International Peace             The issue of international peace covers a significant part of the Brooklyn daily paper between 1916 and 1926. The headlines on the different newspapers revolve around cases of crime, murder, and revolutions. The Brooklyn Daily Eagle reports the regular events of the inhabitants of a city in the US and tries to report what the inhabitants refer to ordinary life. The Brooklyn Daily Eagle does not select the topics to present and thus reports every happening of the town. The headlines are dominated with reports of crime, and murder takes a more significant part. The Brooklyn Daily Eagle represents a portrait of the average life of the inhabitants of the city in terms of lifestyle and the economy. The newspapers begin with news of wars and crimes in the city and the world in general. The Brooklyn Daily Eagle dated 14 May 1916 begins with news of missing British warships, which could have been sunk by submarines. The newspaper reveals the enmity that could be brewing between British as Germany since it reports that a Germany submarine…

Empathy-Building Persuasion Empathy refers to the ability to understand and feel the pain other people are going through. Empathy-building persuasion is a situation whereby one constructs a compassionate understanding of the pain other people are experiencing (Weisz & Zaki, 2017). I successfully applied the empathy-building persuasion approach when dealing with HIV patients in my area. These were individuals who had lost hope and had nothing to live for. We had to do a follow up on them in their homes because they had given up on medication. I shared stories about other HIV patients who were adhering to their medication and were looking healthy and full of strength. This approach was successful because the victims were willing to share their stories—including how they contracted the disease.  Knowing their story enables us to understand them and meet every victim at their points of need. In the end, 90 percent of the patients sought out medication, and their health significantly improved because they were at peace with themselves. How to Persuade a Legislative Body Persuasion has the power to make people accept…

Pathways from Conflict to Peace                                                                    Introduction Despite decades of long-standing conflict, death as well as tragedy, there has been deliberate move in ignoring, oversimplifying, and excessive focusing on a few aspects. This trend has galvanized rates of conflict in this content. It is undeniable that poor governance, mismanagement, and corruption has thrived, making the states in these nations unbearable. Though approaches to solve these conflicts have been put in place,  Nigeria, Somalia, DRC Congo, and Rwanda remain at the forefront where conflict has taken root affecting the entire. Even religious leaders have become part of the groups castigating conflicts in the continent by extremism Causes of conflict in Africa Scholars Meredith, Burgis, and Okeowo, on their argument after having done a thorough investigation on the increasing conflicts in Nigeria, Somalia, DRC Congo, and Rwanda, there have concluded that the scenario in these countries is diverse. According to them, the root causes of conflict, selfish politics, corruption, and extremism.   Selfish politics is to blame for the conflicts surrounding the African continent, especially in Nigeria, Somalia, Rwanda, and DRC Congo.…

Quotes of forgiveness Forgiveness is the ability to keep away your differences and letting go of mistakes done against your will. It also entails letting go of the ego and anger of hatred. When forgiving, you forget the things that have been done onto you and help you focus on your work. It is good to let go of the past event and live a life of no doubt. When you do not forgive, you keep asking yourself questions as to why the act happened, and you always hate whoever did the wrong action. You also need to be forgiven once you wrong, so it is good to let out what is disturbing you and make friends. When you forgive, you get another chance to work on the mistake done, be it you or your friend. Forgiveness helps to prevent mistakes done in the past from happening in the future. Once the wrong has been done, it cannot be undone but can be prevented from happening. It brings people together and makes them understand each other better. Forgiving also strengthens…

Fisheries subsidies Fisheries subsidies are considered to be government arrangements or inactions that are primarily directed to the fisheries department. These actions and inactions are mainly aimed at modifying by increasing or decreasing all that pertains to fish rearing and production with regard to profits by the market in short or long terms. Fisheries subsidies take two significant forms that include governmental actions and fisheries industry inactions. The governments comprise of public bodies at national and international levels. This would consist of aid and cooperation among institutions that are concerned with fish reserves. The fisheries industry comprises of all productive subsectors concerned with aquaculture. Some of the inputs in this form of fisheries subsidies include storage transport and all other support services. Harmful fisheries subsidies can have several negative effects on fish resources. These effects may lead to overexploitation of fish stock. There are several ways in which these harmful subsidies can result in these negative impacts. Firstly, with the fisheries subsidies, fishers will increasingly aim at exploring the fish stock at a higher rate that does not correlate with…

