third dimension of power According to Steven Luke, the third dimension of power refers to the exercise of power through dominating and influencing the needs and wants of other people. The third dimension of power predicts people’s behavior without their recognition, therefore denying them access privileges to the reasons for their actions. It includes power in ideology, decision-making, and the non-decision making process. During world war II, the American government used propaganda to promote to stimulate economic growth through the promotion of war bonds. The American government also encouraged its citizens to reduce waste and grow their vegetables to help in reducing the price of war supplies such as cannons, guns, and steel. In comparison between majoritarian and pluralistic democracy, the former refers to the conventional political system based on the majority rule of citizens in society. In contrast, the latter refers to a modern political system that has more than one source of power. In majoritarian democracy, the tyranny of the majority in the society might oppress or exclude the minority with the potential for violence and civil war.…

The Balance of Power by King of Wirani Kahlil Gibran follows a unique style in writing, adopting a reflective and lyrical style. This Lebanese poet displays an outstanding creative prowess where the main focus is on society. Following his poem, The Wise King, the King of Wirani, brings about the main argument of the concept of madness (Gibran). The poet wants his readers to understand the idea as an issue of personality and character, which is dangerous because it isolates or slightly separates a person from society. It is important to note that mental illness is real, and it occurs in the community. Although people tend to avoid the topic, the organization should educate the populace on the issue. Therefore, this paper examines the decision made by the King of Wirani by drinking the cursed water by the witch, who prophesied that anyone who drinks the water would run mad. In my opinion, it was a wise decision for the King to drink the cursed water because it is a symbol that he is no different from his people. Again,…

    empowering females with technology Can women lead the technology world in Africa? Is the female contribution in technology making any difference to inspire the next generation? Well, the statistics prove this claim pretty much right as African technology market has seen many successful startups that are led by female entrepreneurs. Not only the local authorities are focused on empowering females with technology, but international organizations like UNO are also contributing to this mission. A few months back, The UN Office for South-South Cooperation conducted a training workshop for females. The mission statement of this effort was to ensure equal learning opportunities for women in technology in Africa. In comparison to fierce competition and demand for talented minds in technology and computer world, the market has a lot to offer to females. If you are looking for a brighter future in Africa, being a female, entrepreneurship is the perfect sector for you. Opportunities for Women in Small Startups The entrepreneurial community in Africa is cooperative towards the contribution of women in technology. The world is adopting smart solutions to…

Best Manpower California – Connecting Ambitious Talent with Rewarding Positions   There are times when handling every project, single-handedly becomes robust and complex. As a result, you look for external manpower services where professionals from other entities can efficiently handle your project. Also, limited time and resources can be a reason to seek out external assistance for project completion. In these and more such instances, you look for the best manpower California services. However, not every recruitment agency can serve you with the best manpower hiring solutions. Hence, you can only trust the prestigious manpower in California Company like Alliance Recruitment Agency. Delivering high-quality and promising manpower services from over the years, Alliance Recruitment Agency presently stands as one of the leading recruitment companies in California. We have been working in this sector for years and are renowned to offer the finest experts possessing unmatched manpower skills. Our hiring staffs hold the needed expertise and have gone through rigid training sessions to serve our customers only the best and most appropriate ones. No matter what kind of project you have,…

The Struggle Between State Power and National Power For Hamilton, the institution of this Bank of the United States was entirely within Congress’s authority. And he hoped that the bank would foster economic growth, print and circulate paper money, and supply loans to the government. The federal government had no power to make this instrument; Hamilton was able to convince the reluctant president to sign the legislation.   After the bank’s charter expired in 1811, Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans triumphed in obstructing its renewal. However, the financial hardships that plagued the authorities throughout the War of 1812, coupled with the fragility of the nation’s financial system. Many countries rejected the Second Bank, asserting that the government infringed upon the states’ jurisdiction.   A showdown between Maryland and the government arose when James McCulloch refused to pay a tax that Maryland had levied on all banks. The standoff increased two questions: Why did Congress have the authority to charter a national bank? Were nations permitted to tax property? In McCulloch v. Maryland, Chief Justice John Marshall contended that Congress could create a national…

