Superhero Backstory: Beyond my Capabilities Lies Great Potential Right from my humble beginning, I have always aspired to be part of the solutions to the world’s problems. I have always found waking up to devastating news on large scale conflicts, climate change effects, widening inequalities and discrimination, poverty, corruption, and insecurity as daunting. I have always asked myself: What can I do as a rational inhabitant of this world to live it better than I found it? It has ever been my conviction that if every rational and healthy human being can identify their strengths and channel them effectively towards doing something positive however little the individual efforts might be, the world would be the best place to live in, both for the present and the future generations. My strengths would be a stepping stone towards amplifying my superpowers, which are critical in ensuring that I maximize my efforts towards doing my part for a better world. Strengths Strong work ethic has been the primary strength that I find critical in maintaining discipline and hard work throughout my career path.…

Snowden Hero or a Traitor Abstract Whistleblowing is a common thing that has been experienced in countries for a long time, which usually has the aim of reviling dirty secrets of the government and politicians. In 2013 America experienced a shock after a whistleblower exposed a secret program that was conducted by the National security agency (NSA). The program was running surveillance known as PRISM on the citizens without their consent, which forced Edward Snowden an employee of the NSA to expose the program by leaking information about the it. This paper will focus on giving a clear overview of Snowden’s actions and revile the people’s opinion on the Snowden revelation. 1.      Introduction Edward Snowden worked as an analyst in the National Security Agency, where he discovered the PRISM program that the government conducted in secret. The program was initially  designed for tracking any communication in the interwebs that might pose a threat to the country. But on the other hand, the NSA was spying on their citizens acquiring their personal information and data hence invading their privacy. The agency…

Snowden, the People’s Hero Abstract Whistleblowing is a common thing that has been experienced in countries for a long time, which usually has the aim of reviling dirty secrets of the government and politicians. In 2013 America experienced a shock after a whistleblower exposed a secret program that was conducted by the National security agency (NSA). The program was running surveillance known as PRISM on the citizens without their consent, which forced Edward Snowden an employee of the NSA to expose the program by leaking information about it. This paper will focus on giving a clear overview of Snowden’s actions and revile the people’s opinion on the Snowden revelation.   Snowden, the People’s Hero Introduction Edward Snowden worked as an analyst in the National Security Agency, where he discovered the PRISM program that the government conducted in secret. The program was initially designed for tracking any communication in the interwebs that might pose a threat to the country. But on the other hand, the NSA was spying on their citizens acquiring their personal information and data hence invading their privacy.…

 mortgage liabilities Jeffery R. Jones had some mortgage liabilities independently while he and Martha H. jones had joint mortgage liabilities. The mortgage that Jeffery R. Jones had which he held singly was Beachfront Bank, which was a Mortgage Loan-Home that he reported was burnt. The characteristic of the mortgage was it had an interest rate of 5.77% and was 30 years with a 10% down payment. The principal plus interest payment was $2,631.80 while the monthly payment with tax and insurance was $3,031.80. The balance of the mortgage as of 12/31/20X7 was $434,934.12 and as of 12/31/20X8 was $428,273.91. It means that the payment that had been made for the year was $6,660.21. The other mortgage that Jeffery R. Jones had was at Bank Of America. The characteristic of the mortgage was a Mortgage Loan-occupied by Jeff’s mother. The mortgage had a 7% interest rate. The mortgage was a 30 year mortgage with a 20% down payment. The mortgage had a Principal plus interest payment of $581.07 and a monthly payment with tax and insurance of $78.07. As of 12/31/20X7…

Cannabis Legalization and its Therapeutic Benefits Introduction After alcohol, marijuana is the second most commonly used drug in the United States. Marijuana use is more common among adolescents and young adults. Despite being outlawed in many states in the U.S., marijuana has remained one of the most preferred drugs by the people of the United States. Since 2007, there has been a rise in the general use of marijuana by the population. There are, however, no clear explanations for this increase in the use of marijuana. However, some of the factors that could have contributed to its increase in use include the changing perception of the public on marijuana, the adjustment of prices in the illicit market, making it more affordable, and the proliferation of medical cannabis laws. Although marijuana has many medical benefits, the primary use of the drug in the U.S. is for recreational purposes. With the rapidly rising use of marijuana by American citizens, there has been a big increase in the debate on the legalization of marijuana in recent years. More than two-thirds of the states…

