Hero’s journey in Beowulf epic poem According to Campbell’s hero theory, the journey to becoming a hero involves venturing from an ordinary being to a region of supernatural forces. One must battle forces of evil in his or her venture to becoming a hero. The battles always involve saving fellow human beings from the wrath of the evil forces involved. In Beowulf’s epic poem, there are several instances where the poem depicts the events that align with Campbell’s hero theory. On the contrary, the poem also outlines activities that do not align with Campbell’s hero theory. In ancient stories, heroes are born from a noble background. Their imperial history implies that they come from a lineage of kings and significant worries. In the case of Beowulf, he comes from a family of kings. His uncle Hygelac is referred to as the king of the Geats. In the poem, Beowulf first battles Grendel, a monster who was raining terror and fear on the people. The poem depicts Beowulf as an outsider when he first land in Denmark. The poem narrates the…

Rouch Draft on the story ″Minor Heroism″ by Allan Gurganus 4 page essay Rough Draft on the story ″Minor Heroism″ by Allan Gurganus Directions: Write a 4 page rough draft essay exploring a theme in a literary story, adding research where appropriate to your discussion. You must use at least 6 outside sources and conform to MLA guidelines for citing sources and using a Works Cited page. Grading Criteria: essay form and parts (intro., thesis, supporting paragraphs); use of specific examples and quotes; quality of research elements; MLA rules and guidelines; overall clarity and grammatical rules. [unique_solution]The files I have attached contain the outline, thesis, introduction, and work cited sources needed for the rough draft essay. I am looking for a fast, convenient, and great quality service from the best writers out there4 page essay Rough Draft on the story ″Minor Heroism″ by Allan Gurganus Directions: Write a 4 page rough draft essay exploring a theme in a literary story, adding research where appropriate to your discussion. You must use at least 6 outside sources and conform to MLA guidelines…

Minor Heroism” By Allan Gurganus Thesis The story is focused majorly on the between a son and his father. Introduction The story is categorized into three sections. The first and the last sections are developed from the point of view of the son. Meanwhile the second section is formulated from the point of view of the father. Outline I will explore at David who is the elder son who in the novel explains the life he led with his father. The father was a renowned Second World War hero but never had the compassion towards his son who was very artistic in his nature. I find the father of David becoming an insurance person following the end of war. He at last resorted to settling with his wife, Helen in the suburb of Virginia where they gave birth to two sons; Bradley and David I will still major on David, a more sensitive character among the two who loved staying indoors. He never had the love the love for his father because of his prowess or superiority in the war.…

Introduction on “Minor Heroism” by Allan Gurganus   Minor Heroism by Allan Gurganus is a story that mainly focuses on the connection between a father and his son. The tale is separated into three portions; the last and first part are from the son’s opinions and ideas while the middle part is written based on the father’s point of view. The older son, David describes the life that he shared with his dad, a renowned hero during World War II who had no concern for his son who loved art. After the war, the father came to be an insurance worker and made a home with Helen, his wife in a district in Virginia. He had two children, Bradley, and David. David was more subtle. He liked staying indoors and he really enjoyed drawing. He had no admiration for his dad regardless of his competency in the war and was disgusted by the fact that he always forced him to become strong person. When David developed into a young man, he became homosexual and he also dis artwork. In the…

representation of the anti-hero Winston Composers through their texts of value, portray the reactions of individuals and collectives to certain events and circumstances in order to provide insight into both individual and collective human experiences. This is poignantly explored throughout George Orwell’s 1949 dystopian satirical novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984), which influenced by the brutal regimes of Hitler and Stalin during WW2, acts as a didactic political warning to society of the effects of a totalitarian society. Throughout the novel, Orwell provides insight into both individual and collective human experiences through his exploration of resistance and rebellion, subversion of love, suppression of individuality and unmediated power. Along with portraying the human qualities and emotions associated with, or arising from these experiences which helps responders gain insight into key concerns and characters in the novel.   Through the representation of the anti-hero Winston, Orwell offers insight into individual human experiences through Winston’s reaction of resisting and rebelling against The Party. This delineation shows that if we don’t protect our fundamental rights, we as a society are prone to the all-encompassing, complete manipulation…

