Philoctetes Essay 2, on Philoctetes, which students attending last night have already begun, will be in response to the prompt-question that I wrote on the board last: IS the ″deus ex machina″ at the end of Sophocles′ Philoctetes consistent with the play up to that point? That is, do we A) judge this move (the deus ex machina–god from the machine) as a cheap, ″god-saves-the-day″ device used to force a happy ending (and conformity to the Greek mythology) upon the play, OR have we, B) as the three articles or essays in the 4/27 handout have argued (in their different ways), been PREPARED, somehow, in the events, acts and emotions leading up to that moment, for Heracles′ ″miraculous″ appearance and Philoctetes′ (seemingly sudden) change of mind? [That is the basic prompt for the paper; below is HOW you are to go about responding to the prompt and writing the paper:] [unique_solution]1. Represent (with accuracy but in summary–probably in 2-3 paragraphs) some version of the (B) argument as argued by one, or two, or all three of the authors in the…

 Sapiens: a brief history of humankind This bibliography provides insight into examining Harari’s argument in his book, A Brief History of Humankind. The majority of the resources were found using Google scholar and includes a variety of scholarly articles written in the past years. These journal articles were peer-reviewed. Harari, Yuval Noah. “A brief history of humankind.” Publish in agreement with The Deborah Harris Agency and the Grayhawk Agency (2014). In A Brief History of humankind, Noah Yuval Harari argues that current history has shaped human societies. He employs a combination of several scientific discoveries. He mainly presents a hypothesis that explains how Homo sapiens succeeded in moving out of Africa thousands of years ago and how they dominated the planet. However, this document should reflect on challenges on the assertion that Harari made in his book on humankind (Harari, 18). Harari discusses topics like religion, nationalism, determinism, and the creation of mythology in this book. Kelly, Robert L. “From the Peaceful to the Warlike.” War, Peace, and Human Nature: The Convergence of Evolutionary and Cultural Views (2013): 151.,+Robert+L.+%22From+the+Peaceful+to+the+Warlike.%22+War,+Peace,+and+Human+Nature:+The+Convergence+of+Evolutionary+and+Cultural+Views+(2013):+151&source=bl&ots=wWFOqB2XkM&sig=ACfU3U0FWOSOvmLyUhiYUyXWMDKFisD6aQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjfg6GB0KLmAhWRlFwKHQZyDLcQ6AEwAHoECAkQAg#v=onepage&q=Kelly%2C%20Robert%20L.%20%22From%20the%20Peaceful%20to%20the%20Warlike.%22%20War%2C%20Peace%2C%20and%20Human%20Nature%3A%20The%20Convergence%20of%20Evolutionary%20and%20Cultural%20Views%20(2013)%3A%20151&f=false From peace to…

 circumstances facing the black community in the United States The author of the novel is Thelonious Ellison. The author focuses on discussing his personal opinion on the existence of race and racism. The author outlines that in his opinion, the human race does not exist. However, according to the world that he lives in, he is seen as black. The author is encouraged to quite writing articles about the myths of Greek. Instead, write articles that address the situation and circumstances facing the black community in the United States. The author of the novel has taken time to go through articles written by other authors. He is disturbed by the issue of authors who write articles that support racism can be successful, yet he does not. The author, the Monk, writes a parody version of a particular novel from a different author. He is, however, very ashamed of himself such that he does not put his real name on the parody of the book. The parody talks about a young African-American man who lives in the Ghetto of the United…

The interpretation of Penelope The interpretation of Penelope as a woman in the Odysseus is exciting and captivating. Following the feature of the story, Penelope spends about twenty years in loneliness filled with tears as she waits for her husband to return from the Trojan War that had since ended a long time ago. During this moment, it happens that she spends this time from the cave and bed of two beautiful goddesses as she cares for her son and wards of the advancements of her suitors. Juxtaposed with Penelope, Odysseus fits the same description as the loving husband in Greek mythology. Despite not being home for more than two decades, his fit and wit to continuously think of Penelope and his family are captivating. That said, Penelope and Odysseus are the perfect match mentally despite at the height of their separation; they show brevity and a non-tragic relationship and devotion to each other. Through the Greek mythologies and traditions, both genders, men and women, have been oppressed and dominated by roles that have been traditionally assigned and meant for…

Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Analysis of the Poem “A Prayer for My Daughter” – By William Butler Yeats The poem presents the love that the poet had for his daughter. It starts with the poet praying for Anne, her innocent infant child who was sleeping during the storm. Yeats uses weather symbols in the poem to demonstrate his feelings. The poem can also be said to be about survival in a world where reason or logic has been separated from passions. The speaker in the poem is the poet himself, and he is talking to Anne, his daughter.  The poem’s setting is unspecified, and the tone used by the poet is didactic, gloomy, frightening and precarious.            At the beginning of the poem, we are presented with the image of a young girl-child who is soundly sleeping through a storm. The storm symbolizes the violence caused by the “Irish War of Independence.” The external unrest concretizes the poet’s internal trauma while the innocent child sleeping by the haystack symbolizes Christ. Just reading through the poem, one cannot help but notice…

