Love and beauty Japanese literature is well known for its thematic influence in its plays, stories, songs, and poems. Many of the poems and stories that Japanese writers have written about is change, modernization, and, love. Some of the writers whose work has these themes in their writings are Natsume Soseki and Yasunari Kawabata. Their stories and essays have scenarios that show these themes vividly. In this paper, we shall review the idea of beauty and love in the work of Natsume Soseki in Sanshiro and Kokoro as well as the work of Yasunari Kawabata in the dancing girl of Izu. We shall review their literary work and the themes in their work and then describe how this theme is related to the three stories (Stahl 2). We shall examine the pieces of literature separately, and then at the end, we shall discuss the contemporary relevance of the writers’ treatment of the theme of love and beauty. First and foremost, there is Sanshiro written by Natsume Soseki, which got published in 1908 in japan in a newspaper called Asahi Shimbun. The novel talks…

The theme of love and relationship The theme of love and relationship has been a point of focus in most romance novels written. This factor is seen to apply in Margret Atwood’s story on Happy Endings, which tells the story of different characters, their love story, and relationships. The story further covers the various issues that people experience in life, showing all stories in spite of the situation end in a similar manner. The story covers the subject of relationships providing a stimulating and interesting read that also offers solid advice to couples. The author uses a combination of second and third-person perspectives to present the story showing different kinds of relationships in society. In all versions of the story, the ultimate ending for the relationships is marriage. This essay offers a detailed analysis of Margret Atwood’s happy ending to show the incorporation of the theme of love and relationships in the story. The story discusses various characters by describing the relationships they have with each other, where the focus is on love romance and marriage. This is shown at…

Bildungroman Jane Eyre &Black Boy Introduction Bildungroman is a novel genre narrating of a hero or heroine process of psychological maturation and focuses on experiences and changes that are accompanying the growth of the person from youth to adult. To be a bildugroman the hero will experience certain forms of plan or loss, and he or she may be away from their family into a journey of desiring self identity. Example of novels within this genre includes Jane Eyre and Black Boy. Jane Eyre Through the novel, Jane Eyre grows up; moving from a radical stage to a more pragmatic consciousness Psychological maturation is a common quality of Bildungsroman type. Toward the starting, Jane uses the information she gains from the books to shield herself when she is furious: Her furious and turbulent feelings have developed since she lost her guardians and was embraced unwillingly by Mrs. Reed. Jane can’t discover her place in this crew. Her resentment and distress turns out to be more serious every time Mrs. Reed’s family regards her not as a relative but rather more…

INFLUENCE OF WRITING ON PEOPLE ABSTRACT   Writing has been playing an essential role in our lives since we learnt how to read and write. This research paper, hence, emphasizes on how writing has influenced a person and how it has managed to change his or her life. A caveman started writing by carving symbols on walls. The invention of quills and inks allowed people to record in scrolls of parchments. Advancements in technology have propelled people to digitize their writing rather than penning them down. No matter what is being used to write, the definition of writing remains the same: It is the work of a writer. However, it is the contents of the writing, which has evolved with time.   When a writer picks up his or her writing material, they put down their emotions, thoughts, and experiences into books, articles, or blogs, which millions of people read. These writings in one way or the other has become one of the most influential tools on people and their lives. For example, had it not been for writing, people…

The Hunger Games novel Introduction The Hunger Games novel has become so popular with people in the current society.   Most people like the novel, what has made the book immensely known   that the author wrote it in first person. The reader got to be in the mind of Katniss Everdeen, the girl who is flawed in   many ways that everyone cannot offer help but relate to her in a way.   Dystopian novels   have been popular for the last 50 years, but none have been done quite like this one.  For the adults, there is something that for real resembles reality when Collins is describing the different districts and how they are to the Capitol.  For young audience, this interesting novel might    be their first one about a dystopian prose. No matter who you are the events of the novel stir you up, leaving you wanting for more in future.  The controversial, events, and decisions characters make do bring to life an imperfect world which readers have to talk about to others after they are done reading it. Many critics have compared the…

