My social work profession goals My social work profession encompasses unique goals, which are lifechanging to the community. The primary goal is to identify the necessary people who need social help in society. I aim to weigh the needs of individuals, situations, strengths, and sustenance network to regulate their goals. The other goal that I established is to aid individuals to improve to change and test their lives, such as health situations, marital status, unemployment, and domestic inconveniences. Also, to help individuals in society to work with the government agencies to apply and achieve benefits such as medical care. I am ambitious to deliver a platform that can help me grow mentally and physically in terms of handling complex situations in society. The profession also provides me with a student loan opportunity that will assist in projects and research purposes. Based on the profession, I am interested in developing an agency for social workers, where my leadership and management skills shall be improved. Also, to establish events that encompass food assistance, which will help the society in reducing the poverty…

SMART GOALS SETTING Smart Goals Introduction Smart goals are settings that bring structures that track into your goals and aims that you have set towards achieving your ambitions (Brown, at el 2014). Smart goals must be placed carefully so that they can march the dire need of the objectives that are needed to be met at the end of the activities. There are different types of smart goals, such as professional, intelligent goals and reasonable personal goals. Professional, smart goals I will present at least two or three internal employees in every quarter so that I can improve confidence and presentation skills. I will look forward to enhancing my technical knowledge by attending two industrial events and ensure that I am have documented my findings and learning to the team. The meetings will be held based on a conference where I will ensure that I have several people whom I will consult and have more know-how on how systems work out. Social platforms such as twitter will be a reference to know what is current and needed by the management…

Personal professional goals and Objectives Enhancing Peoples capacities The main objective of social work is usually to try and improve the ability of individuals to resolve their own problems. These problems may present themselves as economic, physiological, psychological or even social. I would use the skills I have acquired in social work to augment the ability their individual capabilities to help individuals involved in substance abuse manage their daily problems . This helps me, an intern therapist, identify the resources required by these individuals involved in substance abuse to ensure that they recover faster. Connecting Clients with resources they need My goal as an intern is to link individuals suffering from substance abuse addiction with resources. Developing the Social Service Delivery Network Ensuring that the existing network of delivering social service to the society is as civilized as possible and provides the required assistance to the clients is one of my core objective as a social worker. People who abuse substances need to be connected to counsellors and rehabilitation centers for example. This requires a lot of planning, efficiency within…

What are the purpose/goals of screenings?  Are the screenings for individuals only, please explain why or why not.  List five screenings you feel are most important for the population to complete. Explain some of the ethical issues about screenings. Screening refers to the act of identifying an unrecognized disease in a person who is assumed to be in a healthy condition. The screening process involves carrying out tests, procedures, and other examinations that are applied to identify whether an individual is suffering from a specific infection (White et al., 2015). Usually, a screening test is administered to people who are not ill. A screening program should include various components ranging from inviting the target individual to accessing effective treatment for the individual diagnosed with the disease. Depending on the complication of the patient’s status, one or more types of screening may be carried out to determine a patient’s sickness. The process of medical diagnosis first involves screening where a patient is examined to determine his or her health condition (Siu, 2015). Through screening, it becomes possible for medical practitioners to…

National patient safety goals review 2019 2.Issues identified in the N.P.S.G. 2019 The correct identification of patients highlighted in N.P.S.G.01.01.01 involves the identification of the problem. The patient name and the date of birth are the two means of identifying patients, which requires the utilization of the guidelines (Joint commission, 2019). Proving the identity of a patient having a minimum of two identifiers may not be enough. 3.The reason why the problem still exists Unless using a stronger identifier, some identifiers may not be sufficient. Systems relying heavily on the accuracy of the practitioner errors occurring could be high due to human error (Cohen, 2019). The identifiers are not as viable because the guidelines have not been specified. 4.People involved in N.P.S.G. 01.01.01 The lab personnel. The nurses. The data interphase designers. The clinicians and medical practitioners. 5.The role of the people involved in N.P.S.G. 01.01.01 Accompanying patients to the procedure room. Helping trained and radiology personnel (Taieb-Maimon, 2018). The nurse provides continuous assessment and monitoring of severe complications. 6.Viable solutions The submit button in the E.H.R. systems should include…

