Successful people do not live in fear of failure It seems strange that in this world where you and we live, humans like us have either written history or given the world a new direction. See Jannah sir who was convinced that a weak human would change the map of the subcontinent. Will Reading the biography of successful people shows that none of them was born with a spoon of gold in their mouth. We have an abundance of thought-makers who relieve themselves by thinking that we are poor; we deserve it. We cannot build wonderful homes or buy good cars, and our future will never be happy. We have seen a florist selling fruit for years, but he has not flourished. The vegetable seller is just hanging on the vegetable spine. Why doesn’t the popcorn seller move forward? Ever wondered why this is so? In this age of development, where the path to success is not blocked, why do we forget that there will be a shortcut to success and in the quest for it, most people rustle…
discovery of life sustainability for humans This heat provides the energy that creates chemical reactions that result in the production of amino acids that form parts of the human body. The overall success of this mission was very much significant. It follows the successful launch of the Cassini–Huygens mission in 1997 that mined data from Saturn and its rings[1]. The collected data will be studied and mined for decades to come. But the highlight of this mission was the discovery of life sustainability for humans, and it is essential that we exploit this opportunity and do another space mission to Saturn’s moon. It is essential to conduct another space mission to Saturn to have a better understanding of the similarity between the compounds present in Enceladus and Earth. The discovery of the building block of life on Enceladus should be a significant cause for nations to join hands and fund this mission. Unlike the previous mission on the moon, this Enceladus mission is much more than a curiosity trip. It will attempt to unravel some mystery questions such as how…
How Globalization has changed through the years Globalization is the process of interchange, interaction, interconnection, and combination or amalgamation among various Human beings, Companies, and Governments in the continent. A diverse group of schoolers has come up with different theories explaining the origin of Globalization; for example, O’Rourke and Williamson claim that Globalization began when intercontinental commodity retail integrated. [1]However, in their papers, Held et al. (2017) argue that Globalization began when humankind first started to travel a very long time ago. Their various alternatives explaining the word “globalization” is, both options can be considered to be right because the definition of Globalization changes over time. Globalization changed to become a definition of the world spread the use of newer technologies and ways that people connect all over the world, such as airplanes, the internet, and the flow of trade between states. According to the research conducted by Jessop and Bob and O’Rourke (2017), Globalization begins on the old 15th centennial, when Columbus came across the Americas. According to this, Globalization meaning was defined as the Europeans that came to…
health outcomes for which India and China have had different experiences in the last half-century China and India, which are the most populous nations in the world, are experiencing dramatic economic demographic and societal transformations. The two countries are dissimilar in terms of their policies for population growth, political regimes as well as ethnic composition and heterogeneity. The regression outcomes show that the health state of the elder adult population was worse in India than in China at a two great extent. The elderly refers to people with 60 years and above. Older adults are more susceptible to disease, sickness and syndromes as compared to the other population. Elderly Indians have been suffering more physical, health, emotional and financial insecurities as compared to their counterparts in China (Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, 2011). Despite elderly health declining in India than China, the two countries experience a general decline in health with age, and the case gets worse among the poor populations. Mortality rates in India and China were very high, but the two countries have worked hard to contain the…
Interview with a Person entering Late Adulthood (60+) of Age Comparing Life to Levinson’s Selection of the Individual In this paper, the person that I have selected is a 62-year-old man, Mr. Johnson, who is a nurse by profession. Johnson has worked as a nurse in a public hospital for a period of twenty-one years. Before then, he had worked with a private hospital immediately after graduating from college. Ways that the Individual Meets Levinson’s Novice Phase Mr. Johnson meets the Levinson’s novice phase in different ways that are based on the decisions, tasks, and changes he made at the ages between seventeen and thirty-three years. At the age of seventeen, having completed his high school studies, he decided to enroll in a college at the age of eighteen years. During this time, he chose to study nursing despite of the many suggestions from his parents and friends. According to him, being a health officer was one of his major dreams and hence his decision was based on his this idea. Another way in which the man meets the novice…
