How metal detectors in the airport work Metal detectors make use of the James Clerk Maxwell laws. James Clerk is a Scottish scientist who discovered the relationship between electricity and magnetism. The metal detectors in the airport make use of pulse induction (PI) technology. It is a kind of technology that sends powerful pulses of current through a coiled wire. In each pulse production, there is a creation of a magnetic field. The purpose of the magnetic field is to react with the receiver coils and trigger the alarm system. However, the initiating spike lasts for less than a second. It causes a correct with is referred to as a reflected pulse to run through the coils. A point to note is that the size and timing of the pulse clearly define the size and position of the object (Hsu & Apel, 2015). Within the metal detectors, there is a sampling circuit which assists in monitoring the duration of the reflected pulse. Comparing the expected duration and the current period helps the circuit to determine if there is a chance…

The Changing World of Work – Mega Trends The current world has evolved into a place of megatrends at work. Singh, (2012) defined megatrends as a sustained, global and macroeconomic and transformational forces of development that impact economies, cultures, business, personal lives, and society, therefore describing the future world and its growing speed of change.  This document covers technology, globalization, and mobility at work as megatrends. Technological Changes Risks of technology on an Organization The introduction of new technology to an organization may increase risk-taking behaviors and attitudes in some critical safety domains. For example, Anderson & Felici, (2012) states that Avionics and Air Traffic Management Industries (ATM), for example, is required to cater to the growing demand for services and performances that are cost-effective. New technology institution may have contentious results. This is because it escalates the requirements and demands on security and performances. Although the organization expresses its increasing demands over safety targets and performance over technological innovations, technology risks always seem to remain constant or to increase. This, to some extent, explains the reasons why perceptions of…

Increasing the minimum wage is the fairest way to benefit low wage workers. Positive reasoning: Increasing the minimum wage is not the fairest way to benefit the low wage workers. An increase in low wages will reduce the increase in demand for labor. Some employees will be retrenched or displaced. Increasing the minimum wages will also increase the production cost, and the prices of products will increase. In the long term, the low wage workers will end up spending more on basic needs, and increasing the minimum wages will not have much effect. Normative reasoning: Increasing the minimum wage should be the safest way to benefit the low wage workers. Low wage workers spent most of their salaries on insurance and basic needs. There is not much money left for extravagant spending. This makes them survive from hand to mouth, and they remain at the same financial status. Raising the minimum wage will help them to use surplus money on secondary needs, such as investing in businesses, and their financial condition will improve. Increasing the minimum wage is the most…

The San Francisco Camerawork             The San Francisco camerawork is a contemporary art gallery that offers art enthusiasts a look into photography as a new form of modern art. Cameras have allowed people to express themselves and allow for their creativity skills to be shown to others. In addition to this, photographers are capable of impacting the society positively by adding their voice on the issues people are facing in the world. I recently had the opportunity to visit the San Francisco camerawork exhibition. The experience was fun and intriguing because it changed my attitude towards photography in general because of the different designs the photographs had. The gallery is located in San Francisco at 1011 market street. The displays of photography works can be viewed from the outside of the gallery since it has glass panels at the entrance. Once you have entered the gallery, one is introduced to a collection of works from other photographers which raises a person’s thirst for more art pieces.. The collection that sparked my interest was the Jamil Hellul exhibition collection titled Together.…

What is your perspective on the value of including sources of external information within a work, whether an essay, magazine article or other? Generally, it is essential to include sources of external information within an essay, for example. If someone could only write concerning topics he has extensive experience with, most people would be bounded in the topics one can write about. Luckily, one doesn’t have to be an expert on an issue to write about it. Rather, it is possible to research to collect information and learn about several issues in a certain field. Researching offers someone information to use in an essay or a magazine and will often let the writer get potential topics for the essay before beginning. Examining sources helps in deciding the side of the topic; one believes in the most correct. Besides getting additional information concerning an issue, using external sources correctly gives the essay credibility. If the essay needs surveys, quotes, statistics and other forms of research are helpful to the writer in establishing his point and ultimately influence the reader to agree…