Clinical Simulation Prep work Myocardial Infarction What is a coronary artery? As the heart muscle also requires its own oxygen-rich blood supply to operate, the coronary arteries are designed for this task. Near the point where the left ventricle and the aorta intersect, the two critical coronary arteries separate from the aorta. After the arteries branch off, the right coronary artery provides blood supply to the right side of the heart, which is smaller as it supplies only the lungs with blood. While the left coronary artery supplies the left side of the heart with blood, which is more muscular and more massive as it provides the whole body with blood.   Describe coronary artery disease in your own words. Also referred to as atherosclerotic heart infection or coronary, coronary artery disease is a severe illness induced by plaque buildup in one’s arteries, which are responsible for supplying the heart muscles with oxygen-rich blood. The arteries are supposed to be elastic and smooth, but they become narrow and stiff when the inner walls start to build up a plaque, and…


Sully paper

Sully paper Sully is an American Drama biography, which was based on Chelsey Sullenberger’s autobiography. It was written and directed by Todd Komarnicki and Clint Eastwood, respectively.  The film is about the emergency landing of Sullenberger Airways flight on the Hudson River. Everybody who was in that plane (115) survived with minor injuries. The film was premiered at the 43rd Annual Telluride Film Festival on September 2 of 2016 (Kruse, 2017).  It was later released on September 9, 2016In IMAX and Conventional theaters. The film created “close-minded and prosecutorial” controversy but had a positive review from grossed and critics over Worldwide $240. The National Transportation Safety Board and the American Film Institute selected both of them as among ten of the best 2016 films. Sully also received a nomination in the Academy Award for Best Sound Editing at their 89th Academy Awards. Captain Chesley Sullenberger “Sully” and Jeff Skiles, first officer of the U.S. Airways boarded a flight on January 15, 2009, to Charlotte from LaGuardia Airport. At approximately 2,800 feet altitude, the A320 Airbus strikes of a flock of…

The response of “Reply to the US Government.” I think that Chief Seattle appears trustworthy in his speech because he confesses that the God of the white man is powerful, and their God has forsaken them. Furthermore, he reiterates that the white men are many in numbers compared to them. That is why chief Seattle replies to the letter by saying that let them be given ample time to ponder over the matter of selling their land to the US government. Furthermore, Chief Seattle says that their young men paint their faces black because they have become angry and impulsive due to the misfortunes that befall their tribe. Moreover, when the young men paint their faces black, it signifies that their hearts have become black with rage, and now they have turned to be relentless. Furthermore, Chief Seattle declares a condition that in case they agree to the demands of the US government, they should be allowed to visit the tombs of their ancestors, friends and children. This is because the dead are not powerless; therefore, the spirits of their…

Was Industrialism Good or Bad? Industrialism, as it is drawn from the word industrialization, is a term defined as the process of progressive transformation in which a society converts its economic and social perspectives/productions from primarily agrarian to one based on manufacturing processes of its goods. It is a systematic change that basically aims to reshape the productive forces of a particular country. The process of industrialization involves an explicate re-organizing of the economy for the reasons to advance and boost manufacturing. Industrialization is characterized by a more efficient division of labor, economic growth, and the use of technological innovation to help curb and provide solutions to problems as opposed to dependency on conditions outside human control (Schwab, 2017). This industrialization is dated to have begun during the 18th and the 19th centuries in Europe and North America, through what was known as the Industrial Revolution. The industrialization, later on, spread and developed to other countries all over the world. The primary catalyst for industrialization is argued to be the advancements in technological components; that includes the reliance on the…


News Coverage

News Coverage The heated and stiff primary of The New Hampshire election came to an end this week after Bernie Sanders was declared the leader with twenty-six percent of the vote, and 94 percent reporting from the precincts. One of the core observations that I can derive from this primary is that Sanders ‘ predicted victory tonight comes just over a week after the Iowa caucuses were thrown into chaos by a breakdown in voting-counting processes by the state party (semeraro, 2020). The findings were clear this time around–and Sanders supporters were free to celebrate without reservation at its Manchester office. Sanders dominated the 2016 election here by a somewhat more significant margin but confronted a much broader and more diverse electorate in 2020. As presidential elections are just around the corner, the aspiring candidates are taking different ways of getting their way to the white house. One of them is multibillionaire Michael Bloomberg, who is taking the lead from the popular strategies Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders built in the past, he is relying on the power of social media in an…

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