The Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole The Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole is considered the first gothic book. The first edition of the novel that is claimed to be an interpretation of a work published at Naples was printed in 1764 (Castle of Otranto). The Castle of Otranto is a tale of the prince of Otranto, Manfred, whose desire is to get a castle for his offsprings. The tale begins with the demise of Manfred’s son, Conrad, who loses his life on the morning of his wedding to Isabella after being crushed to death by a huge helmet from the sky. When Manfred realizes that his only heir is dead and that he and his wife can no longer give birth to sons, he swears to divorce his wife Hippolita, and marry Isabella so that he can continue with his lineage (Walpole 10). Manfred then approaches Isabella and tells her his intentions of having sons with her. Regardless of Isabella’s objection to his proposal, Manfred grabs her and tries to rape her, but luckily, she escapes through the…

The Aldi Discount Supermarket Introduction Aldi is an organization that owns a chain of discount supermarkets with over 10,000 stores in 20 different countries around the world. The organization was founded in 1946 by two German families, and from then it grew into a big organization that earns an approximated turnover of over €50 billion combined (Brandes & Brandes 2019). These chains of stores were founded and based in German by two brothers Theo and Karl Albrecht, after they took over their mother’s store in Essen. Over the years, the Aldi organization has faced both challenges and success in its line of operations, putting in place strategies, techniques that enable them to meet the social, environmental, and economic obstacles to enhance its services and obtain more profits. This paper focuses on giving a clear overview of the problems the institution is facing and how they have managed to mitigate them. History of the Aldi organization The Aldi organization started from a humble background as a simple store in Essen Germany in 1913, which was owned by the mother of Theo…

  Notes on “Brexit the Movie” and “The Myth of Scandinavian Socialism” Notes from “Brexit the Movie” ‘Brexit, the Movie’ is a documentary that champions the withdrawal of the UK from the EU as a realization of Brexit. The movie presents two opposing voters, some supporting Brexit with some against it, as shown in Oliver’s intervention of the “Cummings’s alienated voters” in trying to argue her case to the deaf political elites. The uncontrolled and deregulated trade is one of the reasons considered by the film to make the actualization of Brexit inevitable. The EU is presented through the movie as the source of the undemocratic regulation prompting the UK to exit the EU market as the UK seeks to establish a trade link with other countries on its own without the regulations of the EU. The film presents the case of the UK in terms of “economic transferals of power” to illustrate the losses that Britain incurred when operating as part of the EU. The is also a mention of the British sovereignty, which was threatened by the European…

The Heroic Slave Woman of America Harriet Tubman, also known as “Moses,” was an American bondwoman who was able to escape from slavery, and fought the institution of slavery by being a political activist and abolitionist during the American civil war. Her heroic nature is revealed when she freed hundreds of slaves in the North by use of the Underground Railroad. Also, she was the first woman to be a frontrunner to an armed military task, where she was both a soldier and spy of the Union Army. Birth and Childhood The date of birth of Tubman is unknown, although it is circa March 1822. She had eight siblings and born by enslaved parents in the county of Dorchester, Maryland. Ben Ross, her father, was the property of Anthony Thompson, whereas her Mother, Harriet Gritt, was owned by Pattison Brodess. However, her original name was Araminta Harriet Ross, and she changed to Harriet to venerate her mother. Hardships characterized the early life of Turban. The family was first fractured when Brodess sold Tubman’s three sisters to a distant plantation. Tubman…

Use of slang by Bahraini Youth Contents Chapter 2. 2 Literature review.. 2 2.1 Definition of slang. 2 2.2 The history of slang. 3 2.3 characteristics of Slang. 3 2.4 classification of slang. 4 2.5 Rise in the use of slang by Bahraini youth. 4 References. 7       Chapter 2 Literature review 2.1 Definition of slang Slang is not considered as a word that is used in Standard English. They are consists of non-standard words that are becoming part of normal daily conversation. Mish (2003), in his research, stated that the meaning of slang is very simple as it consists of informal words that are part of the vocabulary, and they contain coinages, extravagant, forces, and facetious figures which are related to speech. Another study was conducted by Fasola (2012), in which it was mentioned that slang is the nonstandard words which are used as words of expressions during the conversation. It is important here to understand that the slang words are not used in speech or making any formal conversations. The studies were done in this regard…

