health outcomes for which India and China have had different experiences in the last half-century China and India, which are the most populous nations in the world, are experiencing dramatic economic demographic and societal transformations. The two countries are dissimilar in terms of their policies for population growth, political regimes as well as ethnic composition and heterogeneity. The regression outcomes show that the health state of the elder adult population was worse in India than in China at a two great extent. The elderly refers to people with 60 years and above. Older adults are more susceptible to disease, sickness and syndromes as compared to the other population. Elderly Indians have been suffering more physical, health, emotional and financial insecurities as compared to their counterparts in China (Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, 2011). Despite elderly health declining in India than China, the two countries experience a general decline in health with age, and the case gets worse among the poor populations. Mortality rates in India and China were very high, but the two countries have worked hard to contain the…

Practice experiences with marginalized individuals   Basically marginalization is a process in which some people are pushed to the edge of group and given lesser importantance (J, 2013). Marginalization can involve a society being involved in global level while communities and classes can actually be marginalized from dominant social order. This paper asserts to discuss my practice experience with more marginalized groups as well as how social workers can work with clients undergoing the relational paradox effectively, my co-experiences similar to what markin describes, for example some people may hide their cultural practices in order to fit in the society they are within. In fact, with those people who are marginalized they feel there humanity and selfhood is vulnerable. Nevertheless they don’t go shouting about the matter it is very clear from their day to day conversation among the affected group. According to (Miller, 2008).The whole society or community feels neglected just in different ways. For example the involved people may have little control over their lives, and their resources available to them. In addition, some of marginalized people hide…

personal experiences What topic related to comedy do you want to research?   My topic of interest to research on as far as comedy is concerned would be personal experiences. Basically people have diverse experiences in their lifetime which are interesting in one way or the other. However, many people try to keep their personal experiences as secret to avoid being seen as fools. For instance, who would be willing to share on his or her experience in which he or she was conned at a bright daylight? Absolutely none, simply because most of such experiences are always awkward to an extent that they even make the victims find it reasonable to laugh at themselves. From a legacy point of view, sharing personal experiences will act as a gift to the future generations. But many people may be wondering how sharing personal experiences would benefit? Well, difficulty experiences sometimes befall people out of the lack of knowledge and insights from people who have gone through some similar situations before. Sharing personal experiences will not only act as a source of entertainment…

Childhood Experiences That Shape Adulthood Childhood experiences have been instrumental in shaping the adult I am today in the sense that they gave me lessons that have proved crucial in my adulthood. One such experience was lack of self -control. My colleagues in my childhood used to refer me the bullfighter. Any child who would mess me up would be assured of a blow or two, thanks to the fact that I had a huge that would scare everybody. Therefore, one would attempt to exchange a fight. Their defense was only reporting me to the teachers when in school or to my parents whenever I staged war away from school. I must say I used to get punishment almost on a daily basis My colleagues decided to stage a revenge fight against me behind my back. I had no single friend who could inform me of what had been planned against me. One evening as we played near our homestead, a group of boys confronted me. They called out my name and immediately I received beatings. They used all manner…

Lived Experiences of Nurses who have been Assaulted by Patients at a Psychiatric Hospital in Saudi Arabia Abstract Several nurses in various hospital settings have been victims of assault in multiple ways. Assault, in this case, refers to any intentional act that inflicts fear in an individual that another person is about to harm them. It does not have to be physical acts only but also includes verbal actions or pretense to hit a nurse in whichever setting. This study focuses on the experiences that nurses endure in psychiatric hospitals. The danger of assault in these settings is relatively more severe because of the level of care that mentally patients need. The aggression might be perpetrated by the patient or his relatives but will end up affecting the nurse. The study will adopt Clark’s (1994) transcendental phenomenology as a research design to collect quantitative data, while secondary information will be sourced from journals, books, and articles. There have been several cases of assault in psychiatric hospitals, but very few victims report them because of various personal reasons. The significant effects…

Reflection on Chinese Canadian experiences as depicted in New Immigrants by Yu Though Canada has made tremendous steps in addressing the contentious immigration issues from the 20th century, the enactment of the Chinese Immigration Act in 1885 and the subsequent events as its result remains indelible in the minds of various people of Chinese descent. As Yu highlights, the events leading to the enactment of the head tax disguised as the Chinese Immigration Act in 1885 curtailed the transpacific migration, altered immigration to migration, and unfairly discriminated against the people from the Chinese ancestry. As a means to conform to the dominant white supremacy ideology by them, the Canadian government imposed several anti-Asian immigration policies that aimed to reduce the flow of immigrants in Canada. Thus, the Chinese Immigration Act of 1885 created a hurdle against the Chinese immigrants and shaped the experience of the already existing immigrants as it disfranchised them, denied them their legal rights, and gave room for white supremacy to thrive, leaving the Chinese immigrants significantly exposed to racial discrimination and economic exploitation. Based on the…

 experiences of two nursing advocates, Bethany Hall-Long and Marilyn Waugh Bouldin Nurses are essential stakeholders in the provision of patient care in health care facilities. Nurses assist patients to resume their normal health status through ensuring they take prescribed medicine, assistance in decision making and generally, responding to the patients’ needs. However, it is alarming how they are underrepresented in the boardrooms of the hospitals and other healthcare-related bodies. At large, they are not even well represented in the political arena, both in state and federal governments. This results in the poor presentation of policies and laws that improve nurses’ affairs in the workplace. As a result, there is a need for more nursing advocates in active politics and healthcare boardrooms. Nurse advocates are mandated to present nurses’ welfare as well as patients’ wellbeing because they are the most important people in their careers. They assist in the formulation of reasonable policies affecting nursing. Nursing advocates also work towards ensuring that they make the working environment for nurses suitable. Rarely, nurses opt to leave their promising jobs to follow advocacy,…

 live experiences in Canada Introduction The three books, are discussing on the live experiences in Canada.Giving the reader an outline of the life that we should expect to have in Canada. This analysis is will purposely compare and contrast the threes readings, highlighting the similarities and the differences presented by the authors.   Thesis statement Canada is the best place to live. If anyone wish to study abroad ,or live in abroad ,Canada is the best destination I come to that because the three essays are strong suits.   Comparison and contrast   Book An immigrants split personality  sung kyung Yi   Canada my Canada  tomson highy   Taking a break from digital overload  leah eichler   What is the purpose The author narrates about her  live in Canada for over 16 years The author is home sick ,since he is Canadian The author is worried how technology has changed the work environs Similarities Canada will never be multi cultural like Canada Talks about how Canada is multicultural ,having many foods served canadian,chinese and Jamaican foods show multicore Talks about…

How would Psychodynamic theory explain a nightmare that a beginning college student experiences? It explains a nightmare as that unconsciously expressed feeling of either thoughts, motivations, or unconscious desires that appear in the students’ mind when asleep. They appear to the students when motionless, but they get away to reoccur in their lives (Western, 1998). They are an expression of fears of the student. They may be fears of what might have transpired during the day or wishes. They appear to them when they are not aware. The studying of dreams by the students defines them as a better way of understanding the unrealistic fears or appearances (Besiroglu, 2005). What is “Locked-in Syndrome” and what parts of the brain would be involved in this condition?  “Locked-in syndrome” is a condition in which a sick person is not in a position to either communicate or make a movement but are in a place to understand what is going on around them (Smith, 2005). It is caused by a full relaxation and paralysis of the deliberate body parts involved in talking and movements EXCEPT for…

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