Laban Effort Graph The Laban effort analysis is very crucial in understanding the effort of body movements in any dance performance (Hodgson 7). Here, I analyzed Wyspiański’s “We_selle” dance using the four categories in Laban effort analysis, namely: Body, effort shape and space. Body The starting point and the central axis of the body performance is the marriage ceremony, which is a unique way that shows the personality of the wedding guests, their complicated relationships and the innate need for routine. This is a breakthrough moment in the life of the bride and groom, associated with tradition and an attempt to maintain its continuity. A wedding is not only a reservoir of body entertainment but a time of watching each other, making an examination of body conscience and thus creating oneself in the eyes of others. There is a scene in which the dancers form a chain of their bodies, such a chain of bonds, even though it quickly breaks down, especially in memory. The choreographer, a former dancer of the Silesian Dance, skillfully combines elements of contemporary Body dance…

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Regimental Customs and Traditions RCMP regiments have observed strict military-like traditions in various aspects. Members of the public can view some of these customs when these regiment accord final honours for fallen heroes. Attending such funerals can provide you with deep historical insight. The regiment members usually go to such events in full regalia and colours. In some cases, they even accord the deceased with commendations and posthumous awards. Such funerals usually include: processions A church/public service A graveside ceremony In the case of cremations, a chapel ceremony The procession The casket lays atop a gun carriage and drawn by a riderless horse to the chapel or graveside. 11 ceremonially dressed Mounties accompany this casket. One member carries the company emblem, 2 bare the headdress, 8 carry the casket, and they all have a commander. The riderless horse symbolizes the falling of a comrade in the line of duty. The fallen hero’s boots are placed in reverse order to signify that death has reversed their comrade’s life. Dressing All the Mounties that attend dress in full…

Reflection Paper:Courage Out of the six virtues, I want to attain courage. Apart from being a vital element in daily human operations and an essential leadership attribute, courage plays a critical role in the workplace as well. When a person lacks any fear, that is not having courage because even the courageous individuals feel fear; however, the ability to manage and overcome fear is the ultimate objective of being courageous. The fear of failure or disappointment often makes individuals with no courage to be reluctant or unable to take the right action. To avoid being overly confident, fear is utilized, and this ensures that people make the right action The success or development of a business or a project depends on the kind of leadership that is practiced within the organization. And to establish an effective leadership quality, courage should be the center of reference at all times. In the past, the task of a leader to forge a pathway forward and motivate others to follow was more comfortable compared to the current workplace. No difference can be achieved without…

Reduction of Illicit Drug Use Abstract Addiction or dependence on a psychoactive substance is harmful and hazardous. It results when the substance is taken in a way that is not recommended or used more than prescribed. Health officials declare that substance abuse causes considerable impairments in multiple aspects and include health issues, disabilities, social issues, failure to meet responsibilities, among others. In the past decade, substance abuse has surged drastically, with over 1300 people dying in New York, 2016. Out of all the boroughs in New York City, Bronx had the highest overdose deaths. The life-threatening actions have forced a revolution on epidemiology. Previously, epidemiology was only applicable to communicable diseases, but due to substance use, systematized sets of concepts have been developed to attempt to manage the drug abuse. Therefore, the present write-up will highlight the conceptual and epidemiological models and how they relate to the topic. The models have myriad functions to health studies and disease investigations like identification of the causal agents, calculating mortality and morbidity, and measuring of therapeutic and preventive measures.   Reduction of Illicit…

Heroism:the banality of heroism the banality of heroism, by Zeno Franco and Philip Zimbardo, presents courage as an ideal way of transforming the perception of the citizens into participating in the most significant actions of civic virtue by accepting the possible outcome, either physical adversities orb social sacrifice. Although his theory of heroic effort abounds, there is very minimal empirical research on the theoretical phenomenon of his implication. To further assert his call for heroism, the stories in the banality of heroism summarizes the systematic development of heroism In the society as the beginning of introducing heroism to the community. The book explores the paradoxes that revolve around heroism through the actions of the heroes and the arising impulses promoting and negating heroic efforts. In the general public, there is a contrast between people’s assumptions of heroic status and the individual decision to perform a heroic act. His work vividly describes the common ground between heroism bystander intervention and altruism and the substantial disparities of assuming any of the actions. In his stories, the underlying contradictions that lead to the…

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