What are the essential things to know about the development of cachexia? Cachexia is a disease that is common in patients suffering from different kinds of cancer. It is a type of health disorder that brings about extreme weight loss in the body. That happens due to muscular wastage in the body. It also can lead to the development of different chronic diseases like renal failure, multiple sclerosis, and HIV. As this disease is proliferating among the humankind, hence, we all should be aware of the essential facts about this disease. Some of the things to know about cachexia are: Risk factors of cachexia cancer The risk factors of cachexia are: Age Although it can occur in any person irrespective of age and gender, yet the statistics show that age can be a driving factor for the development of this disease in people. Also, people suffering from cancers and other such deadly diseases are prone to develop such conditions with time. Cardiac disorders Cardiac disorders seem to be quite common in people nowadays . . However, the development of certain…

Development of Social Media             In the article Engineering Sociality in a Culture of Connectivity, Dijck talks about the historical transformation of social media in the years between 2001 and 2012. This is because the drastic growth in social media took place within this period. Apart from the growth in social media, the internet opened ways as a platform for the other online services. On the other hand the article Facebook and the Imperative of Sharing talks about the evolution of sharing personal information by the facilitation of technology. With the launch of Facebook, it is among the social media platforms that greatly helped in the facilitation of sharing personal information. The two articles are greatly connected in the fact that they are both facilitated by the internet, and that sharing personal information was as a result of the massive social media usage growth.. From reading the two articles, I find it interesting that Facebook set the standard for other social media platforms to develop and advance sharing, which led to the growth of other social media platforms as well.…

RISK PLAY AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT Introduction Risk play involves any form of exiting physical activity that carries with it some risks of physical injuries and also it is uncertain and sometimes unstructured. Many parents and teachers are concerned with the safety of the children, forcing the children to play in less risky but boring activities. There are many benefits that children involved in risk play have, which helps the child later in life, making the play an essential part of a child’s growth. This essay explains how risky play helps in the well-being and health of the child. Risky Play Activities and the Health of Children Children engage in risk play for the sake of it. The fearful joy, exhilaration and fear make the children look happy, joyful and ecstatic. Such joy makes risky play repetitive to achieve the same level of pleasure. Besides the joy from playing, the risky play satisfies the innate desire in the child early on in life, and this reduces the chance of the child making more dangerous activities later that can have more negative…

A single pivotal moment in the psychological or moral development of scout in to kill a mockingbird Organization · title is original and captures the theme of the piece (2) · effectively introduces situation, background, and focus of the paper in introduction (3) · contains a strong, controlling thesis (5) · body paragraphs are focused on proving the thesis, with strong topic sentences to focus the body paragraphs (5) · Conclusion restates points made and provokes thought at the end (3) · documents source (novel) on a Works Cited Page and follows proper MLA format (2) COMMENTS: 20 Ideas · uses a wide variety of interesting and carefully selected evidence to prove thesis (15) o properly cites sources with appropriate parenthetical documentation applying to all material not original o properly embeds the information to have flow and rhythm to the writing [unique_solution]· thoroughly examines all aspects of the topic through well-developed explanations (15) o points are logical and thoughtful o analysis display a generous dose of complexity, freshness of thought, and/or individual perspective COMMENTS: 30 Sentence Fluency · uses effective…

 Pigment cognitive development theory The concrete operational period is the third stage in Pigment cognitive development theory. The period occurs during childhood between the ages of seven to eleven years.  It is characterized by the development of rational thought. The period is a transition between early development stages and upcoming ones. During this period, children tend to think more rationally as well as operationally. Children acquire conversation, class inclusion, reversibility, and seriation abilities. Children can logically solve, but they are not able to think both hypothetically and abstractly. Piaget determined that during the stage, children are relatively good at using inductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning encompasses the change from specific experience to the general principle. However, children have difficulties in using deductive reasoning. Children are able to understand awareness (reversibility), meaning it is possible to reverse actions. During the period, children can logically represent ideas and events. Children have basic thinking rules, but they operate unconsciously and solve problems more systematically than before. For example, a child can automatically solve a rule that if there is nothing added or subtracted from…

