checks and balances and separation of powers The doctrine of separation of power forms the basis of the United States constitution. The philosophy behind this doctrine aims at diffusing and dividing the power so that no individual or entity holds much power that can harm the citizens. The doctrine is thus a measure to ensure that the government does not consolidate all the power which it may violate and harm its citizens (Legal information institute, 2020). Government functions in this doctrine get divided into three groups, which include the legislative, judicial, and executive. The doctrine thus ensures that there is a legitimate government where the three bodies act independently. Still, at the same time, a system of check and balance is established to ensure that the power is not absolutely held by the three arms and thus not misused. It is worth noting that no branch is allowed to exercise its power over the others, but they overlap and complement each other. In the United States, Congress has the power to legislate while the executive power is with the president…

Spending Power of the Canadian Federal Government The politics of Canada are based on a parliamentary democracy. The parliamentary government of Canada functions as a federal system and is governed by strict political traditions. Constitutionally, the government of Canada is monarchical, and the monarch is the accepted head of state. The government of Canada has qualified to receive credit on the efficient application of social justice in the governing and utilization of government resources. The making of policies is also well-organized, and inclusivity is maintained to incorporate the requirements of all stakeholders. The fact that the Canadian government is formed on a multiparty system ensures that decisions affecting issues of national interest are only made through consensus and no cases of dictatorship can be allowed to thrive in the political environment. The Canadian government spending power is governed by liberalism and egalitarian ideologies where the equality of every single Canadian is advocated. The spending power of the government takes into consideration the impact of the decisions made on the lives of individual Canadians. The federal government is tasked with managing…

The Power of the Human Mind The human mind acts as the central point of processing information. The human mind is divided into three interconnected parts, which include the cerebrum, cerebellum, and the brain stem. The mind is the root of human intelligence; humans experience emotions and thoughts through their brain, then process daily basis information from the senses and store the data as a memory. Memory is a mind- comprehensive process that requires different parts of the brain to work in conjunction to take place. The cerebellum part of the brain plays a critical role in the processing of procedural memories. The two main types of memories include short term and long term memories, which are encoded and stored in different parts of the human mind. The memory processing consists of the encoding stage, storage, and retrieval stage. The human mind stores it stores all the experiences of the body, but the duration of the storage differs from one memory to another. According to brain experts, the mind stores memories in three ways, which is first in the sensory…

POWER IN NEGOTIOTIONS KEY TERM: Power as it Relates to Negotiation DEFINITION: Power in negotiations refers to the ability of people involved in negotiations or the negotiator to influence the outcome of the whole process either directly or indirectly (Kogan, 2019). SUMMARY Negotiations are known to occur frequently since conflicts are inevitable (Kogan, 2019). Therefore negotiations have played a very vital role in solving challenges right from small organizations to international disputes. However, several factors affect the process of negotiations. Among the essential elements that tremendously influence negotiations is power. Since the people involved in conflicts are different and have various resources at their disposal, they can possess power. Additionally, power is present in almost all our contexts of issues around us. In a similar vein, power is a very paramount factor when it comes to negotiations. Power is known to affect how people behave, and it also affects how negotiators handle the various issues brought to them by people. The effects of power on the negotiators dramatically depends on the type of negotiation at hand. In a similar vein,…

Hydropower: The New Face of Energy Production  The use of water to generate power, known as hydroelectric power, is not a new concept in the world. James Francis engineered the first modern water turbine in 1849, and it was named after him, the Francis turbine. A few decades later, other scientists designed a hydropower plant in the United States along the Fox River (Nunez 1). Currently, hydropower accounts for about 16% of the world’s electricity. Only two states in the United States do not use hydropower. These figures show the growing importance of hydropower plants, and many other countries should follow suit. There is controversy surrounding hydropower plants as several people argue that it has harmful effects on the environment while the rest insist that it offers more benefits to the environment. To provide a better understanding of hydropower plants, we need to analyze both sides of this issue. Therefore, we take an in-depth look at the positives and negatives of using hydropower plants to generate energy. A standard hydropower plant has three components: a power plant that produces electricity,…

