Fatal Attraction 1. The use of mise-en-scene in Fatal Attraction pays tribute to the classical film noir through the use of décor, props, and costumes seen in the movie. The main use of mise-en-scene is through the use of costumes, especially those worn by the femme fatale. In the classical film noir, the femme fatale is mostly in bright, white clothing which shows her angelic beauty and innocence, which is often a constant of her true nature as a dangerous and mentally unstable woman who is capable of doing very bad things. In Fatal Attraction, the femme fatale, Alex is seen wearing white clothes in many scenes. The use of a white décor in the film, especially as seen in Alex’s apartment is another use of mise-en-scene in Fatal Attraction. The use of white costumes and décor also update the use of mise-en-scene in the film Fatal Attraction as the whiteness is used to show the blankness of the femme fatale, despite her busy life, and also her emotional emptiness. The characters of Alex and Dan in Fatal Attraction refer…

 Climate Change and global warming Climate Change There has been a heated debate on the issue of climate change with scientists from different locations of the world thrusting into the debate to give their epic opinions on the best course of action that the whole world should adopt on an issue they consider central to the survival of human beings. Climate change generally occurs when there are sporadic and spontaneous changes in the climate system of the world, leading to new weather patterns that often remain in place for a longer period of time. The changing climatic patterns have resulted in situations like global warming, whose adverse effects are already plaguing some parts of the world. The union of concerned scientists states that 97% of its members unanimously agree that climate change can be attributed to human activities, and hence there should be a mechanism of regulating some of the human activities. However, there are figures of authority that still term human involvement in climate change as mere speculations hence jeopardizing the mitigation of the effects of climate on the…

 Pigment cognitive development theory The concrete operational period is the third stage in Pigment cognitive development theory. The period occurs during childhood between the ages of seven to eleven years.  It is characterized by the development of rational thought. The period is a transition between early development stages and upcoming ones. During this period, children tend to think more rationally as well as operationally. Children acquire conversation, class inclusion, reversibility, and seriation abilities. Children can logically solve, but they are not able to think both hypothetically and abstractly. Piaget determined that during the stage, children are relatively good at using inductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning encompasses the change from specific experience to the general principle. However, children have difficulties in using deductive reasoning. Children are able to understand awareness (reversibility), meaning it is possible to reverse actions. During the period, children can logically represent ideas and events. Children have basic thinking rules, but they operate unconsciously and solve problems more systematically than before. For example, a child can automatically solve a rule that if there is nothing added or subtracted from…

Peaceful Revolution Germany is a broad-based, steady democracy, but it has a stormy history. In 2015, the Nation commemorated 25 years of German unification. Between 1945 and 1990, the nation was split into the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic (GDR). This carve up was as a result of the Second World War (1939-1945), which was began by Nazis. “Peaceful Revolution” is the name given to the citizen’s movement in the GDR, and the collapse of the Berlin wall in 1989 made reconciliation possible. Germany is a Federal, democratic nation made up of sixteen states. Power is spread between the Federal and State powers. The Basic Law or the Constitution divides power among the Executive, Legislature, and the Judiciary at the Federal level. The Chancellor holds the highest power in the Federal setting. The president acts in a ceremonial scope In the Legislative branch, there are two chambers of the National Assembly that is, the Federal Assembly and the Federal Council. State politics are influenced by certain economic and social aspects. Social include ethnic and national identity,…

The contradiction between powers of the government The contradiction between powers of the government to ensure security to its citizens and borders, and the fundamental rights to privacy, has continuously led to confusion in America. Balancing the two has needs to consider actions to relieve the tension between the security and privacy of the citizens. Information Technology is a key item in the current world of communication. It is through IT that terror can be orchestrated, and through the same that Americans use to communicate with one another. The security agencies should be open to the Americans that they will track people believed to be dangerous for security as part of criminal investigations but will not infringe on the other American’s right to privacy. Through this, the Americans will understand that the government violates the privacy of the crime suspects and not everyone. It is clear in the constitution that there are potential conflicts between privacy and national security. The right to privacy is found in the fourth amendment of the United States’ constitution. The law gives Americans the right…