IT and Network Management Companies Most things we do in our businesses need to be carried most digitally in the days we live. IT and network will help your firm to be competitive to the level you want to reach as an entrepreneur. The companies for network management are many in the world, and choosing one should be one’s decision. The companies are usually different in the services they offer, and one should be keen on that. The following are ways you can hire networking companies. The expertise of the company should be the first guide to the company you hire. The quality of services is not the same from one company to another. The experience the company has will determine the quality of services that will be offered in the management of networks. Hire a company that is experienced by looking at the period they have worked in the field, providing the services. Hire a company that has been working for many years in the provision of the services as they will be skilled to offer you their best.…

Matrix Worksheet Template   Use this document to complete Part 2 of the Module 2 Assessment, Evidence-Based Project, Part 1: An Introduction to Clinical Inquiry and Part 2: Research Methodologies     Full citation of selected article Article #1 Article #2 Article #3 Article #4 Yap, T. L., Kennerly, S. L., Horn, D. S., Bergstrom, N., Datta, S., & Colon-Emeric, C. (2018). TEAM-UP for quality: A cluster randomized controlled trial protocol focused on preventing pressure ulcers through repositioning frequency and precipitating factors. BMC Geriatrics, 18-54.         Whitty, J. A., McInnes, E., Bucknall, T., Gillespie, B. M., Banks, M., Thalib, M.,… & Chaboyer, W. (2017).  The cost-effectiveness of a patient-centered pressure ulcer prevention bundle: Findings from the INTACT cluster randomized trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 75, 35-42. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2017.06.014. De Myer, D., Van Damme, N., Van De Bussche, K., Van Hecke, A., Verhaeghe, E., & Beeckman, D. (2016). PROTECT – trial: A multicentre prospective pragmatic RCT and health economic analysis of the effect of tailored repositioning to prevent pressure ulcers – study protocol. Journal of Advanced…

Does Gun Control Really Work? America has experienced the highest numbers of gun violence and deaths related to the same. In 2017 alone, the most recent year for which data is entirely available, America recorded 39,773 cases of deaths from gun-related injuries. If the recent mass shootings in Texas, El Paso, and Dayton, Ohio, are anything to go by, then the issue of gun violence in America is far from being brought under control. The right to keep and bear firearms in America is protected by the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution, which grants limited access to guns across the country. However, it is interesting to note that despite the recent amendments done to the Gun Control Act of 1968, gun violence in America continues to be a worrying menace, which further prompts the question, is gun control an effective tool for curbing gun violence in America? The history of gun violence traces back as early as the 1980s and 1990s when homicide rates surged across cities in America. The surging number of cases were primarily attributed to…

Social Work Policy Social work policy refers to principles that promote social welfare to marginalized individuals in society through social and economic justice. The social work profession is the practical use of social values to improve individuals’ quality of life. Social work professionals work in a variety of settings, such as schools, hospitals, and counseling centers (Popple & Leighninger, 2019). Micro-level practice refers to individualized intervention for behavior change, while the macro-level practice is the large scale intervention through community engagement for social development. Social work policy provides a framework for social health professionals to carry out interventions at both the micro and macro levels. The macro practice level focuses on addressing behavioral or relationship challenges of an individual while macro practice level majors on solving large-scale societal problems through advocacy. Social workers reform drug addicts and individuals with self-identity issues at micro-level intervention. At the macro-level intervention, social work professionals work with the government to formulate policies and legal frameworks that bring social and economic change outcomes (Steen, 2012). Social workers also solicit funds from local governments to assist…

Social Networking Sites I agree with Merchant’s thoughts on Social Networking Sites. It is true that in the era of technology and innovation, the use of social networking sites has been increased for different purposes in which education is the one. Social networking sites allow individuals to develop online relations with each other, interact daily through the use of devices, and function effectively. Social networking sites are used to build connections among people over vast distances. Social networking sites also used to look for the development of business relationships and casual relationships. Progress in communication technology removes all the barriers among people and replace many processes like the postal system. Because of social networking sites, communication becomes more fast and accurate. Back to the time, when the postal system was used to communicate with people across the globe. It was not an authentic way to communicate for business purposes. On social networking sites, people create their ID’s by putting relevant information and then add their friends to whom they want to talk, make new friends, speak with unknown people share…

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