10 Best Cheap Routers For Gaming With the remarkable evolution of technology, there has been a steady growth in the development of varied types of smart wireless devices. In today’s time, to gain high-speed and extensive internet coverage, one needs to make use of the best cheap router for gaming purposes. Apart from desktop, you can easily connect your laptop, smartphones and as well as other smart gadgets to the internet at the same time if you use a top-quality router. Presently, both in the online and offline market, an extensive range of wireless internet routers are available. Besides enabling the gamers to access the internet and play online games without any hassle, WiFi routers also ensure privacy and security. A good cheap gaming router offers high network bandwidth speed, which facilitates you in making an indelible mark among the gamers when you play the multiplayer online games. If you are interested to know more information about the cheap yet good quality wireless routers for gaming and streaming purposes, then read on the following part. 10 Best Cheap Routers For…

Peace Building in Northern Ireland In our case, Robert the bald, stout and tattooed driver who took the article writer to a tour in June, was connected to a paramilitary termed as Ulster Defense Association that was responsible for killing hundreds. Robert had lots of fears like he wanted the writer to use his first name only, so as not to attract attention from authorities. This indicates a poor relationship between the government and the militias after the war between protestants and the Catholics enclaves in Northern Ireland. Fear, anger, and hostility were the norms of interaction left, and they caused distrustful and suspicious of other parties’ actions. The military was viewed as criminal and inferior. Through this, premilitary people and other parties felt hatred and alienation amongst one another. Therefore, in our case, personal relationships with other people might help to lessen the problems related to conflict escalation. The reason being that, personal relationships humanize adversaries, increases the level of understanding and trust, and also improves communication. The two parties in our case can build sympathy and empathy, which…

The seizure of French Indochina The seizure of French Indochina attracted massive sanctions on Japan by the US and Great Britain. Both the US and Great Britain froze Japan’s assets living her on the brink of an economic collapse. US president at that time Franklin Roosevelt seized Japan assets in retaliation of invasion of Japan in Indochina. The US was against the occupation of Japan in French Indochina was aggrieved by the Asian powerhouse at that time by forcefully occupying the French Indochina. Other countries also followed suit to put Japan in a vulnerable financial position, given that she could not get raw materials supplies for her industries back home. Othe countries such as Dutch Indies that were against Japan’s occupation in French China also froze Japan’s assets in her country. Japan lost many trading international partners due to its invasion in French China in Indo-china that painted the country in a bad light. Losing three-quarters of her foreign assets and lost a lot of crucial imports for her raw materials. In particular, Japan lost her lost imports as all…

The effects of corruption Corruption is one of the significant issues that affect various countries at a global level. The U.S is currently ranked as the 22nd least corrupt country, which is a drop from the 18th least corrupt depicting the increased rate of corruption in the U.S. The effects of corruption to the citizens in the U.S. are widespread. However, the primary impact of corruption is to the growth of the economy as leaders who place their interests before the interest of the society is most likely to disadvantage members of the society. This leads to cases of embezzlement of public funds by people who are in authority hence disadvantaging the citizens of the country. The effects of corruption spread out to the private sectors where various organizations have been rendered bankrupt due to leadership by greedy and corrupt leaders who misuse the resources of the organization for their gain. Corruption hinders justice and fairness within the society as people are favored based on what they can offer. This makes the poor citizen miss out on opportunities that are…

Foreign policy analysis Foreign policy analysis enables us to comprehend how political actors come up with policy decisions and their relationship with other foreign governments. Foreign policy is a complicated discipline with many actors working within the structures of government, and they play essential roles in decision-making processes. There are five main approaches to foreign policy analysis. These are rational, bureaucratic politics, organizational process, the political process and the inter-branch political models. To analyze the foreign policy as a whole, one needs to determine the strengths and weaknesses of each model and understand the remedies which each model can provide in various scenarios. The rational actor model assumes that the core player in foreign policy must be a sensible individual who will be responsible for coming up with informed and calculated decisions which will benefit the nation. In this approach, the actor relates to government behaviour to conduct an analysis. In this approach, the assumption made is that the information will always be available, and thus, the policymakers will always make informed decisions. The remedies and actions made are followed…

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