improvement of workplace safety for a hospital’s staff The applicable practice problem relates to the improvement of workplace safety for a hospital’s staff. The safety of employees, including providers and support workers, is integral to the provision of quality care to patients. Essentially, it is not possible to maximize the productivity of healthcare practitioners if they are working in a non-conducive environment (Sokas et al., 2015). It is important to conceptualize healthcare provision as containing numerous inter- and intra-related components if one is to address the issue effectively. Zaccagnini and White (2017) to this approach as systems thinking in healthcare. The system consists of three levels, namely; micro-, meso-, and macro- levels. All of them are complementary. The micro-system is the foundational level for the system. It entails aspects of healthcare that intersect directly with patients who are the end-users of the service. At this level, the primary focus is the patient. Consequently, regarding the chosen practice problem, the major consideration would how the safety of workers with a hospital improves the quality of care that a patient obtains from…

Research Work: Data Sampling Techniques             According to Per Yegidis, Weinbach & Myers (2018), “a sample is a subset of cases selected for study from among people or objects within a defined population. It is chosen to represent the population.” The research would apply both probability and no-probability sampling techniques with various parameters and desired characteristics of the ideal sample. Taherdoost (2016) describes non-probability sampling as a sampling technique in which the researcher selects samples based on the subjective judgment of the researcher rather than a random selection from the total population. First, a census search would be conducted on the demarcated demography of prospective locations to determine whether there are relatively enough psychological patients who could potentially access counseling. Secondly, the counseling agencies would serve a wide variety of self-referent, non-mandated clients, and provide a non-generalized wide variety of psychological services. For example, agencies that offer clients the benefit of choosing counseling techniques for themselves and those that the practitioners selected the techniques to be used. Third, a consultation with a statistician will be used to confirm the size…

Fast Cash Loans: What Are They and How Do They Work? When you need some funds for an emergency, you may consider fast cash loans, which are quick and straightforward to obtain. They are available from various institutions and sources. However, while some institutions may be reputable, some of them can be predatory lenders. So, it is essential to do research and understand the available loan options if you need a fast cash loan. What are Fast Cash Loans? Fast cash loans are loans that individuals apply to receive funds in their accounts directly and quickly. In most cases, these types of loans are processed within a few hours, giving borrowers immediate access to cash when they need it most. You can get fast cash loans from various sources, including online lenders, credit unions, and traditional banks, as well as other traditional lenders. Fast cash loans are usually unsecured, meaning the funds are not protected by any asset or property as collateral, such as a home or vehicle. The Different Types of Fast Cash Loans Fast cash loans are available…

Workarounds and their implications for patient safety A workaround is a practice that aims to fix a different workflow or procedure to meet a specific goal. Those who apply a workaround are usually trying to find ways to achieve that goal more quickly and using a shortcut by improvising other methods of achieving something. They mostly violate the standard procedure; hence it can pose a risk to the patient expectations. One of the workarounds that I have witnessed in a hospital was the failure of pharmacist to scan medication when giving them to patients. This was happening at times when patients were too many, and hence, they felt scanning would consume a lot of time. It could pose a lot of risk to patients, especially if they need to track their medication history for future reference. There are no benefits of doing this because and I feel that it is not good at all. A current patient safety measure I have witnessed at the same hospital is where two to three doctors repeat an ultrasound scan before they publish the…

WORKER’S attorney in Charlotte, NC. Employees in Charlotte NC have rights that need to be catered for by a qualified and certified professional in the field of law. Accidents are common at work hence the need for a qualified person to come in handy for employees. The said concerned professional who is also an advocate assist these employees when they are hurt on the job to ensure appropriate payments made. These payments include health expenses and misplaced remunerations. Government laws usually direct employee reimbursements. These rules provide for static accolades to employees or their relatives in case of service-connected misfortunes and ailments. These accolades enable the wounded employee to obtain payment without commencing legal action against a company. The effect of most employees’ benefit bylaws is to make the company concerned strictly responsible for grievances received in the duration of the contract, without respect to the carelessness of the company or employee. The damage then must get up in the development and opportunity of engagement to give rise to a valid claim, and an employee-employer relationship must exist. Some of…