Hardy Tips for Power Washing Pressure washing is the best cleaning solution that will restore the exterior of the structure to the new-like condition. The exterior of your building can accumulate a lot of dust, mold, solids, grime, mildew, etc. which may damage it or cause discoloration. The method will clean your structure using a mixture of pressurized water and cleaning chemicals. Before considering power washing, there are several things that you need to know to ensure that the process is smooth. Before you begin the power cleaning, it is essential first to prepare your space. Ensure that you take off all your furniture. Turning your furniture as you do, the cleaning may give you a lot of headaches. If you are cleaning your exterior, ensure that anything around that can be damaged by water.   Safety should be a priority when you are power washing. Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes. Some of the chemicals that are used in washing can be harsh to your skin, and therefore, you should make sure that you wear gloves. When you…

Political Power in City Planning Introduction The idea of controlling cities and nations through planning has existed since the time immemorial. This planning involves all things that affect the city for the common good of all citizens. In most parts of the world that urban city planning is dependent on various groups such as planners, bureaucrats, entrepreneurs, political leaders and the general public. It is however evident that urban city planning s much dependent on the political power and the decision of the leaders who are in power. This means that a certain regime has its own architectural designs and once the regime is over, the new one tends to bring new changes in the outlook of cities by coming up with some other designs which suit their power. The purpose of this essay is to describe how political power shapes city planning, talking example of Delhi city in India. Political power plays a role in determining the size of land that should be set aside for city construction purposes (Horowitz,12). It is evident that many leaders exercise massive control…

China’s 3 Most Powerful Dynasties China’s 3 Most Powerful Dynasties is a historical account written by Akhilesh Pillalamarri in the year 2015. The focus of Pillalamarri is on the history of China based on the three dynasties considered to have been powerful. While many people have argued that China was historically isolated as well as weak, Pillalamarri believes that the Chinese dynasties were influential and impacted on the overall global history. For instance, the article reveals that the many voyage exploration conducted between 1405 and 1433 was carried out during the Ming Dynasty. However, this act did not dent the economic as well as political influence China gained in Southeast, East, and even Central Asia. The major three dynasties focused on in the article include the Han Dynasty, which ruled China for four centuries (206 B.C.E to 220 C.E), Tang Dynasty (618 to 907 C.E), and the Qing Dynasty (1644 to 1911). In other words, the article evaluates the three dynasties concerning their effect on the religious, political, and economy of China as a whole. Each dynasty negatively as well…

Limits of the President’s Power Introduction History has documented several instances where the president has used their power in injustice way, therefore its best to limit their power, especially on the exploitation of military force to protect the nation. For the Westgate burglars were an employee of the committee formed to re-elect President Nixon (00:12-00:15). Additionally, in 1970, a secret bombing campaign against neutral Cambodia (South East Asia) was disclosed to the public. This campaign was being plotted along with the American war in Vietnam. Limits of the President’s Power Currently, all aspirants, political parties, and committees are all on a strict contribution to the campaign funds. They are bound by the constitution to disclose how their budget to the last coin (expenditure and income). During Nixon’s era, several unethical practices entailing funds on the campaign occurred. Firstly, 0:54, there was a secret campaign to acquire funds in the white house by developing fake voter committees that reinforced Nixon and his laws to spy his opponents unlawfully. Moreover, there was a trade-off corruption incident where the firm “donated” four hundred…

Banque De France Calls for An Embrace of Blockchain-Powered Financial Solutions In The Euro-System The Central Bank of France is pushing for a blockchain-powered settlement system in the European region for quick and cost-effective euro transfers. Dennis Beau, the Deputy Governor, spoke in support of the Distributed Ledger Technology during a speech on Thursday, November 21. He said the technology is the answer to many of the presenting financial market problems. One Solution France is suggesting a Central Bank Digital Currency and Beau seconds this suggestion saying that the eurozone should consider its application because it will help solve the shortcomings of other market approaches. The Distributed Ledger Technology will help in solving delay problems related to cross-border payments. According to Beau, members of the European Union and other regions have always had to suffer long periods of waiting for payments to get transferred between international banks. Such long processes attract high fees and are generally insecure services. Tokenization of the banking space would bring a twist and an end to the pressing problems. A combination of tokens and the…

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