Task 1 – Develop Design Brief – Electronic Stethoscope This Assessment task requires you to develop a design brief for a solution to the following engineering problem:   Stethoscopes are not only useful for doctors, but home mechanics, exterminators, investigation and any number of other uses. Standard stethoscopes provide no amplification which limits their use. This circuit uses op-amps to greatly amplify a standard stethoscope and includes a low pass filter to remove background noise.   You are required to create a design brief for the design of the new product.   For the purposes of this Assessment task, your Assessor will take the role of the client (although they may delegate this role to another person or team).  You must clearly outline all the design inputs and consult with the client in the development of the design brief.   Ensure you include the following in your developed design briefing:   Introductory paragraph/preamble This sets a context for the given brief. The preamble will contain information which will guide the designer in the analysis and understanding of the design problem.…

WHAT DO YOU THINK OF LIPOZENE REVIEWS ONLINE Online reviews are an essential tool to get a feel on how other people think of a particular product or brand after use. The reviews provide a personal touch to the mode of action of specific products and their effectiveness. Product manufacturers and the general population can use online reviews as a tool to measure the success or failure of any product. A simple online search of any brand or product’s name can yields thousands of reviews regarding a particular item, giving you an insight into people’s personal experiences when using the product. Lipozene, a diet supplement focusing on weight reduction, has been around for a while, and for this reason, people in their thousands have laid bare the facts about the product after using the supplement. Lipozene has tens of online reviews available, all highlighting facts about the diet supplement. Some of the online reviews are brief, while others go into detail, elaborating on what the product is about, its mode of action, side effects, and its efficacy. This feature highlights…

Buy kid’s lifestyle products with discount codes this year We always want our kids to stay up to date with everything. Be it studies or fashion, and we tend to put in our best foot when it comes to our kids. Hence, we have created this page for you where you get all the codes and discounts on kids’ collection. Get maximum discount even on your minimum order value on kids wear, sports collection, kids party wear, kids clothing, kids ethnic wear, kids fashion accessories, clothing footwear, and so many other products. Visit the landing page and look through the offers at the end of the webpage. You will be able to see the various categories we provide discount coupons on. Check the online coupon offers valid on products While you check the products you want to purchase, look for the coupon code to avail as well. There are various lifestyle coupons December from top brands that have perfect lifestyle sports collection, fashion products, kids’ clothing collection, and many others. Use the printable coupons or the lifestyle coupons December, promotional…

What are the causes and common symptoms of cachexia? Cachexia is the condition that leads to progressive muscle wasting and weight loss. It is the symptom of multiple life-threatening conditions like multiple sclerosis, HIV, chronic renal failure, and cancer. People suffering from cachexia start losing weight even after eating adequately. It is a more commonly seen disease than what one might think, and it needs more research to know the details of this syndrome. From what is known yet about the disorder, the following are the common causes and symptoms of cachexia. Causes of cachexia You might be wondering What Causes Cachexia? The interaction of multiple factors can cause cachexia. People suffering from it have abnormal levels of particular substances in the body, which leads to muscle wasting and weight loss. The substances interact with each other in a way that prevents muscle growth, causes inflammation, increases muscle breakdown, and increases metabolism. The potential causes of cachexia are still getting studied by scientists, though tumors might be one of the main causes behind it. The symptoms of cachexia Let’s move…

What Are the 3 Types of Keto Diet? Being new to the keto diet requires you to follow some of the necessary steps to put your body responds to any change in your diet. As a beginner, you need to start with a standard ketogenic diet for a while say around three weeks for better body response. while you can choose to use other variations if you have been in ketosis for some few weeks back, to see if it can work well for you. Types of the keto diet. Standard ketogenic dieting. The standard keto diet is the best starting point for those who have been living a sedentary lifestyle for a while, and they would like to begin with a keto diet for their weight loss. This keto diet is essential since you won’t be consuming many carbs but usually less than 30 grams carb each day.     Targeted Ketogenic Dieting. The targeted keto diet is those meals that contain fewer carbs and can be taken before or after workouts. You can use this type of ketogenic…