Analysis of Shakespeare’s Wooing Scenes             Art is a record of the artist’s feeling about something that’s happening on a period in history. Artists choose on their words, color, line texture, and composition to express their feelings. Shakespeare, in his novels: Henry V and Romeo and Juliet, tells his readers his feelings on love and romance in his time which is taken to be ambiguous love presented by Shakespeare which ends with death cases to prove courage and unconditional love. The wooing scene in the film Henry V and Romeo & Juliet tells audiences the love and romance in Shakespeare’s time are full of romanticism which differentiates from the nowadays romantic relationship. It presents in that people expressing love very straight forward and quickly, the expression of love is poetic, they move from word to action very quickly, and parents play a significant role in marriage. A straight forward love in the Shakespeare time was love; at first sight, was real and believed to exist. In the Henry V act four this evident in the palace having King Henry honoring…

Women Portrayal              Women face oppression since the old days where they had no power to do or say anything but everything with a start has an end. Heroines are seen to rise and fight for women and fight for women’s rights, leadership, and a better lifestyle. In most cases, the tough experiences women experience challenges that tie them together through common threads. Both The Handmaidens Tale and Joy Luck Club shows of all the tough experience women face and in last come to a win. The work compares the portrayal of women in ″the handmaidens tale″ and ″the joy luck club″and how this concern the modern women. Modern women and the women in the Joy luck club both take part in sexism. In the Joy Luck women in chine rarely speak freely to express their opinion. An-mei gets raped by her husband, and the last option she would do was to marry the man to retain the honor (Tan, 2016). Lindo works as a slave to her mother in law and the father. All expressed is that women should…

Purchase Ready-Made Essay Narratives For Cheap MD: Our narrative essay writing service Canada has a brilliant way of linking with students so that they can get excellent essay guidelines from experts. Therefore place your order today and enjoy our service in Canada! H1: What Is A Narrative Essay? Well, a narrative essay is a form of essay that comprises of a single motive, a common point, in which the entire narrative revolves around. Every event, occurrence, and the characters narratively involved present ideas. These types of essay guidelines are said to be the same as a typical essay consisting of five-paragraph, which always has a similar format and structure. There is some distinction that expects that there are dialogues, narratives, characters, and specific incidents. There is a precise structure, certain elements that should be analyzed, and a vision. Students should not worry about writing their essay guidelines since professional service Canada can help them. Our narrative essay writing service Canada is ready to devote itself to ensuring the success of every student is enhanced through the submission of quality content…

Book Comparison:Slumdog Millionaire and Behind the Beautiful Forever Slumdog Millionaire and Behind the Beautiful Forever are novels set on the slums of Mumbai. Slumdog Millionaire is a novel by an Indian author; Vikas Swarup who tells a story of a boy brought up in the slum of Mumbai and is contesting in the Who wants to be a millionaire challenge and rises against all the odds and has just one question to answer with a potential to win the grand prize. Jamal is an 18-year old orphaned boy who has grown up in the Juhu slums of Mumbai and is the main character in the novel. On the other hand, “Behind the Beautiful Forever” is novel set on the same slums of Mumbai by an American writer explaining the interconnected lifestyles of the residents of the present day Mumbai. The two novels share several differences and similarities as well, especially in the way characters are built. The novels share similar and different character traits in several characters; for example, the difference between Jamal and Abdul, Asha is similar to Salim…

The Theme of Resurrection in ATale of Two Cities             Resurrection or being recalled back to life has been a fascinating aspect in the world culture. For instance, mythologies recorded in the Ancient Greece and Rome have featured heroes, gods and other creatures like Phoenix, Osiris and Orpheus that after dying came back to life in  new forms. On the other hand, Christianity which is a predominant religion especially among the Western world has been built on the belief of Jesus Christ resurrecting to save mankind from sin. In the Charles Dickens novel “A Tale of Two Cities” and which mainly scrutinizes the French Revolution, one of its main themes is resurrection. And although there is no evidence of characters being brought back to life literally, there are various forms of spiritual resurrection which have been presented. For instance, the novels has begun with Dr. Manette being “recalled back to life” after spending 18 years in prisons and ends with yet another form of resurrection although with a minor implication through a character who willingly sacrifices himself but while he is almost…

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