Ideologies of Variations in The Disney Movie Aristocrats Research Methodology The Aristocrats, a Walt Disney media production, was released in the year 1970. The animated film storyline revolves around the lives of aristocratic cats. It narrates on the life of a retired Madame who lived with her three kittens, namely pianist Berlioz, painter Toulouse, and Marie the sanctimonious. The lady included her kittens in her will, and when the loyal butler learned of that, he chose to kidnap the cats and ran away with them. However, in his ventures, the retired army dogs try to save the cats, and a stray cat, Thomas Malley, takes the kittens and accommodates them under his wing. The research work will analyze different dialect that the Aristocrat movie present to its audiences. The film presents different dialects and ideologies on race, class, and character. Data collection tools will be used during the research analysis as well as the relevant theoretical frameworks. The research methodology identifies the path through which the researchers would obtain data during the study period on the research problem. It is…

Liebestraum No. 3 Love Dream composed by Franz Liszt   Liebestraum is program music composed by Franz Liszt. It is in the genre called Lieder, which means a song in the German language, and i retrieved it from the following link  The music got published in 1850. It portrayed Liszt’s romantic and program music. The music was a key example of program music, and it was derived from the various poem which had a firm reference to love and death. However, our music of interest was from poem number 3. Liszt was born in the kingdom of Hungary empire, modern-day Austria, in 1811. He was one of the classical Hungarian Viutoso and composer. His father, who was an officer in prince palace, raised Liszt from there. The most exciting part of the Liszt music career is that he demanded attention by force. Later, Liszt’s music career got influenced by the likes of Adam Liszt, who used to visit his father’s residence. At the age of five, Liszt was very interested in the piano, something which prompted his father to…

Leisure and politics in Africa For a long time, there is being a debate on whether there is a correlation between politics and entertainment in Africa. This debate is centred on the fact that some of them were used to pass political messages in Africa appears to be more entertaining. A close look at the issue shows that the genres which are used in politics are the same ones which are used in Africa for leisure activities. This may not be a mere coincidence because a more in-depth investigation shows that some of the genres used in politics incorporate the cultural practices of Africans. It is in this context that the book African music, power and being in colonial Zimbabwe with the documentary Amandla revolution in four-part  Harmony are considered. The two genres speak about politics in Africa during the colonization period.  The film explores the use of music during the struggle against the apartheid regime for political purposes. The film seems to suggest that even nonpolitical songs became political when they were sung in the political context. In the…

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