsson, 2017). Even though some assumptions hold that drinking in the third trimester is harmless…

 views on the cognitive and moral development of the child There are numerous theories which present different views on the cognitive and moral development of the child. Distinct aspects of moral and ethical development focus on both external and internal factors that contribute. The common factor that contributes to the moral and cognitive development of the child is environmental factors and society. Piaget’s theory of development states that cognitive development depends on the child’s environment and thinking patterns are shaped by the society in which the child raised. And Kohlberg’s theory of morality states that a child’s moral development depends upon his cognitive development. Both theories focus on environmental factors and social interactions of the child (Morin, 2019). Every individual raised in an environment that is composed of social and cultural factors. Two groups of population one raised in a technologically developed society and the other in a backward society would have different thinking patterns, language, the way they dress etc. this difference is not between communities but in cultures, and cultures make humans different. Cognitive development and culture are…

WHY THE DEVELOPMENT OF A STRONG CENTRAL NATIONAL GOVERNMENT WAS SO IMPORTANT AFTER THE CIVIL WAR United States was decentralized in 1861 with limited powers of the federal government. There was no national banking system, no national railways, no national tax system and no dependable map for the areas where the war would take place. In 19861, nearly all functions of government were handled at the state and local level. A stable central government was crucial for the development of US economy. To mobilize the norths economic resources, the Lincoln administration instituted the first national banking system and currency, tariffs, taxes on incomes, and also laid the first intercontinental railway (Donald 93). These economic policies of the union created a strong alliance between the republican party, the national states, and the capitalist. The transfer of political power in Washington from southern planters to allies of northern industrialists and traders formed the political conditions under which by the end of the century united States was the most significant economic power globally. The central national government eliminated slavery from American life .yet…

Sustainable products used in the construction of houses and development of areas What are these sustainable products that are effective in construction and development? What does future build forum say about them? If you want to know more about it, continue reading.  You should have known by now that the local government does not approve construction and development that will impact the environment negatively. It emphasizes on the use of sustainable materials and products in construction. This way, we can conserve the environment and our welfare at large. The future build is a forum established to handle long terms issues of development like; environmental, economic, technological, and identify long term energy. Weigh out their intended effects on constructions and development and ensuring that constructions contribute to ecological humanity in the coming years and beyond. Using sustainable products is a win for all of us. This is because they give economic, environmental, and social profits while guarding the whole cycle of our environment and the public health at large. You might be wondering why it’s good to go for sustainable products…

The Emergence of Multilingual Development The overriding theme in this Chapter is the development of the multilingual concept from the bilingual perspective. From the Chapter, it is indicated that the construction of several languages commenced from the primary language in the USA to the present context of several languages. The event is associated to several root causes, for instance, the historical context associates this development to the historical context that saw the establishment of North American Free Trade Agreement and consequent increase in the number of Latinos thus necessitating the creation of another language (32). The authors pose that the increased number of immigrants thus influenced the US to allow the immigrants to speak their native languages. From the book, the justification for the growth of the multilingual state is attributed to several factors. One of the views in support of this development is the civil rights movements and the bilingual education act that saw the amendments of the Elementary Education Act of 1968. This move saw the allocation of funds to support the growth of some foreign languages in…

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