Child Development Observations SECTION I: The Environment My niece loves to explore, and she is fascinated by everything in her environment. She is in the Pre-K category based on her age. In the house, we have many spaces for her to play in. She has access to a wide variety of engaging and interactive materials. Her parents have provided her with many different toys for her to play with. She has stuffed animals like a teddy bear, a stuffed giraffe, among many others. She also has other toys like her Barbie dolls, toy cars, sets to play doctor, a dollhouse, and many other different toys. Her room’s walls have many hangings that are appropriate for her age. Some of her artwork is also hanging on her walls. The child has enough space for her to play, both upstairs and downstairs. Most of the time, she plays individually or with her older sibling. Other times, the adults participate in her play activities. Downstairs, we have board games and puzzles which she enjoys playing with. She also has numerous art supplies like…

Child Development Theories Children, in most cases, learn effectively from what they see others doing and not from what they see from the surrounding environment. Jenny clearly understands that she does everything for them so that they can grow to be well-mannered adults in the future. Whenever the children have problems, Jenny takes time to explain to them what caused the problem and the consequences of the problem. Several theories have been developed to help understand the role that Jenny plays in the life of a child as they grow. Two theories best describe the development process of a child as they learn through observation. There is Piaget’s theory on cognitivism and Vygotsky’s on social culture. Piaget’s theory believes that child development depends on the stages they undergo in life. On the other hand, Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory believes learning to be a social process.  Piaget’s theory disagrees that intelligence is a natural trait; he claims that intelligence develops more as an individual matures and interacts with the environment (Poehner et al. 429). The theory from Piaget does not focus on…

Stock Analysis and portfolio development Stock analysis The report focuses on five stocks to provide a comprehensive performance overview through various valuations models such as dividend valuation model, price to multiple models (earning or sales), or free cash flow model to equity evaluation model. Some of the stocks taken into consideration for analysis include IBM, BMY, NFLX, ORCL, and MMM. Equity evaluation for each stock in the market Cost of stock equity = risk-free rate + Beta*(Market Return – Risk-free rate) IBM = 0.75% + 0.86*(9% – 0.75%) => 7.845% BMY = 0.75% + 0.78*(9% – 0.75%) => 7.185% NFLX = 0.75% + 1.57*(9% – 0.75%) => 13.703%. ORCL = 0.75% + 1.1*(9% – 0.75%) => 9.825% MMM = 0.75% + 0.98*(9% – 0.75%) => 8.835% The analysis of the cost of the stock value in the market for the selected stocks indicates that NFLX has the highest value in the market, followed by oracle. The information shows that stock with a high value of Beta has more value than stock with a lower value of beta in the market…

Cross-stage development Cross-stage development has gotten an incredible alternative to completely native versatile application development. The React Native system is a rising versatile arrangement and is viewed as the fate of cross-stage portable application development.   Right now, spread the advantages of utilizing React Native for cross-stage all-round development and reveal to you when it is anything but a decent decision.   Advantage of React Native   #1 Open Source Platform   React Native is an open-source stage. This means it can be easily used by anybody it all documents is open for everyone. There’s an extraordinary bit of leeway to utilizing a network-driven innovation. For instance, on the off chance that you face any issue identified with React Native development, you can find support from network specialists or discover data on the web.   Another advantage of working with an open-source stage is an acknowledgment for composing code. For instance, in the wake of discovering some new information while working with React Native, a designer can impart their experience to the GitHub React Native Community, get input, and team…

Origins, Development, and Issues of the Right to Vote Introduction One of the most critical ways that individuals can influence governmental decision-making is through voting. Voting is a formal expression of preference for a candidate for office or for a proposed resolution of an issue. Voting generally takes place in the context of a large-scale national or regional election. However, local and small-scale community elections can be just as critical to individual participation in government. Article II of the US Constitution states that the right of citizens, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age, sex, religion, race, or previous condition of servitude. Also, the Congress has been provided power with the Constitution to enforce the article by appropriate legislation. The right to vote in the United States has gone through a lot of development and changes since the 19th Century to the present day to be able to incorporate various population groups in the society. However, just like in…