Heroism:the banality of heroism the banality of heroism, by Zeno Franco and Philip Zimbardo, presents courage as an ideal way of transforming the perception of the citizens into participating in the most significant actions of civic virtue by accepting the possible outcome, either physical adversities orb social sacrifice. Although his theory of heroic effort abounds, there is very minimal empirical research on the theoretical phenomenon of his implication. To further assert his call for heroism, the stories in the banality of heroism summarizes the systematic development of heroism In the society as the beginning of introducing heroism to the community. The book explores the paradoxes that revolve around heroism through the actions of the heroes and the arising impulses promoting and negating heroic efforts. In the general public, there is a contrast between people’s assumptions of heroic status and the individual decision to perform a heroic act. His work vividly describes the common ground between heroism bystander intervention and altruism and the substantial disparities of assuming any of the actions. In his stories, the underlying contradictions that lead to the…

AN EFFICIENT LIVER CANCER PREDICTION BY ADAPTIVE BP-NEURAL NETWORK AND BAT ALGORITHM Introduction   To study the largest internal organ of the human being that can be considered as the liver. It can be seen at the right ribs exactly beneath our lung right side. It can be regarded as various kinds of lobes. The primary cells of the liver can be considered as Hepatocytes. They also contain multiple types of cells in the liver, such as line its vessels and line small tubes in the large organ of the liver that can be considered as bile ducts. That can be used to carry the Bile in the organ through the gallbladder or otherwise known as directly to the intestine. The various kinds of liver cells that can contain many types of cancerous and non-cancerous. The mortal can be considered as malignant, and the non-cancerous can be regarded as benign tumours. The liver tumours have various causes, can be considered as multiple kindly, and different prognosis. Several varieties of cancer can shape in the liver. The most not unusual form…

How facial recognition works and the effects of its use Facial recognition is a technological way of identifying a person’s face, usually for authentication purposes. Facial recognition systems use face measurements and calculations to authorize access. The technology compares the characteristics of an individual’s face with the information gathered in a database. Facial recognition, initially a computer application, has quickly acquired more uses in other modern platforms. One controversial use of facial recognition technology is pinpointing individuals in a group through public video surveillance. Facial recognition works in several steps, as detailed below. Detecting a face The system’s camera detects any faces within a particular direction or space. This step is more effective if the user is facing the camera directly. The most recent facial recognition systems can still work with the face looking away from the camera. Face analysis The software reads your face texture and shape after taking a snapshot. It analyzes landmarks on the face and distances between facial features like eyes. Facial recognition is achievable as every individual is distinguishable when it comes to the structure…

HOW FAST DOES LIPOZENE WORK? Several proven measures can significantly and effectively help those aiming for weight reduction. One of the most preferred methods of weight reduction by many people around the globe is by use of diet supplements. The ease of use, accessibility, availability and efficiency of the dietary pills in weight loss is the primary reason why many people opt for this method. There are several types of diet supplements currently available in the market, each with its distinct ingredient, mode of work and efficacy. On choosing a particular brand or type of diet supplement, there are some key factors that people look out for in the said pills. The vital factors include the efficacy, mode of action, side effects, and how fast the particular brand will yield results. This feature highlights one of the most effective and widely used weight-loss supplementary pill, Lipozene, and how quickly it takes to make any noticeable weight loss on the body. What does Lipozene contain? How fast a particular weight-loss diet supplement works is dependent on the key ingredients the product…

How Astrology and How Celestial Bodies Influence Daily Life The practice of looking to the stars and other celestial bodies originates from Mesopotamia. Such a study goes beyond the natural movements of such bodies. Each celestial body has individual characteristics and energies. They also interact with each other to create unique fields of energy that have varying effects on our daily life. Therefore, a deeper understanding of planetary alignments and shifts can enhance your knowledge of astrology. Here are a few celestial bodies and the effects they have on your daily life: The sun The sun rules over Leo and is the center of the universe. It’s light shine on everything around us; therefore, it represents our ego, life force, and our driving passions. Embracing your placement in this celestial body leads to a cheerier perspective on life and more fulfillment. The moon The moon rules over cancer and represents the deep emotions that we can’t express. It’s like a mom, caring, compassionate, and ready to listen. Shifts to the positioning of the moon breed uncertainty. For the rest of…

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