Analyzing Conflict, Failure, and Negative Experiences Part 1 Groups comprise of different people with different views. Groups come together to achieve a specific task or accomplish a set of goals. Managing groups can be challenging, especially when the leader lacks particular skills to lead the group, poor communication among members hinders groups from achieving the set goals. I recall being a member of a team assigned to develop the organization’s strategic plan .All the team members were middle managers from different departments .the team was led by the assistant director.   We spent most of the time arguing about the content. Everyone wanted their suggestions to be included in the final draft. The team leader picked on specific departments leaving out others. Some team members felt excluded and did not actively participate in meetings . as a result, the task was accomplished as expected..   Part two One of the events that led to unsuccessful completion of the task was poor communication. The task was not completed because the team was not adequately directed; the team leader did not include everyone…

HOW FIRST EXPERIENCES SEEM SCARING.  The process of learning new things can sound to be a scary experience in someone’s life. Among the difficult things I have ever tried to attempt was the process of learning how to swim. Once I encountered masses of water intense fear used to engulf me, although I had the decision of learning how to swim as a significant skill of learning. I had the thoughts that learning how to swim would be a nice activity for me, and that would aid me to become strong physically. Also, I had no idea that engaging in the exercise of swimming would make me a much more confident person than I ever have been in the past. New situations more often than not make me a bit nervous for I do not know the result of the activities involved. I wanted to try this experience irrespective of the consequences that might accompany. I had to fight fear and join my fellow students in the exercise. I went to the bathroom to change and get ready for the…

HAVE YOU BEEN INJURED AT WORK?   If you got hurt today at work, should you get any benefits to cater for your expenses? What do you do when faced with such a case? Do you report to your society or your bosses? Injured workers don’t always know what benefits they are entitled to. The Workers’ post-injury benefits protect both the employer and the employee. Before the Industrial Revolution, when one got hurt at work, they would fend for themselves. There were no benefits to fight for if one became disabled. A replacement was immediately found.   Whether you were at fault or not, you are entitled to benefits. However, the systems are a challenge to navigate; therefore, the injured workers must establish whether their claim is worth receiving compensation. Some of the difficulties an injured employee can face when filing for claims include: receiving incorrect amount of weekly disability checks, checks arriving late or not at all when the doctor assigned for you by the insurance company doesn’t satisfy you and the insurance company isn’t authorizing additional medical treatment.…

Compare and Contrast the Experiences of native Americans and African Americans during the Gilded Age Introduction The native and African Americans have interacted for many years since the 15th century. The interactions that exist have made people claim that native Americans are a perfect representation of black Americans. In comparison, the two groups have lived together, going through similar and different experiences, especially during the gilded age. Since both of them were not original people in America, they were subjected to prejudice and rejection of different kinds, making their social, political, economic, and religious orientations to be affected negatively. This study seeks to highlight the experiences of the native and African Americans as recorded through the gilded period. Native Americans and African Americans had so much in common, starting from their ways of life. An important fact is that both of them faced the problem of racial discrimination. Even though it might sound that native Americans were in a better-off position during the Gilded Age, it is a true fact that they were subjected to similar problems over their lives.…

Immigrant Experiences in Southern California Globalization is now increasingly evident in every major city around the world. The world has become greatly interconnected with the presence of efficient transport systems and favorable immigration laws have facilitated the movement of people the world over. The United States of America has experienced the greatest impact of the enhanced movement of people as people from nearly all major cultures and nations around the world immigrate to the nation in search of the “American Dream.” This is especially the case of Southern California where the region has grown to become a diverse community that is characterized by persons from different nationalities and cultural backgrounds. Statistics indicate that the state of California has the highest number of immigrants with more than 10 million immigrants residing in the state. Moreover, a greater percentage of the immigrants reside in the Southern regions of the state (Passel, and Paul, p.12). Immigration presents myriad implications to both the host citizens and the immigrants. One of the most pertinent issues that is associated with immigration is the nature of the…

