The complexity of the group discussion The group discussion is complicated due to the following reasons: First, the size of the group that has 250 members. The higher number of members increases the cost of coordination and more schedules for accommodation. The opinions of the group members render the group complex. This is due to the large number of members who have different ideas, and each member needs to listen. This is time-consuming and makes the group complex. Second, the task interdependence in the group makes it complicated. This means that all the different tasks by the members are interdependent, and the success of the group is based on the proper execution of such duties. Difficulties of getting a consensus with high experts The top experts encourage the diffusion of responsibility as compared to non-experts. This leads to a lack of accountability for the expert group members. That is, in case of problems created during reaching of consensus, there will be no individual responsible for such issues. This creates an atmosphere in which each one top expert blames the other…

Stakeholder engagement Stakeholder engagement in improving the nature of the strategy-making, which is identified with precise needs, is significant. A large number of fundamental needs are tended through approaches, which required a lot of comprehension of the demand in perspective on open just as from the legislature. Arrangement making relies upon the geographic areas, forms, populace thickness on account of walker traffic stream approach making in the metropolitan locale. This arrangement decision influences the ordinary people on foot as well as the area, network, and government itself, for which everybody is keen on the useful procedure and official conclusions of open approach making. Both open and private areas have more unique advantages in approach making when Stakeholder is locked in and related in the administration of arrangement making. Stakeholders’ inclinations reflect numerous variables related to strategy issues, choices, and usage. It improves the comprehension of the problems and knowledge into various decisions accessible in strategy making. In building up a far-reaching arrangement for the person on foot traffic stream, the executives in the modern midtown, stakeholder’s contribution is significant for…

Ethical Issues of Caring for Dementia Patients in Nursing Introduction With the increasing number of dementia patients, nursing professionals continue to face more ethical dilemmas in providing healthcare to dementia patients. Among other many areas, obtaining the informed consent of dementia patients on the medical intervention to use is a significant concern. Dementia patients at the late stages of illness are usually incapacitated and are unable to communicate. Substitutive decision-making is adopted for these patients by using expert directives or surrogates. As such, the autonomy of the patients in making decisions is disregarded. Although the patient is cognitively incapacitated, his interest may not match those of surrogates. An ethical issue, therefore, exists between autonomy of patient in decision-making and choice of appropriate treatment intervention, given the patient is cognitively incapacitated. A combination of articles on the subject has been compiled, exploring the subject o in-depth, identifying the ethical challenges, and providing insights to nurses on how to address the moral issue. Article 1- Involvement of dementia patients in care planning and decision-making Donnelly, S., Begley, E., & O’Brien, M. (2019).…

Molekule Air Purifier Review – Is It the Best Air Purifier in the Market? The air we breathe around our home may not be clean always. Therefore, you may need to clean it, especially if some of your family members have health issues such as allergies. While many air purifiers in the market use HEPA technology, Molekule air purifier is a total game-changer. Molekule air purifier is equipped with advanced and flexible features that promise to improve your air purification experience. With its high-end technology, the photo electrochemical oxidation (PECO), Molekule air purifier traps and destroys pollutants using scientific methods. Here is a Molekule review to see its impact on air purification. Molecular Air Purifier Design Molekule air purifier is designed with a very sleek silver body embodied with machined aluminum. It has a thick and soft natural leather handle at the upper part of the air purifier. The handle allows for easy movement around your home. The air purifier has a diameter of 8.25 inches, and its Hight is about 23 inches and weighs about 18 pounds. Similarly, Molekule…

Unethical IT Scandal Unethical behavior in business is one of the most contended topics in industry as behaviors ranging from artless misconducts to colossal caricatures can offend a large sum of populaces. In 2014, Tesco, one of the largest supermarkets in Britain, was caught exaggerating its financial records after proceeds acknowledgment indiscretions were marked during its mid-year results. Consequent to changes in manufacturing, business management, and rising opposition from competitors and markdown chains, Tesco witnessed a deterioration in sales resulting in the resignation of its chairman during an internal enquiry into the corporation’s revenue recording. However, Tesco stated that the inconsistency was a result of booking revenues from contractors earlier to secure main spots on the shelves and also to endow advertising events (Persiani, 2017). Conferring to the Tesco scandal, a supermarket with a high point of sale (POS) system is the best to implement as it upsurges sales, keeps a summary of stocks and delivers quality client facility. Additionally, a right POS can be easily accessed through a browser, saving up on new equipment to run the business meaning…

