personal experiences What topic related to comedy do you want to research?   My topic of interest to research on as far as comedy is concerned would be personal experiences. Basically people have diverse experiences in their lifetime which are interesting in one way or the other. However, many people try to keep their personal experiences as secret to avoid being seen as fools. For instance, who would be willing to share on his or her experience in which he or she was conned at a bright daylight? Absolutely none, simply because most of such experiences are always awkward to an extent that they even make the victims find it reasonable to laugh at themselves. From a legacy point of view, sharing personal experiences will act as a gift to the future generations. But many people may be wondering how sharing personal experiences would benefit? Well, difficulty experiences sometimes befall people out of the lack of knowledge and insights from people who have gone through some similar situations before. Sharing personal experiences will not only act as a source of entertainment…

Factors Involved in the Change Process within an Organization             In today’s business world, change has become increasingly inevitable for the success of any organization.  Typically, times of organizational change process should always serve to empower and reward individuals in organization rather than make them defensive and insecure (Susan M. Heathfield). In this regard, many field studies have been carried out to identify the four core factors involved in the change process, namely; Proactive Change- proactive changes involves having certain forces in the organization attempt to make alterations in form of implementation to the work before introducing the change in a planned manner.  Organizations that use proactive approach to change tend to capitalize on a potential future opportunity or are avoiding a possible future risk.  External Influences –organizations tend to react to some of external influences that cause change in different ways. For instance, stiff competitions from close competitors in certain line of production or commodity may subject the company to reorganize itself in terms of production. Likewise, technological advances as an external factor may cause the business to adopt the…

The Relationship between Population Growth and Economic Development Abstract Population growth and economic development are two variables that exhibit a twofold relationship since the dynamics experienced in each one of them is capable of affecting the other. This research tries to find out whether population growth affects economic growth and also whether economic growth facilitates populations growth. The research narrows don to establish whether population growth leads to or affect the development of urban centres, which could be categorized as part of economic development. The setting of the research will be in the United States of America. Although, research will be based in the United States of America, it will utilize findings and literature from other studies that were conducted in different regions but with a common goal of establishing the relationship between population growth and economic development. The structure of the research will include an introduction, background review or literature review, results or findings, and conclusion sections. After the initial research is complete and data is collected, a qualitative methodology will be used to analyze the data to provide…

Development of narrative reporting in the UK   Abstract The main objectives of this research paper are to elucidate on the development of narrative reporting in the UK, especially with regards to the key criterion of good practice, transparency, the present state of narrative reportingas well as its importance under the supervision from the Operating and Financial Review. Introduction Narrative reporting refers to the non-monetary data, which is included for annual reports to provide an extensive and noteworthy image of the company’snon-financialfacts, the organization’s market position, and technique, implementation, and impending possibilities. This incorporates the vital report, the executives’ report, the administrator’s announcement, the chiefs’ compensation report, and corporate administration divulgences. The Financial Reporting Council has delivered directly on the vital story and different parts of the account revealing. Its Financial Reporting Lab reports furnish the impacts of conversations with investors on the best possible practice divulgences in specific areas. Discussion The Accounting Standards Board (ASB), a working body of the Financial Reporting Council FRC, first attempted a survey of narrative reporting in the year 2006. The audit inferred that…

Cardio Kickboxing Goals Cardio kickboxing refers to a group fitness session that encapsulates martial arts and related techniques that are meant to raise the individual’s heart rate. Cardio kickboxing is essential to beginners as it helps them to burn fats and body calories for bodyweight loss. Additionally, the exercise makes the heart of the participant healthy. Cardio kickboxing course is essential because I will be engaging in different styles of training, which will make me physically fit. The following are the goals that I have set to guide me throughout the semester. These goals will keep me grounded and force me to incorporate the physical activity within my life. Consistent Approach The set workout routine is essential in optimizing cardio exercise. I will establish a program that is more efficient and works for me. I will aim to attend at least 150 minutes of training in a week. Additionally, I will assign myself two days a week to lift the weight. I will ensure this approach is consistent by sticking to my time and making it pleasurable. Improve On Flexibility…

