Profit as a Product of Capitalism through Labour-power Exploitation Capitalism is an essential component in production as it encompasses the exploitation of the labor-power to ensure there is surplus value. The surplus-value in business upon production is known as profit. The running of the daily activities within any production firm must, at all times, be focused on how best to exploit the labor-power to ensure maximum productivity in return, make profits. The most important and crucial aspect is in the compensation of the labor offered by the workforce as this classifies the labor-power to be of value such that it is directly proportional to productivity. The employers should always give reasonable compensation package to ensure workforce motivation hence guarantee surplus-value and substitute the exploitation. According to Marx (1867), wages and salaries are the price of labor, and the higher the price, the better the quality of the services, and in the end, the production is of good quality. Capitalists ensure maximum exploitation to cover for the compensation packages they offer to their labor subjects; therefore, to some extent, it is…

Best battery power circular saws In case, if you are searching for the best battery power circular saw, you landed in the right place. Here, we will discuss the best batter power circular saw. Well, circular saws are one of the essential tools of cutting. And for that reason, you must bring one circular saw in your home. They will provide you with precise and straight cutting. To be exact, you don’t have to give much effort into cutting. Besides, they are pretty safe, and you don’t have to worry about any accidents. So, let us move further and discuss the best circular saw. Why should you need the best battery powered circular saw? Well, there is more than one reason why you should take the best battery powered circular saw. Here, we are going to discuss that. Discussing the benefits of the battery-powered circular saw will help you to make the right decision. So, here are the reasons that we are talking about. Convenient Convenience is one of the essential benefits of batter power circular saw. Most of them…

The powerful vacuum cleaner In most cases, people tend to have an allergy to mites, dust, and other forms of air contaminants. Finally, there is a solution which serves as good news. The product is a robust anti-mite vacuum cleaner that is going to meet all your cleaning needs. The powerful vacuum cleaner can draw the tinniest Nano-particle mites in the house. It is equipped with a powerful vacuum motor that can suck the pollutants from more than three thick layers away. The suction is powerful, providing you with the ability to suck out the mites despite the thickness of your mattress. The heavy-duty, powerful vacuum cleaner can draw out every dust particle or mite in the bed. Exceptional Design The gadget flaunts a unique design with a cyclone movement that aids in fast dust absorption. Moreover, it has a dust box that isolates the drawn matter and an enhanced filter to facilitate double-cleansing. It is equipped with enhanced UV light alongside an additional energy cover that makes it eliminate bacteria efficiently. Consequently, it effectively kills mites, bacteria, microorganisms, and…

Nuclear power plants Nuclear power plants are the power plants that involves the process of nuclear fission to produce electricity or power. The nuclear reactors combine with the Rankine cycle, and the heat produced by the reactors changes the water into steam. The developing countries should be allowed to access the nuclear technology provided that they show an economic need for nuclear power. Therefore, nuclear power will be beneficial and practical for energy production in developing nations. Reducing reliance on grid infrastructure is the most crucial thing in developing countries. Consequently, generating a supple nuclear technology in developing countries will be smart and also it will reduce the use for grid infrastructure. Additionally, due to the modernization of technology in recent years, people tend to use technology for extensive energy production. I would recommend solar energy as the best alternative source of energy that suits the developing countries. Solar energy is affordable, and the cost of installation is low compared to other sources of energy like; hydroelectric energy, natural gas and geothermal power. More so, solar energy is renewable, while…

5 Most Powerful Cyber Security Tools You Should Have To Become A Expert     There is a lot of information which is lying on the World Wide Web, and we also know the fact that this data is vulnerable and easy to hack. It has raised a lot of concern and a need for cyber security. When we talk about cybersecurity, then it’s not just about the safety of the data but also preventing an attack on the system, ensuring confidentiality and privacy of information. All this has led to the rise in the demand of cybersecurity professionals. These individuals know all about cybersecurity and develop tools that ensure data security.   If you are willing to become a cybersecurity expert, then you would need to use different tools. The good part is that there are many such tools available in the market. Some of them are for free, while others come at a cost. If you are also willing to become certified cybersecurity professionals, then you must have a look at the following tools.   Cyber Security Tools…