Improving System Development Productivity In today’s working environment, several issues influence productivity, either for an individual or an organization, in its quest to maintain its system development. The IT sector constantly faces productivity challenges. According to Maxwell et al. (1996), because of the various issues that affect software development productivity, it makes it difficult to track and measure productivity. By improving productivity, the people involved and the organization as a whole, make the most out of every opportunity that they get. To enhance system development productivity, one would have to employ the use of a complex system that includes creating an ideal environment that facilitates the development process. The organization or team leader should create a work environment that compliments or sets productivity to succeed. An environment that allows for the collaboration and sharing of knowledge between employees have more chances of improving system development productivity. According to Balijepally et al. (2009), collaborations help boost the confidence of those working together. Another method is setting the big picture. According to Baldasari and Roux (2017), setting a clear plan makes it…

Human Growth and Development Introduction In modern society, education is termed as one of the most critical issues for a successful life. Through education, a lot of changes are experienced throughout man’s life. Skills gathered during the education process aims at empowering the mode in which man relates to his environment, therefore, making a change in the background. Gender development among humans also influences the biological changes among different sex. Boys are believed to be more muscular compared to girls, even in their first trimester and at birth. This gender contrast appears significant since it is clear that maturation definite neonatal outcome is worse in boys. This paper explores the factors influencing growth and development. Formation and Development of Human Beings Education tress the genetic provision discriminates them, modifies them, speed up their functioning, add to their strengths, and make them qualities. The aspect of education is to bring desirable changes in human beings, thus enabling them to corps with their environment. Therefore, the development and growth of human character are oriented, organized process awards through education (Castrogiovanni,2012). Inheritance of…

Economic development was the priority of Korea’s restoration after the war Economic development was the priority of Korea’s restoration after the war. The military developed a five-year economic plan board; they gave it presidential power for planning, allocating the budget, and attracting foreign capital. The nation sent nurses to Germany to work and, in return, send the funds back home for the country’s economic development. Poverty was the biggest challenge facing Korea in an attempt to restore their nation. During the war, all their wealth and belongings were destroyed, leaving them with nothing. They had to fight for the liberty and democracy of the Republic of Korea. They were forced at that time to relay o foreign aid. When it subsided, it caused their economic growth to stop. Textile industries, wigs industries, and middle work were the major light industries at the beginning of Korea’s industrialization. They developed rapidly and boosted the economic growth of Korea. The new community movement is one of the most vital forces in promoting the growth of Korean industries. 33 Villages in Korea received free…

ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF HINDUTVA 2.1. Introduction The root of Hindutva can be traced back to a long history of India. This chapter attempts to trace the emergence of Hindutva and its development in the history of India. The study does not follow a historical or chronological order in tracing the Hindutva, rather it deals with the ideological roots of Hindutva. While dealing with the organizations of the Hindutva and the ideologies and methods of the Hindutva movement, the chapter deals with selected thinkers, selected organizations and selected ideologies and methods of the Hindutva movement. This chapter attempts to give information on the roots of Hindutva. At the same time, it attempts to explicate the motives behind the Hindutva movement in India. 2.2. Roots of Hindutva: Resistance Against Colonialism India is a country where religion is very central to the life of people. India’s philosophy as expounded in Hindu scripture called Upanishads is Sarva Dharma samabhava which means ‘respect to all belief system’.[1] Hinduism has always been defined as an inclusive religion with its pluralistic and tolerance tradition. While such…

The Role of the Nurse Informaticist in Systems Development and Implementation Assignment: The Role of the Nurse Informaticist in Systems Development and Implementation Assume you are a nurse manager on a unit where a new nursing documentation system is to be implemented. You want to ensure that the system will be usable and acceptable for the nurses impacted. You realize a nurse leader must be on the implementation team. To Prepare: Review the steps of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and reflect on the scenario presented. Consider the benefits and challenges associated with involving a nurse leader on an implementation team for health information technology. The Assignment: (2-3 pages) In preparation of filling this role, develop a 2- to 3-page role desсrіption for a graduate-level nurse to guide his/her participation on the implementation team. The role desсrіption should be based on the SDLC stages and tasks and should clearly define how this individual will participate in and impact each of the following steps: Planning and requirements definition Analysis Design of the new system Implementation Post-implementation support some information: [unique_solution]…

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