 failure of electric batteries because of short-circuiting Abstract The paper gives out the results of the failure of electric batteries because of short-circuiting. Batteries frequently utilized in electric batteries are explored. Based on the researched data of performed tests, the performance of batteries in electric vehicles is highlighted in the paper. Data on the experiments of short-circuit conducted on the electric vehicle batteries is analyzed using Standardized Work Sheet and TPM techniques. Quality control is the key to enhancing the lifespan of electric vehicles and minimizing the risks that result from battery failure in the electric vehicle. Introduction   Background information Electrical Vehicles (EVs) are getting popular in today’s world, and most of the major automotive manufactures have at least one model of EV. EVs are straightforward to run and take care of standard vehicles. When electric cars are being operated, they do not emit gases, particularly when electricity generated from renewable energies is used to charge them. However, as electric vehicles become common, they’re making another issue of battery disposal, burning, caught fire, or even exploding that causes severe…

Development of improvement capability for organizational performance It is conducted purposely to improve care performance and quality It is done within healthcare provider facilities and systems Done by boosting the core competencies of staff within a healthcare unit concerning ISO accreditation. The organization focuses on developing technical skills of clinical staff through training Uses healthcare world processes and innovation The process of developing improvement capability is vital in boosting organizational performance in healthcare organizations. It is important to note that the practice must be executed within the limits of the unit’s systems and is done purposely to improve care performance and quality.  To have enhanced capability, a facility should advocate for boosting core competencies of staff within a healthcare unit concerning ISO accreditation (Weheba, Cure & Toy, 2018). Besides, developing technical skills of clinical staff is vital in attaining improved capability as well as performance. Importantly, healthcare facilities should integrate world standard processes into their service provision.       Metrics for measuring quality dimensions The joint commission healthcare organization uses quality standards to improve national patient safety. Centers for Medicare &…

Business Management Course Work Action Research as Method: Reflections from a Program for Developing Methods and Competence In the article titled Action Research as Method: Reflections from a Program for Developing Methods and Competence, Jan Irgens Karlsen reflects on an emerging research model whereby researchers participate in implementing the actions they recommend in their research. Jan explains that this research model has been tested in many different fields and has proven to be effective. He however advises researchers to be cautious when using it. In the first part of the article, Jan explains how this approach is different from the conventional approaches to research. He points out that the person conducting research does not only study a problem and make recommendations, but also is involved in the process of implementing his recommendations. Moreover, the people affected by the problem being investigated are also actively engaged in the research process from the beginning of the study to the implementation stage. As such, the investigator is able to gain post-research knowledge. In the next sections, Jan attempts to clarify the misgivings that…

Template Value Chain My Life A value chain can be defined as a range of activities that company effects to deliver a valuable product. The product goes through a structured sequence of activities during which it adds value at every stage. The final value of the product, therefore, is a function of the values added at each stage. In the growth and development of an individual, a person’s life can be defined and effectively managed through the chain value model with the person being viewed as a product that goes through various elements in life stages and experiences that serve to add value to them. I regard my life as an imperative organization I will ever manage. Viewing my life in this angle, I can use the organizational chain value model to manage my life with me as the product going through various life stages and experiences that result in a final end product that is more valuable than the initial. In my personal value chain, therefore, I am the end product that is supposed to gain a projected standard…

Business Networks Technologies Question1 – Computer Network Topologies, Network Devices    List four common LAN topologies and briefly describe their methods of operation by using appropriate diagrams and text. Discuss how the nodes are connected, the transfer of data, and its advantages and disadvantages. The four main LAN topologies are Star, Bus, Ring, and Mesh topology. In star topology, a main bub or switch connects all the computers and other devices on the network (Zhang and Cai, 2016, p.38). The function of the hub or switch is to amass and distribute data flow throughout the system. It is the most popular network type used.             Bus topology, on the other hand, requires computers and other devices organized in a manner that allows the tools to be connected to a single linear cable identified as the trunk (Zhang and Cai, 2016, p.38). The configuration results in the log b referred to as the backbone. Nevertheless, both ends of the trunk must discharge to avoid the bouncing back of the transmitted signal. The third LAN topology is ring topology; computers and other network…

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