Set Clear Optimization Goals Would you be excited about the doubled revenue and conversion from your recent ad campaign? It is the dream of every marketer and business owner. Here is a fun fact about this dream. You can turn this dream into reality by showing some love and kindness towards your ad campaigns. Running a successful marketing campaign is just like taking care of your loved one, where you have to be caring and loving towards the other person. If you are feeling that you are not getting enough love in return from your campaigns, you are not focusing on the essential things that matter in a relationship. Our N3XT expert marketers have made things easier and fun for you. We know you love your company, and we are also excited to see you growing. Set Clear Optimization Goals Before getting into this optimization race, set your goals as the first step to success. If you are ready to invest your time and money in optimization, here are some important goals that you must set first: What is the…

Psy 8763 D2 student 2 Rhonda Dreggors-Newport, according to your survey, during program evaluation, the members of staff can feel threatened for several reasons. Their feelings can be valid at some times. For example, when the program evaluation recommends for staff cuts, the staff can resist. That is because of the effect of reduction. In that regard, an evaluator has the responsibility of addressing the situation before they react. The condition occurs because of the program evaluators failing to involve the staff from the onset and even when they will be directly affected. In response to that, you recognize the strategies that can be used by the evaluators to minimize the conflict (King & Stevahn, 2013). The conflict can be addressed by recognizing the potential threat. In so doing, you will be obligated to be open up and communicate with the rest of the staff about the goals of the evaluation. Involving them can remove any negative feelings they may have about the process. You also observe that opting to use constructive methods of solving conflicts will help. That is…

Personal Investment Objectives and Financial Goals According to … stocks suited for long term goals that help an individual to achieve financial independence. However, some stocks investment may be used to meet short term goals, such as trend trading. Before making any investment decision, it is prudent to consider the personal investment and financial goals. The setting, short term, mid-term and long-term financial goals are the right path toward becoming financially secure. A financial goal is a target to aim for when making financial decisions. The financial goals can be divided into three categories; the short-term financial goals, the midterm financial goals and the long-term financial goals. In our case, then we are going to concentrate on the long-term financial goals that take more than ten years to achieve. Moreover, before investing, it is crucial to consider the personal investment objectives. According to …. There are three investment objectives for any investors, depending on the life stage and risk appetite of the investor. The objectives include safety, growth and income. When an investor is risk-averse, they may opt for safety…

Professional goals of nursing practitioner Initially, nurse practitioner were expected to be extension physicians and were used majorly to improve the health of children with health problems. Today, nursing practitioner we engage in several specialties like women’s health nursing, family care nursing and even adult care nursing. We are recommended typically in environments where we are expected to take care of other people, solve complex issues and provide compassionate attitude towards patients. As a nursing practitioner my leading goal is to demonstrate advanced skills during my nursing lifespan. The only way to achieve this through making sure I take continuous courses, attend nursing educative conferences and obtain certificates and as well as join several nursing programs that can help me with opportunity to put my skills in practice and obtain skills. Through well conducted research, I will be looking forward to acquire integrated theory concepts to equip myself helpful nursing knowledge. Being able to manage a large population of patients who needs care without compromising my competence is another of my goals that I wish to achieve through putting myself…

Main Goals for Treatment of Patient M.W Alzheimer’s disease is usually a progressive disease that results from brain cells degeneration and dying. Alzheimer’s disorder is also the most general root of dementia, a condition characterized by gradual decline in an individual’s thinking capacity, behavioral and social-based skills, thus interrupting an individual’s ability to conduct routine activities independently (Alzheimer’s Association, 2016). The early symptoms of Alzheimer’s incorporate, forgetting current events and interactions. However, as the disorder progresses, the patient possessing Alzheimer’s disorder develops acute memory impairment and thus incapacitated to conduct routine activities. Various prescriptions may be administered to Alzheimer’s disease, which objects at temporarily enhancing the signs of the disorder or slowing the rate of memory loss. Therefore, the medications sometimes aid Alzheimer’s patients to optimize functioning and sustenance of independency for a significant duration. Also, various programs and amenities may assist in supporting individuals with Alzheimer’s disorder and their respective caregivers. Correspondingly, during the late phases of the disease development, complexities resulting from acute brain damage include malnutrition, dehydration, or infections, which can lead to mortality. Main Goals for…

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