Practice experiences with marginalized individuals Basically marginalization is a process in which some people are pushed to the edge of group and given lesser importantance (J, 2013). Marginalization can involve a society being involved in global level while communities and classes can actually be marginalized from dominant social order. This paper asserts to discuss my practice experience with more marginalized groups as well as how social workers can work with clients undergoing the relational paradox effectively, my co-experiences similar to what markin describes, for example some people may hide their cultural practices in order to fit in the society they are within. In fact, with those people who are marginalized they feel there humanity and selfhood is vulnerable. Nevertheless they don’t go shouting about the matter it is very clear from their day to day conversation among the affected group. According to (Miller, 2008).The whole society or community feels neglected just in different ways. For example the involved people may have little control over their lives, and their resources available to them. In addition, some of marginalized people hide…
clothes as my product of choice A market is a place where sellers and buyers meet to exchange products for money. The prices charged in every market highly determines the amounts of sales that can be met by the sellers. There are markets, which charge similar prices for same commodities while others charge different prices for the similar commodities (Horstmann, Ignatius and James, 112). Barriers to entry exist into a given market can be used to determine the kind of market structure that exist in a given region in addition to the number of buyers and sellers in the same market. This discussion analyses clothes as my product of choice. Clothes are mainly differentiated based on quality and prices. Clothes is a type of product that attracts almost everybody. Many people are always interested in selling and buying of clothes. Most markets for this product are usually characterized by many sellers and buyers. Therefore, consumers are the main buyers for clothes while traders are sellers for this kind of product. There are no barriers to entry and exit from this…
college student lifestyle In college no matter how hard person tries especially in the first year it will be hard to focus in school because they are not entirely prepared. Usually, you are in a new environment where unfamiliar faces surround you. The college student lifestyle is hectic. In college regardless of the number of classes you take in high school, nothing experienced in high school will match life in college. The human being is creatures made by their habit; where human love to feel normal. We desire to be comfortable and fall in life aspects that seem to be easy to follow. College lifestyle transition doesn’t fit to this. College is full of stress; schedule of your daily aren’t constant, there are individual you never know around, and it takes a while one to experience life and feel like home. Self-doubt is a spiteful creature, as it feeds off itself. When feeling bad about yourself, self-doubt can totally stall any improvements you would make if are normal, self-confidence. When one can attend college is such great chance and any…
humans are to blame for the change in climate Change Climate Change Based on the article by Gillis, I have learned that in today’s world humans are to blame for the change in climate. I believe that the rise in temperatures and overall climate change results from the increased release of greenhouse gases from industries over a decade which has intern destroyed the ozone layer. My belief is supported by the article as the report by the scientist evident that the discharge of lethal chemicals into the atmosphere is overwhelming. The heat-trapping gas is shattered, ocean waters are rising and acidifying, and season’s patterns are no longer regular. Leaning on climate change is crucial as there is a need to understand the causes, implication, and methods to reduce and manage the effects. Favourable climate condition ascertains food sustainability and the wildlife and sea life existence. If the climate changes the sea animals will extinct, wild animals will have no home, and the millions will die out of hunger. As (Gillis, “Scientists Sound Alarm on Climate Change”) states the destruction of…
personal experiences What topic related to comedy do you want to research? My topic of interest to research on as far as comedy is concerned would be personal experiences. Basically people have diverse experiences in their lifetime which are interesting in one way or the other. However, many people try to keep their personal experiences as secret to avoid being seen as fools. For instance, who would be willing to share on his or her experience in which he or she was conned at a bright daylight? Absolutely none, simply because most of such experiences are always awkward to an extent that they even make the victims find it reasonable to laugh at themselves. From a legacy point of view, sharing personal experiences will act as a gift to the future generations. But many people may be wondering how sharing personal experiences would benefit? Well, difficulty experiences sometimes befall people out of the lack of knowledge and insights from people who have gone through some similar situations before. Sharing personal experiences will not only act as a source of entertainment…