DID YOU KNOW WHAT A WRITFIND TWO OF THE ODYSSEYS HEROIC TRAITS  heroic trait was? Well a Heroic trait is a series of traits you can choose for your character during character creation. Like, Courage and intelligence, they are traits that seem heroic even in today′s world. They are heroic traits that a hero should have to be willing to sacrifice their own life for the greater good, including honesty, patience and dedication, courage, trustworthiness, and endurance. In Homer’s epic poem the Odyssey the character of Odysseus has numerous admirable character traits, but the two that are often used to define him are courage and intelligence. In The Odyssey is a narrative poem that was sung by Homer. The Odyssey takes place after the fall of Troy in the Iliad. For example Odysseus uses courage when he had to leave the land of the lotus-eaters despite his crew’s thoughts about it being a calm and peaceful place. But not only that Odysseus overcomes his fears and descends to the underworld to hear his prophecy told by Tiresias. Then he uses…

Sudhir Choudrie’s From My Heart Tells the Story of a Hero   Sudhir Choudrie is a renowned name in the business and philanthropy world. The Indian billionaire who once had a serious heart problem now lives to encourage those who are going through serious medical issues. He encourages people going through transplants and those willing to donate organs to others. He has been through a transplant, but that never stopped him from giving back to the community and his family. At eight years old, Sudhir Choudrie was diagnosed with a rare heart condition where his heart was skipping a beat due to a severed valve. This condition was to expose him to health risks and increased susceptibility to infections. Even though he knew his heart would stop any minute, he never stopped but instead went ahead to be the greatest in his village and beyond. Today, the 1949-born entrepreneur is the executive director at Magnum International Trading Company Ltd, a company he founded in 1975. He has worked with many businesses across different industries, including hospitality, clothing, footwear, and much…

how a police officer assigned the task of building the right image of the police department in disadvantaged communities can successfully accomplish his task Abstract Disadvantaged communities over the years have been victims of inhuman treatment by police officers. This has created tension, suspicion and anxiety in the community, and the police officers are viewed as brutal law enforcement agencies. This paper explores how a police officer assigned the task of building the right image of the police department in disadvantaged communities can successfully accomplish his task. In so doing, it will discuss how he can use the SARA problem-solving model to implement four key strategies that will help him build a positive image of the police department. These strategies are one, recruiting police personnel from across the cultural diversity. Two, improve the training of the selected officers. Three, choose a suitable location from where one can offer services to the community. Lastly, organize a regular meeting with community leaders. Introduction The presence of police officers should be a sign of safety and peace in any society. But unfortunately, sometimes…

Molecular Cell Biology of Diabetes Complications Diabetes causes a progressive disorder in the hormone insulin leading to a deficit in its secretion and action (Brownlee 813). Where insulin action is inhibited, then the uptake of glucose into the body cells from the blood is also hindered, resulting in a high blood sugar level, a condition referred to as hyperglycemia (Brownlee 813). Hyperglycemia over a long period might lead to two major blood vessel diseases, which are commonly referred to as microvascular complications and macrovascular complications of diabetes (Brownlee 813).   According to the 2020 National Diabetes Statistics Report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (12) in the United States, diabetes continues to be one of the leading causes of death. According to the report, it also causes other related terminal diseases such as heart disease, and it is also associated with stroke (12). The disease seems to have taken root into the American population, with a rough estimate of about 10% of the population affected (2). Sad to say that the report estimates an increase in adults…

Drug legalization As a result of the legalization of Marijuana in most parts of the United States of America, the government to impose policies that limit the use of Marijuana since it a gateway drug that leads to the usage of other hard drugs like cocaine and heroin. Age discrimination There are rapidly growing cases of abusive treatment in elderly long-term care facilities. As a result, the government, through the healthcare department, should ensure the nursing caregivers are well trained and are monitored continuously to eliminate age discrimination. . Health Insurance Since there are extensive cases of medical emergencies and treatment procedures, health insurance should be readily available for most citizens to ensure timely treatment and administration of healthcare initiatives to foster a healthy global society.    Eating clean Due to the growing cases of chronic illness breakout from the consumption of unclean food substances, establishing proficient sanitation through the support of the government and responsible firms should be a priority to every household to get rid of illnesses that come. As a result, unhygienic food-intake. Presidential elections Today nations…

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