Power-sharing Introduction Power-sharing is a broad term in the African context as it involves political arrangements in that opposing or distinctive group together, take part in the government activities. In modern democracies, for example, several power-sharing types can take place, such as the federal type of government (Bratton, Michael, and Peter Penar, 3). In such cases, powers are shared between the state and central government. The various organs in the government, which include the judiciary, executive, and legislature, initiates’ agreement to fit the parties involved. Power-sharing is an essential technique as it decreases conflict possibilities in social groups. In the long run, the political order is stable (Dlamini, Siphetfo, 30). The goal of this essay is to define, in detail, Political Power-Sharing Agreements in the African Context Political Power-Sharing Agreements in the African Context nations such as Nigeria incorporate aspects of peace agreements, security, and peace implementation, which affirm to incentives necessitating compromises and negotiations. Moreover, in as much as political power-Sharing agreements eliminates misunderstanding among the parties involved, it might have various limitations, which are short term. They include…

Gaining Power and Influence Application of theory The power of a manager is sourced from his ability to serve ad help others to achieve the required tasks. Using influence appropriately to attain quality work is another forte of a good manager. There are several areas that I need to improve, with neutralizing inappropriate influence attempts being on top of the list. Power is an essential prerequisite of influence. The application of the three R’s model, retribution, reciprocity, and reason and using them appropriately ensures that the influence that comes with power is redistributed for positive use. Confronting and exploiting a person directly, examining the intent of any gift offered, and defending personal rights are some of the neuralization strategies that can be used to neutralize inappropriate influence attempts Relevance to self Learning about neutralizing inadequate influence attempts from the reading made me realize my shortcomings. Reading through each slide, I realized that to power and influence, I must enhance personal power through the improvement of my expertise, personal attraction, and effort. Increasing position power should also be on my agenda,…

the use of the FBI surveillance powers After the 2016 elections, perhaps one of the things that President Donald Trump has been vocal about is the use of the FBI surveillance powers. President Trump asserts that the FBI infiltrated his campaign and wiretapped his former campaign advisor. The president has always declared his adamancy to have the laws regarding the FBI surveillance powers changed, especially with the implications it had on the Russia investigation. This article discusses the impact of the Bill that was passed by the House that preserved the surveillance powers of the FBI. The Bill extended three expiring FBI tools that were important in investigating terrorism and espionage. However, civil libertarians among the Democrats and Republicans asserted that it did not protect the privacy of civilians from intrusion by the government machinery. Interestingly, the Bill was passed by a majority with both parties coming together to extend the expiring tools. The House also expected a similar outcome from the Congress. However, it is somewhat unclear whether the president would sign the bill into law or request for…

Separation of Power and Checks and Balances The separation of power, as well as the existence of checks and balances, was indeed valid. Even though not all may agree but the form of government that was proposed by Madison in conjunction with other federalists has much value than the counter-offer that was being given by those who were pro the centralized government. Leadership is about roles, responsibilities, and accountability. To whoever a responsibility has been bestowed, several things would expect of them. Even though the government is working as a unit in that all arms of government are supposed to work together, there is a need to ensure that each unit of government is held accountable, and this can only be done when there is the separation of powers as well as checks and balances. The government is organized in the form of three arms. There is the judiciary, the Congress as well as the Executive. Congress is the one that is mandated in the making of the laws. There are cases where the laws that are made are indeed…

Defining Power The definition of power depends on the context from which one looks at it. Power can be defined from the context of influence over other people or from that of a personal agenda. This essay defines this important component of society using the two contexts of influence and personal agenda. Using the first context to define power means it is the ability of an individual or organization to exert authority and influence the course of action or activities in which other people or organizations engage (Hodkinson 181). Therefore, power is the ability of one group or individual to influence the other to engage in certain activities or courses of action without use of force or coercion. The subject party obeys the demands directed at them based on their source’s powers. The second context with which power can be defined is that of personal agendas. Sometimes an individual or organization demands another to engage in certain activities or courses of action in order to benefit from the same. Such dynamic place the subject in a position where they have…

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