Lean-Agile Practices-Comparative Analysis Introduction Projects are known to be temporary production systems. Therefore, if project managers structure these projects in a way that the intended product is delivered in a way that value is maximized, and waste is minimized, then the said projects are referred to as ‘lean’ Projects. Hence, in project management, we have the traditional project management, and we have lean agile project management. The difference between lean project management and traditional project management is in the goals that it follows, its phase structure, the interrelationship between phases, and the participants in each stage. Traditional project management is always plan-driven. In this case, project managers create a detailed plan on what needs to be done, and then, the project is executed according to the established procedure. It is difficult to plan every project detail at the start of the project, and therefore, traditional project management entails change control. Conversely, lean-agile project management is adaptive driven. Here, project managers develop the project vision and advanced project ideas at the beginning of the project, however, the project particulars are developed…

Everything You Need To Know About Rhinoplasty Have you been unhappy with the appearance of your nose for the longest time now? Maybe you have nasal problems that tag along with breathing difficulties. The good news is that surgeons have a solution for you: Rhinoplasty. In this piece, we will dig into some informative details that will help you understand the procedure better in case you have been considering it.   What is rhinoplasty? Also commonly referred to as a nose job, it is an invasive procedure aimed at reshaping the appearance of the nose. Some people go under the scalpel to correct functional problems of the nose, which often becomes a medical procedure. Cosmetic rhinoplasty ideally specializes in enhancing your appearance by making subtle changes to the shape and size of the nose..   What does rhinoplasty entail of? As earlier stated, rhinoplasty is an invasive procedure normally performed on an outpatient basis by most cosmetic surgeons. Surgeries take different periods to complete depending on the complexity of the procedure and the type of rhinoplasty you wish to be…

Challenges of the Global Virtual Projects Global Virtues is one of the most embraced working models which have also been contributed to by the development of technology. Various advantages are coming with global virtual operations. However, some of the benefits have not been enjoyed due to the number of challenges facing the model. As a matter of fact, the global virtual challenges care to challenge to control due to the distanced relationship. Besides, an attempt to control one aspect might worsen the condition of another element. Some of the primary challenges facing the system include; Conflict Resolution, Increased Dependency, Regulations, and Law and Intellectual Property Rights. The named aspects have entirely undermined the global virtual operations hence reduced project sustainability. Conflict Resolution Every work environment and project operation is susceptible to conflicts. In places where the people cannot meet and discuss face to face is more likely to experience differences of interest. Notably, the difference in the ideas will hinder the process involved in the management. Therefore, each conflict needs to be sorted out sustainably. However, the global virtual project…

bureaucratic decision-making procedure The insights captured in this work presents some practical implications on the performance of the institution where I am currently attached to. I work in a mobile telecommunications operator, which specializes in authenticating consumer devices on networks, offering voice calls, messaging, and internet access, among many other services. For the period I have stayed in this enterprise, I have noted that it takes a long time for the management to respond to the needs of the market. The main contributing factor to this problem is the bureaucratic decision-making procedure, characterized by the presence of multiple committees. Besides, the chief executive officer must be present in every committee proceedings before a resolution is being made. Consequently, this practice denies the firm an opportunity to respond to a rapidly changing environment swiftly. The findings of the present study come at a convenient time to shed some insights about the approaches the company can take to improve its performance. Notably, it provides specific issues that enable firms to respond to the rapidly changing environment, and as a result, gain a…

teams outperform individual effort Teams perform better not only because of putting more people on a single task but also because of the richness of their diverse skills and opinions, which have a multiplying impact. The biggest lesson I learned during the simulation is that teams outperform individual effort. As such, we had to make decisions as a team. The process was not always smooth because the team members often came up with different ideas and opinions on how to reach the summit of the mountain. An example of a situation in which the team did not agree on a collective decision was on the number of oxygen tanks that each member was to be given for the climb to the summit. Our decision-making process was not the most effective, but we could agree on some common issues that ensured we succeeded in getting to the peak of the mountain. The team made decisions collectively and ultimately managed to finish the simulation, with many of the members getting sick at the very finish. Significant conflicts did not rock the team…

Implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP)  Evidence-based practices have been made available for medical conditions, including diabetes, asthma, hypertension, and cardiac failure. According to Dang & Dearholt (2017), evidence-based practice refers to a vigilant and practical use of current best evidence, while combining it with clinician’s expertise and patient values in making healthcare decisions. The nursing profession is known for utilizing research founded by Florence Nightingale. However, the application of evidence-based interventions in care delivery is not habitually done, and inconsistencies in practices abound (Li et al. 2018). Besides, discrepancies in nursing interventions lead to difficulties in the definition of quality nursing care. It is, therefore, significant to note the strategies to promote the implementation of evidence-based practice and the use of outcome nursing indicators in patient care. Strategies to support the implementation of EBP and the use of nursing outcome indicators A multidimensional approach is required in putting into practice evidence-based practice. According to Li et al. (2018), the perspectives of researchers, healthcare practitioners, and healthcare consumers need to be considered in the implementation of EBP. For instance, in knowledge…

 ways in which a country enters a foreign market There are a variety of ways in which a country enters a foreign market. Direct exporting  is one of the most appropriate strategic  way of a country to enter a while other need a set up joint venture to be able license their marketing. For a country to influence the choice of strategy involve a number of factors .These factors would help increase the country’s cost that is then expected to increase the sales of these cost. This helps the organization to make a decision which makes  the country have a variety of option that vary in cost, risk and the degree of control that it exercises. Other countries uses complex forms that include global operations which involve the export market zones .The decision of which form of of export strategy the country to use depends on the nature of channels the country uses. Most of the channels are the government, distributors and agents. Factors that influence the strategy choice. Strategy entry in  the foreign market is influenced by a number…

Challenges facing the Tax policy             A carbon tax is essential in ensuring a decrease in the amount of greenhouse gases that are emitted into the atmosphere. By charging an extra cost to top companies that engage in carbon emission into the environment will discourage the use of such power. It is, therefore, encourages companies to rely on cleaner sources of energy ( Marron and Toder ). Formulation and implementation of the tax policy, however, poses several challenges that make it difficult to attain success. For instance, implementing the tax rate, collecting the tax, and ways to use the revenue received. The government and policymakers are tasked with the responsibility of policy formulation on the tax policy, taking into account the challenges involved. The analysis of the carbon policy uncovers two challenges facing the policymakers; setting the appropriate tax rate and monitoring and collection of the carbon tax. Setting the appropriate tax rate to be charged on carbon dioxide emissions has been a challenge. Policymakers have different approaches to how the tax rate should be changed. Some policymakers agree that the…

Importance of Public Service Accountability and difficulties in it    Public service is the business of supplying essential commodities to members of a community by an authority within a jurisdiction. It includes the service of a government to the citizens in the form of electrical power, transport, security, medical, waste disposal, education, among others (Smith, T. B. 1991). In most cases, the community contribute a resource to the authority for the public service and their accountability. Importance of Accountability of Public Service                    To promote transparency Persons public service authority have a duty to be transparent in performing their work since the decision they make in allocation of resources affect the entire community. Transparency is essential for the community to have confidence in the authority discharging public service (Paul, S. 1992).                   To enhance fairness in resource allocation Public service authority has to account for its decisions so that the community can assess the level of fairness in service delivery. Therefore, the authority has to ensure proper and prioritized resource allocation to ensure fairness prevails ( Besley, T., & Ghatak,…

Diary of a Woman Migrating to Oregon, 1853             “Diary of a Woman Migrating to Oregon, 1853” is the favorite source as it articulates to a challenge that has remained in America even in the present. The migration of the woman, Amelia Stewart Knight, can be equated to the challenges faced by immigrants in the present times, although hers was a common migration. The development of the constitution has not solved the issue of migration but has instead shifted it to immigration. Amelia is presented as being at the center of the migration conflict b the virtue of being a woman and being pregnant at the same time.              The story is developed by a record of the challenges associated with pregnancy and the worsening of the situation by the difficulties and dangers posed by the migratory journey. The article is favored in that I am determined to follow up on Amelia Stewart Knight and see how she manages to overcome all the challenges and the ending of her journey. Generally, the diary gives at least the most significant events during…

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