Proficient Development Program Proposal The achievement or disappointment of a pioneer is controlled by their capacity to survey their areas of expertise and associations, and think of proposition on the best way to address the predominant issues. One of the obligations of an innovator right now to create a proposal for proficient improvement preparing programs. Recommendations for skilled advancement programs are focused on the inspirational methodologies that control the development of enthusiastic insight into the growth of the executives and representative presentation at all degrees of the association. This paper is a follow-up of the past article, which distinguished administration and execution issues at Whole Foods Market Inc.   Entire Foods Market Inc. is an American organization that retails natural and regular dietary and nourishing items (Forbes, 2020). The organization has a workforce of around 87,000 representatives and several stores in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom (Forbes, 2020). Research on the organization’s hierarchical culture recognized a few issues identifying with the connection among workers and the administration and representatives. Absence of solidarity and poor attachment were distinguished…

Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development Piaget’s theory is about nature and how human intelligence develops. It is mainly known as the development stage theory, and it deals with how one acquires, constructs, and uses knowledge. The method of cognitive development based primarily on how a person makes sense of the world. The primary process is of making sense of what is happening is by gathering and organizing the information acquired. The theory opposes the idea that intelligence is a fixed trait. The approach acknowledges that cognitive development is a process that takes place due to interaction with the environment and biological development. Piaget viewed intellectual growth as a process of adaptation that takes place through assimilation, accommodation, and equilibration. Assimilation refers to how a person will perceive and adapt to new information. The process involves fixing the latest information in the preexisting schema. Through assimilation, the new data gets fixed into old ideas (Meadows,2017). Accommodation involves taking new information form the environment and altering the old thoughts to create room for the latest information. Accommodation occurs when the existing schema…

Interview Questions: Developmental Service Worker Why did you choose to become a developmental service worker, or rather, what was the motivational factor behind pursuing this career? How long have you been working in this field, and how would you describe your experience so far? Having worked for some time now, what would you say is the primary function that a developmental service worker does? In practice, how does a developmental service worker assess his/ her client’s needs? Does your work demand a high level of teamwork? If so, how do you contribute to effective collaboration? With technology, some areas of work in the field may have been assimilated by the use of artificial intelligence. What is it that you do to remain competitive in the field, and avoid shortcomings such as lay-offs? Work can be stressful, especially when tasked with a challenging undertaking. What is the most stressful experience you have been subjected to at work, and how did you handle the stress? Conflicts can sometimes arise at a workplace among workers. How do you handle conflicts with your co-workers?…

Sustainable development Question 2, B. Sustainable development refers to the process of ensuring that current growth and development do not affect future generations. For instance, sustainable development initiative focuses on limiting ecological degradation by the present age, limiting destroying future societies, human health, and sourcing of non-renewable energy. Environmental, Social, and Economic sustainability are intertwined since poor economic planning and sustainability create social conflicts between resource allocation and health costs, leading to inefficiencies in ecological conservation and degradation.       A critique on the social sustainability at Roche informs of measures to reduce poverty since people turn to forests for survival due to a lack of medical products. Social sustainability is intertwined with economic sustainability by assessing the quality of pharmaceutical products to minimize toxicity in the manufacturing process, and to reduce the overall effects on the society and the environment, Economic sustainability is related to social sustainability since the pharmaceutical focuses on the effective utilization of natural resources, thus minimizing costs associated with wastages to society. Sustainability seeks the firm to embrace the practical usage of recycled products,…

The Relationship between Population Growth and Economic Development Abstract Population growth and economic development are two variables that exhibit a twofold relationship since the dynamics experienced in each one of them is capable of affecting the other. This research tries to find out whether population growth affects economic growth and also whether economic growth facilitates populations growth. The research narrows don to establish whether population growth leads to or affect the development of urban centres, which could be categorized as part of economic development. The setting of the research will be in the United States of America. Although, research will be based in the United States of America, it will utilize findings and literature from other studies that were conducted in different regions but with a common goal of establishing the relationship between population growth and economic development. The structure of the research will include an introduction, background review or literature review, results or findings, and conclusion sections. After the initial research is complete and data is collected, a qualitative methodology will be used to analyze the data to provide…

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