How Electric Skateboards Work   Quick question, electric skateboards vs. steep hill, Who wins?   Once in a while, riders will encounter steep and challenging terrain. In such cases, who wins? Is it possible your electric skateboard will handle the amount of gravity, or will you have to give in to all sorts of harsh terrains?   To help settle the whole issue, there are a couple of underlying factors that will affect an electric skateboard while on a hill climb. Depending on these factors, which will vary depending on the brand, riders can evaluate and decide a winner. Sounds fair, right?   Underlying factors   Motor power While on a steep hill, your electric skateboard motor power is directly competing with the gravitational force. In most cases, motor power goes hand in hand with the engine size. A two thousand watt motor is expected to output more power compared to a typical fifty-watt motor.   For this reason, the higher the motor power, the greater the abilities of your electric skateboard to handle the steep terrain   Battery capacity…

BLOCKCHAIN: TECHNOLOGY FRAMEWORK, THE REGULATION, AND POLICIES. Introduction Blockchain is a public ledger that is distributed and decentralized technology that is used to keep record behind the Bitcoin network. It is a sort of block information that is stored in a public database.The development of Blockchain technology has prefigured as an advancement that will enable significant changes and transformation of the operations of organizations and business transactions in the future. The emergency of rapid new technological innovations, most organizations, and businesses that use blockchain have realized significant benefits by using this technology to enhance their operations. The blockchain contains a series of blocks that help to record information in a crucial function with a timestamp, and the blocks are linked to one another. It contains distributed ledgers, where the information collected is stored in different nodes. The distributed ledgers decentralize information appropriately to prevent them from vulnerable attacks from cybercriminals who can destroy them. Its technology framework allows the storage of information safely, and it is not subjected to vulnerabilities like unexpected changes or manipulations or even being used to…

Professional Network Plan Professional networking involves fostering and increasing contacts to give and get referrals, advice, support, and information. Generally, it revolves around the creation of relationships that are working towards and are beneficial in reaching professional goals. Today, technology has helped a lot in this field through such social platforms as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Naymz, and BrighFuse, among others. These sites started as just avenues for communication among friends. These, among others, are some of the available platforms that can help us expand our professional networks. An established professional network has proved to be a vital part of our career lives. This paper describes my professional plan and how I intend to increase my professional network. There are multiple forms through which we network. These forms range from a one-on-one meeting with other people; connecting through social media; attending regular conferences; and attending industry events, among others. Besides, networking may occur at the workplace, social outing, and even in a meeting. One can seize a networking opportunity through any situation that entails interaction. As a result, I can take…

Working toward Shared Governance The members to be involved in the discussion The managers and hospital executives would be the most appropriate individuals to begin off the debate with. They have a comprehensive understanding of the external and internal hospital processes. The nurses would equally be involved in the discussion and should be encouraged to give their concerns openly. How to determine the support by the overarching organizational structure The two essential parameters that would reveal the existing support for shared governance by the overarching organizational structure include a cohesive corporate culture and the willingness of the members to embrace teamwork. How to determine if there would be an impact on the external stakeholders An analyst can determine the effect that a shared governance model would have on external stakeholders by evaluating the merits and demerits of the model on each stakeholder. How to determine the support by organizational culture and subculture Through the provision of teamwork and shared tasks, an individual could quickly evaluate the support that the corporate culture and subculture have for a shared governance model. The…

Workplace Tragedy and Occupational Safety and Health             Evidence from International Labor Organization indicates that 2.78 million people die every year as a result of occupational accidents and workplace tragedies. Beside the lost lives, economists have attached economic loss to it, indicating that 4% of GDP is lost to the same. Psychologists have also recounted the psychological distress that comes with workplace tragedies (International Labor Organization, 2019). As a result, the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) program was established in 1971 to help prevent occupational tragedies. The Halifax explosion of 1917 is a good example of workplace tragedies that have shaped the working of OSH. The tragedy was an explosion of a munitions ship on Halifax harbour, which killed more than 2000 people and left approximately 9000 injured (McAlister et al., 2008). The ship carried several tons of explosives such as benzol, guncotton and picric acid to be used in the French war. The fire was caused by benzol, which is highly flammable. This tragedy served as a wakeup call to the ILO. This explosion was a clear communicator of…

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