The Failure of Microsoft Zune Microsoft Zune was a media player from Microsoft company that was launched in 2006. Microsoft company believed that the product would compete with Apple’s iPod, which had dominated the market since 2001 (McIntyre, 2009). By the time Zune was launched, Apple had sold over 100 million iPods. However, Microsoft failed to get a larger market share despite the capital and expertise it had recruited to support the marketing of the product. Various factors contributed to the failure of Microsoft Zune, and one of them is bad timing. Zune launched five years after Apple’s iPod was launched. The Zune came too late, and by then IPod was dominating the market and became the leading portable entertainment Insufficient marketing also contributed to the failure of Microsoft’s Zune. The marketing team for Zune failed to set the product aside, and they were narrowly focused. The team targeted most of their campaigns towards a particular audience, forgetting the general audience who would have benefited from the product. As a result, the marketing team failed to engage the wider audience…

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