Show Dark             The Netflix science fiction series Dark requires concentration among viewers to be intense to watch and to understand what goes on. It is more than just viewers who cannot speak German or understand what the show’s characters are saying, putting down their phones to read and follow the subtitles. The German-language series requires viewers’ concentration to avoid missing small details, hidden meanings, and things amidst all of the show’s mind-boggling insanity and meticulous plots. The series, whose premise about the small town of Winden, Germany, follows several families and primary characters finding their way through the secrets they harbor that span generations, among them the abduction and murder of young boys. It is a show whose plot includes many time travels, which, together with allusions to pop culture, music, history, and, as covered in this paper, mythology, and folklore, help viewers keep up with the storylines, genealogies, and concepts of time. The significant symbolism and subtle references to mythology and folklore in the series one of Dark add to the meaning of the tragedy in it. There…

Story Type Analysis: Fantasy Introduction             Fantasy refers to a type of literary genre where the storyline cannot happen in real life. The plot is one that involves the use of magic or witchcraft that takes place in a place that is fictional or undiscovered. The main theme of the fantasy plot is to combine an array of language, architecture, and technology, such as to resemble the European medieval ages. I consider fantasy the most interesting story type in that it involves the use of supernatural settings, including sorcerers, witches, and mythical creatures and animals that talk like humans. According to Ekman (2016), fantasy often concentrates on imaginary aspects such as monsters, superheroes, magical creatures, fairies, and mythological heroes, among other concepts that exist outside the realm of reality. Fantasy has become popular in most media recently, although it is most predominant in literature. The most interesting aspect of fantasy storylines is that a simple plotline can be transformed into a fantasy story type with ease. For instance, one can change an innocent story of a child sleeping to hearing…

Court Case of Helen of (Troy) In this case, it is worth developing personal insights to prosecute Helen of Troy. The actions of her unwomanly nature prompt the start of the war that destroys Troy. Moreover, the adultery charges that have been brought about by Helen’s husband, King Menelaus, are evident and worth contributing to the war. Therefore, it is right to establish that the court case that is established against Helen makes her be found guilty of the various actions that she has engaged in society. It is created in Greek Mythology that Helen was the most beautiful woman in the world who was married to the King of Sparta. However, the adulterous nature that is brought pout through her actions that lead to the abduction by Paris can be portrayed as the significant cause of the Trojan war (Minchin 162). The numerous attempts by the Achaeans are focused on conducting her reclamation. The main reason is that Helen, in this case, is believed to be the daughter Leda and Zeus. The primary reason for the judgment is the…

Comparison between Cyclops and Sirens Mythical beings were common in ancient Greek history. People in Greece revered these ancient mythical beings, even though most of them were fictional. The mystical beings provided various meanings and implications to the Greek society since they were part of the Greek system. Many were regarded as great warriors who were used to protect the Greek society. The study will analyze some of these Greek mythical beings to unravel their definition, paintings and further conduct a comparison with other paintings from other Greek mythical beings. Specifically, the study will conduct an assessment on Cyclops and later compare it with the Siren paintings. A Cyclop was a one-eyed giant figure that was prevalent in ancient Greek society.  The Greeks believed that numerous Cyclopes were living in a faraway land that was devoid of any law and order. The cyclones were regarded as pastoralists’ beings that had savage characteristics. The cyclopes were regarded as foreign beings that had special abilities such as in manufacturing. The story of cyclopes has been inscribed in art not only within Greek…

Difference between gods and humans According to Segal, in the Hebrew Bible, the difference between gods and humans is based on the degree of the capabilities and not on the kind. For instance, it is developed that gods know more than humans but cannot be defined to be all-knowing. Moreover, gods can be more powerful than humans, and even though humans are not limited. They can develop and become gods. Segal believes that God is not omnipresent in the Hebrew bible. For instance, the incidence of the garden of Eden is not anticipated by God (43). Furthermore, the difference between gods and humans is that they have qualities of all kinds, unlike humanity. Segal further believes that heroism has the capacity of transforming ordinary individuals to become gods. It is through their ability to be celebrated in society and show capabilities that make humans treat them like gods. An example is a prophet Muhammad and Shakespeare, the hero in the poetry (Segal 46). Therefore, such heroes can transform to become gods through conferring them with divine qualities such as physical…

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