The City experiences In the current modern world, Hangzhou has taken a new tune by shifting from the typical ancient procedures of doing business. And it adopted digital business procedures. The City hosts some of the online business giants such as Alibaba, among many others. The City’s mayor discloses the success of Hangzhou in digital business is attributed to its competitive advantage compared to other cities in China. Hangzhou has advanced its digital economy by use of advanced technology, especially online stores (e-commerce) and smart-banking. The City has motivated investment in the Information Technology industry. It has established centers for Information Software development, E-commerce and cloud computing is also an area of concern to the City. The City experiences an alarming inflow of IT experts and talents who contribute significantly to the growth of the digital economy. These attributes have played a significant role in attracting foreign investors who indulge in other industries hence ensuring a balance of development in all sectors of the economy. Hangzhou City has developed top information systems such as “Mobile City” and “City Brain,” which…

Reflection on Chinese Canadian Experiences based on Woo’s Banana Boys The Chinese Canadian experiences are always varied and written from different perspectives based on a myriad of existing factors. These experiences differed from the people of Chinese ancestry in two ways. For instance, those experiences of the early Chinese immigrants to Canada significantly differed from those experiences of the Chinese Born Canadians (CBCs). However, one underlying and universal experience shared by these individuals from the Chinese ancestry is the feeling of not belonging and the desire to integrate into the western culture that typifies Canada. The guilt, as Woo puts it, emanates from the fact that these individuals “could not declare themselves pure Canadians nor completely associate themselves with the Chinese ancestry” (12). Such a dilemma exacerbated the already existing hollowness emanating from a lack of identity. Therefore, Woo’s experience is the feeling of hollowness and not belonging trickles down from the elder Rick in China to Mike and shared by the Banana Boys in the Canadian context as they cannot directly relate with neither the Canadian nor the Chinese…

Extents where patients experiences of care are measured, set and tracked for improved goals Subjective experiences of patients regarding the quality of provided care is one among the quality based dimensions that get measured in healthcare-based settings. It is not only essential to boost the quality via therapeutic equipment, systems, procedures, and diagnostics, but also patient perceptions, personal experience, and expectations should get addressed in health care systems (Joshi, Ransom, Nash & Ransom, 2014). This particular experience yields a proper impact on patient subjective senses and wellbeing, recoveries, individual health, and patient-based outcomes.  Most of these health care systems demand patients submit patient surveys that contain confidential questions. A good example that I came across was related to the satisfaction of pain among all patients after surgeries. The reports claimed that most patients who recorded high scores of satisfaction were from the younger age bracket and experienced short stay lengths. The study specifically separated and analyzed survey result-based individual patient factors that can grant organizations with opportunities to individually individualize care and effectively generate proper patient care plans that are…

Tax policy             A carbon tax is essential in ensuring a decrease in the amount of greenhouse gases that are emitted into the atmosphere. By charging an extra cost to top companies that engage in carbon emission into the environment, companies will be forced to use clean sources of energy in production. This makes the  Formulation and implementation of the tax policy a necessity. However, the policy poses several challenges that make it difficult to attain success. For instance, implementing the tax rate, collecting the carbon, and ways to use the revenue received. The government and policymakers are tasked with the responsibility of policy formulation on the tax policy, taking into account the challenges involved. Setting the appropriate tax rate to be charged on carbon dioxide emissions has been a challenge. Policymakers have different approaches to how the tax rate should be changed. Some policymakers agree that the cost of carbon emission should increase in real terms. This is because as the amount of carbon dioxide increases in the air, the social impact rises too. Another reason that makes it…

Are difficult experiences valuable lessons? It is very often that we experience different things day in day out. Different experiences in life come as a result of our interactions with the world. Lessons can be good or bad, depending on the situations that we are caught up in. It is essential that we experience these events because they teach us many lessons. Many people would not like to go through some of the experiences in life, but it is undeniable that the benefits of these experiences are crucial to our future endeavors. Experiences are like history, which will help us know how we did things and how we should do them in the future. If we had bad experiences in the past, we would learn from these experiences, and we will work to avoid repeating the same mistakes. Many people have undergone very many challenging situations in the past that they might never forget, but it is from these experiences that they are who they are today. If you made a mistake in history and ended up in a mess,…

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