What are the pros and cons to using a curriculum? Why is it important that teachers use some type of curriculum? How could this benefits students who move around a lot? Curriculum refers to an engagingsystem of learning with specific development goals to ensuresuccessful transfer of knowledge, skills, and attitudes tochildren. The advantage of using a curriculum is that it has guidelines that make it easier to know what needs to be taught at different stages of learning. An example from the text isthe curriculum for infants which is highly individualized and focuses on building relationships and learning languages. Another advantage of using acurriculum isthat it focuses on basic skills, interests and needs of children. An example is an integrated curriculum that covers various learning goals in a limited time and makes connections between skills and knowledge (Bredekamp, 2017). On the other hand, there are arguments against theuse of curriculum in schools. The curriculum may not be appropriate for all children due to cultural differences and those with learning difficulties as seen from the text. This is because the curriculum…

advantage of using a curriculum Curriculum refers to an engaging system of learning with specific development goals to ensure successful transfer of knowledge, skills, and attitudes to children. The advantage of using a curriculum is that it has guidelines that make it easier to know what needs to be taught at different stages of learning. An example from the text is the curriculum for infants which is highly individualized and focuses on building relationships and learning languages. Another advantage is that the curriculum is flexible and responsive to children’s interests and needs. An example is an integrated curriculum that covers various learning goals in a limited time and makes connections between skills and knowledge. On the other hand, there are disadvantages associated with the use of curriculum in schools. The curriculum may not be appropriate for all children due to cultural differences and those with learning difficulties as seen from the text. This is because the curriculum focuses on societal needs instead of individual needs. Another disadvantage is that it limits the freedom of teachers and students and there is…

A CONTRIBUTIOX TO THE THEORY OF ECONOMIC GROWTH I. Irltroduclion, 65. -11. h niod(~lof long-run growth, 66. -111. Possible groa th pattcrn5. 68. -IV. E;\an~pl(~\, 73. -V. Behavior of intcrcst anti wage rates, 78. -VI. k!xtcniions, 85 -VI1. Qunlilicatior~\,91 All thcory depends on assumptions which are not quite true. That is what makes it theory. The art of successful theorizing is to make the inevitable simplifying assumptions in such a Tiray that the final results arc not very sensitive.′ A L′crucial″ assumption is one on which the conclusions do depend sensitively, and it is important that crucial assumptions be reasonably realistic. When the rcsults of a thcory seem to flow specifically from a special crucial assumption, then if the assumption is dubious, the results arc suspect. 1 wish to argue that something like this is true of the HarrodDomar model of economic grolvth. The characteristic and powerful conclusion of the Harrod-Domar line of thought is that even for the long run the economic system is at best balanced on a knife-edge of equilibrium growth. Were the magnitudes of the key…

Recreational Marijuana in Florida Debates on the issue of legalizing marijuana for either medicinal or recreational use has increased in the recent past. States are continuously enacting legislation and policies that either authorize or prohibit the use of marijuana. The existing controversies are associated with whether its use is safe for individuals. The paper provides an annotation of four articles that contribute to the topic of whether marijuana should be legalized in Florida for recreational purposes. Brennan, M., & Weber, L. (2017). Should marijuana be legalized?. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 13(2), 116-117. Retrieved 25 March 2020, from   Brennan and Weber (2017) considered legalizing marijuana as a controversial aspect that should be subjected to extensive discussions. The article acknowledged the fact that there are both reasons for and against marijuana use for recreational purposes. The article indicated that marijuana is similar to other drugs, and it has disadvantages and benefits. Brain development issues, addiction, and inadequate fetus development problems were highlighted as some of the drawbacks. Consequently, Brennan and Weber (2017) highlighted that it should be legalized because…

Why sperm tracking is a good idea Sperm tracking is the quality assessment of a human sperm cell. Analyzing to determine the quality of sperm in men is essential for the clinical application of men’s fertility. The use of a tracker does sperm tracking. After the clinicians have done the tracking, it can help them in diagnosing the cause of infertility in men among the childless couples. The sperm’s motility shows its capacity to fertilize an egg. Such information about sperm motility can only be acquired through sperm track. Generally, the sperm tracker will help in the assessment of sperm motility, which helps gauge the viability of sperm after freezing and thawing. For fertilization to take place, the sperms need to move. Fertility is influenced by sperms motility; therefore, tracking sperms to find out their motility is crucial. The Glow app that tracks men’s fertility, for example, collects a lot of information, which can help in increasing the chances of pregnancy. Therefore the data collected through sperm track can be instrumental in trying to give suggestions to enhance fertility. Sperm…

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