Overcoming failures to achieve success Introduction Failure forms part of living experiences, which conjures implications of hopelessness among people as it may lead to continued disappointing results if not well managed (Petroski, 2018).  Failure imbues the preconditions of success, such as wisdom and profound growth of an individual hence the need for overcoming it to be successful. Going through setbacks can motivate an individual to persevere and find all possible ways to succeed through overcoming the challenges. Based on research, people tend to fear failure, which requires accepting the blame; hence, tirelessly strives to evade it by all means available, thus exploring potential solutions (Petroski, 2018). This paper provides a discussion on how people overcome failures to achieve success, as I have witnessed. Many of the famous successful persons I am aware of overcame a series of setbacks at some points before achieving success. People tend to admire achieving their interests instant with easiness without considering the cost and sacrifice required (Petroski, 2018). Accepting that nothing quality comes easy, enables people to endure several setbacks to succeed. Many of the…

Personal Failure When someone moves to a new area or country, often, it is because they have new and exciting opportunities in which they would like to capitalize. And this is what I first thought would be the case when I transferred to the UK for my studies. Higher education allows a person to take the path that best suits them and will lead to fulfilment in their career and life. The transitioning however, left me at a loss and with a sense of being alone that I started as a failure in my new life. Change requires that a person adjusts to rising above, develop, and grow in life. This lesson should have been what happened to me when I first moved to the UK. However, the sense of loss in the life I once had made it less easy to cope and settle in the new country. The period in which I was required to transition was the period in which I experienced failure in managing my funds, learning in school and even in my social life. The…

Congestive Heart Failure Mayor, S. (2015). Abnormal extra heartbeats may be a modifiable risk factor for heart failure, study shows. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 351. Retrieved March 21, 2020, from www.jstor.org/stable/26522301 Susan Mayor is a UK medical journalist who won the UK Medical Journalist Award of the Year from the Medical Journalist’ Association. She was also awarded a Communiqué Award after writing an educative book on new drug development. Susan is a PhD holder from University College Hospital Landon. She served as a university lecturer for several years after completing her post-doctoral research. She trained as a journalist and editor for a leading publisher before she became a news editor of the British Medical Journal (BMJ). The article examines the modified risks of heart failure. According to the author, commonly occurring abnormal extra heartbeats, also termed as premature ventricular contractions, indicates the modified risks of congestive heart failure. The study conducted revealed that individuals experiencing frequent premature ventricular contractions had a three times higher risk of decline in left ventricular ejection fraction as compared to those who are normal. In this…

Can Failure Be Success Failure as a Stepping Stone to Despite the unpleasantness and gloom of failure, failure can be used as a stepping stone to success. A good failure will most importantly teach you something about yourself that you didn’t know. It will show you that you have the courage and the guts to try out something out of your comfort zone, something new. To take head on whatever life throws at you, to endure, and the ability to grow in the face of strict adversity. You should be proud of such traits because anyone who has failed, has definitely lived, and that through failure, you are presented with this unique chance to test your limits to find out what you are made of, and to probe your complex being, functioning, resilience and reasoning. You should be able to believe in your own strength and character through failure, to reassure yourself that you can do it. Have the ability to realize that failure is there to bring out the best in us and those winners, never quit. Most successful…

Causes and Repairs of Boiler Tube Failure in Ships Introduction Several marine safety and risks are associated with the ship engines, including the boiler tube. A ship’s engine is a complex structure in terms of the machinery in it and the systems that operate the voyage on board. The marine boiler is one of the most integral machinery in the ship’s engine as it is used to perform different functions such as heating of fuel that maintains the engine. Moreover, the boiler tubes also carry risks that can be fatal if not identified and repaired on time. Enhancing the boiler safety on board is one of the interventions that the marine engineering operatives have perfected in recent times, with research and development approaches focusing on the boiler tube. This machinery can have catastrophic outcomes when it fails to operate effectively, thus culminating into the explosion, meltdown, scalding, and hot surface, among others. This can be dangerous on board, hence the need to underscore the potential risk factors and the remedies to ascertain the safety measures. Understanding the causes of the…

Lack of Innovation and Subsequent Failure of Kodak Inc. Innovation helps businesses to survive the dynamics of trade. The development of technology is causing some firms to go under due to rigidity and increased cost of production. However, companies that are innovative survive the high costs of production and subsequently become market leaders. When a company becomes innovative, it also becomes a brand, and as a result, it becomes hard to take out of the market. In order to become creative, a business is supposed to combine technology and creativeness. A combination of technology and creativity helps companies to outdo their competitors and also come up with unique products. Kodak is one of the activities that need to be innovative. By doing an extra step to produce commodities for the future, it will be able to mitigate the intense competition, which is almost pushing it out of the market. Kodak Inc. was renown as a major player in the technology industry, majoring in the production of photography cameras. However, inadequate strategic plans contributed to the decline in the market shareholding,…

 relationship between signs and symptoms of heart failure The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between signs and symptoms of heart failure, support of the society, community problem-solving methods and devastating symptoms outpatients suffering from heart failure have. A correlation design  was needed in the research to acquire the required data. Its usage was to help identify the intensity of heart failure conditions, the age affected by heart failure, symptoms persisting in heart failure outpatients and how social support could help elevate the systems in place to solve cases of heart failure. The sampling method used in the research was the voluntary response sampling method to make it easier to access participants for the study without the researcher directly choosing them or communicating with them to accept taking part in the research. The use of the inclusion and exclusion criteria enabled people with various backgrounds and who identify themselves to have heart failure problems take part in the study, which helped reduce bias. African Americans are most affected by heart failure, but in this study, whites recorded…

Validation of Quick-Sepsis Organ Failure Assessment (Q-SOFA) In Prehospital Care The Third International Consensus Definitions for Sepsis Task Force has played a critical role in defining sepsis, providing guidelines for its identification in the in-patient setup as well as appropriate management procedures. By defining sepsis as “life-threatening organ dysfunction to a dysregulated host response to infection,” the task force recommended the use of qSOFA for easy identification of patients since 70% of those with 2 or 3 qSOFA scores were highly likely to die if no appropriate management was instituted in time (1). However, some studies carried out in the recent past have invalidated the scoring approach and opted to use other methods to identify patients at risk of dying from sepsis or severe sepsis, leading to organ failures such as the SOFA, LODS, and SIRS criteria. Hence, the literature review provides a critical analysis of the QSOFA score from literature with the view of revalidating it as the quickest and most reliable bedside tool for preventing the late diagnosis of organ failure. A significant challenge that faces the qSOFA…

 Congestive Heart Failure During the last 5 weeks, you have explored various body systems: neurological, cardiovascular, respiratory, and hematological. These four systems work together along with other body systems to complete a myriad of functions. For this reason, when disorders occur within one body system, it can create potentially devastating effects throughout the entire body. For instance, Parkinson’s disease is a disorder of the central nervous system, yet its alterations actually affect multiple body systems from the cardiovascular system to the gastrointestinal system. In this Assignment, you examine alterations associated with disorders, as well as the impact of the alterations on multiple body systems.   Using the topic of Congestive Heart Failure Identify alterations associated with your selected disorder. Consider the pathophysiology of the alterations. Think about how these alterations produce pathophysiological changes in at least two body systems. Reflect on how patient factors such as genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, and behavior might impact the pathophysiology of the alterations you identified, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of your selected disorder.[unique_solution] Review the “Mind maps—Dementia, Endocarditis, and Gastro-oesophageal Reflux…

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