Pros of rural lifestyle Today, the majority of the world’s population lives in towns and cities, which is only expected to increase to a daunting figure, as research suggests. People live in both urban and rural areas, but which one is a more preferable choice. Living in rural areas is undoubtedly a blessing as it has countless benefits concerning the human body. However, some people argue that life in urban areas is a necessity in today’s world as it provides a number of options for job purposes. Nonetheless, a rural lifestyle is a recommended option as it allows one to lead a healthy and active life and is provides a pollution-free environment. The countryside areas are full of fresh air, forests, and streams. These elements of nature are not only a beautiful sight for the human eye, but it also allows a person to live a healthy life. Moreover, villagers eat food, which is astonishingly beneficial to human health and helps them to work actively and productively as freshly harvested fruits and vegetables are readily available to them. Villages are…

VALS or (values and lifestyles) VALS or (values and lifestyles) is a patented survey technique used for the optimization of the big data industry. It helps to direct businesses to customize their goods to cater to those people who are likely to buy them. The Surveys help determine the type of values and lifestyle of the individual who is undertaking the survey; learn about the interest of that person, specific characteristics, or perceptions on some matters. From the survey that I took, my primary VALS profile is experiencers’ consumer group; these users are the community of strong-resource people driven by personality-expression. They have the energy which they spend on doing exercises and social activities while my secondary VALS profile is innovators, High self-esteem with abundant resources to participate in their self-orientations. VALS or (values and lifestyles) is a patented survey technique used for the optimization of the big data industry. It helps to direct businesses to customize their goods to cater to those people who are likely to buy them. The Surveys help determine the type of values and lifestyle…

The community of North Hollywood has been working toward developing throughout its troubled years into becoming fitter to people’s lifestyles Introduction The neighborhood of North Hollywood in Los Angeles is home to approximately 85000 people. Living in the community gives its residents an urban feel where its residents rent their homes. It hosts a lot of restaurants, bars, parks, and coffee shops. Many of the people who live in the neighborhood are young professionals who are seen to be more liberal. The people of North Hollywood are very welcoming to visitors, where the residents of the district are humble and kind to everyone that comes their way. Luza (2016), in his research, nicknamed the city of North Hollywood as Mecca because he believed that people in it were very welcoming, just the way people in the famous city of Mecca are. Luza when ahead to describe the city as Eros of Angels, and thus he gave a good picture of the neighborhood in the Los Angelis. Diverse Neighborhoods North Hollywood offers a diverse neighborhood that combines art, history, entertainment, and…

Rodriguez fails to adapt to the intercultural landscape of Los Angeles Rodriguez fails to adapt to the intercultural landscape of Los Angeles because of his defensive ethnocentric positions. According to the course readings, developing intercultural sensitivity first entails defense and minimization prior to fostering acceptance and integration (Martin & Nakayama, 2014). Rodriguez is defensive in that he sometimes declines to attend school. While in class, the young boy is equally not as participative. The character minimizes his social circle to only include Jamie and Earl. The three boys create a school club titled ‘Thee Mystics’, where members learn to use drugs and to be sexually active. However, the defensive trait is also evident from the dominant culture. In the narrative, there is a scene where Rodrigues witnesses the LAPD going after his peer, Tino, while shouting the term ‘greaser.’ The offensive term is applied to stereotype the Chicanos as low life criminals. The experience prompts Rodrigues to seek some form of protection from the LAPD, which is only provided by local street gangs. At the age of thirteen, Rodrigues enrolls…

 college student lifestyle In college no matter how hard person tries especially in the first year it will be hard to focus in school because they are not entirely prepared. Usually, you are in a new environment where unfamiliar faces surround you. The college student lifestyle is hectic. In college regardless of the number of classes you take in high school, nothing experienced in high school will match life in college. The human being is creatures made by their habit; where human love to feel normal. We desire to be comfortable and fall in life aspects that seem to be easy to follow. College lifestyle transition doesn’t fit to this. College is full of stress; schedule of your daily aren’t constant, there are individual you never know around, and it takes a while one to experience life and feel like home. Self-doubt is a spiteful creature, as it feeds off itself. When feeling bad about yourself, self-doubt can totally stall any improvements you would make if are normal, self-confidence. When one can attend college is such great chance and any…

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