historical as well as contemporary rivalries among global powers that have created various polarities 2.0: CHAPTER TWO 2.1: Survey and Review of Literature Chapter Two outlines and analyses historical as well as contemporary rivalries among global powers that have created various polarities. The aim is to find if Mearsheimer’s theory extends to historical data. The literature review will seek to extend Mearsheimer’s claim in chapter three that it should be apparent that unlike what most optimists that countries are more likely to define their greatness in constructive ways through cooperation are wrong. Instead, Mearsheimer asserts that states are more concerned about the balance of power and that powers are more likely to compete against each other[1]. One of the main reasons that Mearsheimer uses is international anarchy as the driving force behind excellent power behavior. However, in the 21st century, China is the most severe threat to the United States. Thus, moving forward, twenty-first-century world politics still use the five assumptions mentioned in Mearsheimer’s discourse as actors of the international system operate in an anarchic order, that powers seek to…

Masculinity and Femininity leading to contradictions power in the play Bertolt Brecht’s The Good Woman of Setzuan and ’The Company of Wolves by Angela Carter’s” Angela Carter. Thesis: Change of gender in the play in the play Bertolt Brecht’s The Good Woman of Setzuan and ’The Company of Wolves by Angela Carter’s” Angela Carter are bringing contraction but much of the focus is about power gaining. The thesis of this essay is to elaborate how masculinity and femininity have contradicted gender and power. Topic sentence 1:  For Shen Te to be secured from the angry people who were after the money given, she changed from She Te and took her cousin’s identity She Ta Supporting evidence: She Te changed her identity to She Ta since the villagers were ready to attack for the sake of the money which the gods left her with. Discussion: In order to survive in the community She Te displays a character of deceitful and greedy. At the beginning of the story, there are three gods that came on earth and were in search of a…

 UNSC Veto Power Reforms and Issues             The United States Security Council (UNSC) has five permanent members who are; the United States, United Kingdom, China, Russia, formerly known as the Soviet Union and France, commonly known as P5. Voices have been constantly heard asking for reforms, gaining a new momentum day by day since the end of the cold war in the year 1989 (Kochler, 1995). The UNSC activities of achieving and maintaining peace have been criticized widely especially because it is the most important political organization internationally as well as the most powerful organization within the United Nations (UN). Creation of the veto power and its scope             The veto power of the United Nations Security Council is the unconditional power that the selected permanent members have to veto any resolution that is considered to be substantive. Adoption of a draft resolution can be done even in the absentia of a permanent member of the council (Simma & Brunner, 2004). The veto power however does not to votes that have a set out procedure as was determined by the…

WILLING POWER In everyday life, every person has a decision to make, be it right or wrong. Indeed, a person chooses what he will do and what he will not. Reliable power is the act of choosing what you will do and what you will not. Some decisions that people make usually lead them to a wrong path, thereby suffering and facing a lot of challenges. More so when a person begs for something, you choose if to help or not. Making the decision proves who you are. Reliable power enables you to take what makes you happy and leave what will anger you. Make good use of your reliable power and bring out the best part of you. Reliable power also gives you the ability to do your work comfortably. Reliable power is essential as it gives you a chance to choose between the right deeds and the wrong and act according to what you feel is right. It also enables you to offer what you can and provide the necessary support to those close to you. Reliable power…

Is it more accurate to think of the United States (US) from the early twentieth century to today as a hegemonic power or as world leader? Comprehensively describe the topic you are investigating in terms of empirical facts. That is, think about the relative weight given to economics versus politics, as well as self-interest and political duty in the different models. In this discussion and at the outset, make sure you clearly state your own position regarding the topic. 2. From your research, discuss how other countries have aligned themselves in relation to the issue, i.e., who are on which side of the issue and what are the reasons and motivations? Elaborate on the effects of such alignments on your thesis/argument. If the issue has extended effects on other national, regional, and/or global alignments and goals, likewise discuss these. [unique_solution]3. Explain what responses have been done, are being done, to bolster/strengthen your thesis. The responses may include those officially done or being done by the US, initiatives by countries acting individually or as coalitions as well as by other non-state…

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