Literary Analysis; Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief Any author of reading material will always try to appeal to the readers from any generation. Readability and fun are supplements to the majority of the literary works. The book, Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, by Rick Riordan, is based on Greek Mythology and narrates a story about Percy Jackson, a young teenager. The author employed several literary devices, styles, aspects etc. This essay will predominantly determine the techniques used and to what extent did the author applied them to enhance the success of his work. Therefore, the focus aims at examining such literary techniques as the story’s setting, the character details, the narration style, the author’s tone, story’s diction, and its delivery of sharp details. The title The book’s title can conventionally refer to someone who has stolen lightning. However, we find Percy, the main protagonist, showing up in the Underworld with his backpack carrying Zeus’s stolen master bolt. Later, we understand that Luke had taken the Hades’s helm of darkness and the master bolt. Thus, the “lightning thief” is…

The black Americans’ identity The black Americans’ identity had a significant impact on their human aspect of love. The novel reveals how Monk had trouble and challenges of making healthy and long-lasting relationships. He had a rough and un-peaceful relationship with a woman whose name was Linda. They experienced an unsatisfying sexual relationship. The primary cause for the troubles in his life was his stubborn and arrogant demeanour. More so, the issue of black identity seems to cut across all in matters concerning love. Lisa is the sister to the author of the novel, Monk. Lisa has also experienced difficulties in her love life, just like her brother. Monk tells us that Lisa has broken up with her boyfriend. Similarly, Bill has experienced divorce with his wife because of his identity of homosexuality. Monk takes her mother to a retirement home because of her condition. He meets with a lady that lived close to a professor that Monk new. The developed an intimate relationship that led to them falling in love. However, the author does not take us far to…

Analysis of the Novel “Erasure by Percival Everett” The author of the novel is Thelonious Ellison. The author focuses on discussing his personal opinion on the existence of race and racism. The author outlines that, in his opinion, the human race does not exist (Hui & Yuanyuan 2019: 33-37). However, according to the world that he lives in, he is seen as black. The author is encouraged to quite writing articles about the myths of Greek. Instead, write articles that address the situation and circumstances facing the black community in the United States. The author of the novel has taken time to go through articles written by other authors. He is disturbed by the issue of authors who write articles that support racism can be successful, yet he does not. The author, the Monk, writes a parody version of a particular novel from a different author. He is, however, very ashamed of himself, such that he does not put his real name on the parody of the book. The parody talks about a young African-American man who lives in the…

play Helen by Euripides review In the play Helen by Euripides, the author has used mythology to explain what the play is all that revolves around some main characters. The author has used some of the most salient literary styles to deflate one of the famous legends of Greek Mythology. The myth in this play is that the main character Helen ran away in an adulterous manner with Paris to seek refuge in Troy. However, in the version presented by Euripides, it is only a phantasm Helen runs away with Paris adulterously. The real woman is believed to pine faithfully in Egypt. Further, when Menelaus is said to have been shipwrecked in Egypt as he was voyaging from Troy, he is perplexed to see a duplicate Helen. It is until the Phantasm Helen disappears and allows his reunion with his real spouse. This unbelievable act is used by the author to illustrate and emphasize the details of the myth. The pair then plans and successfully escapes from Egypt. Their reason for escaping is that king Theoclymenus wanted to lure Helen…

Lunar Report for Astronomy In the field of astronomy, lunar is a term used to refer to any object related to the moon. Thus, the word lunar is often used interchangeably with the term moon. General Lunar Background The term “lunar” is derived from the ancient Greek goddess of the moon called luna (May 37). According to Greek mythology, luna is perceived as the compliment to the god of the sun referred to as Sol. Hence, the moon appears at night while the sun appears during the day. The moon revolves around the Earth and is the Earth’s only satellite that occurs naturally. Also, it is the fifth-biggest satellite in the Solar system. In comparison to other planetary satellites, the moon is the largest concerning planet size. Jupiter’s satellite is the largest, followed by the moon. Finally, it is the second in terms of density. Scientists perceive that the moon was formed approximately 4.51 billion years ago, shortly after the Earth was created (Barboni et al. 1). The most logical explanation for its formation is that after a hypothetical object…

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